Monday, September 28, 2009

September 29th Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting

Tuesday, September 29th:

Shortened day!

Finish up monologues.

Wednesday, September 30th:

Begin theatre games!

Vocal exercises
Physical warm-ups
Emotion memories

Thursday, October 1st:

Theatre exercises

Vocal exercises
Physical warm-ups
Emotion memories

Friday, October 2nd:

Theatre games

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 21st Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting:

This week you will be presenting your monologues. Since there are over fifty of you in the class it will probably take about a week. You will then be assigned to Mr. Itkin's class or to my class. We will then begin working on acting exercises and scenes. And yes, the monologues must be memorized.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Welcome to Beginning Acting. The class is taught by Kate Bridges and will be combined with Mr. Itkin’s Advanced Acting class.
Each day the class will start with vocal exercises, stretches, physical warm-ups and acting exercises - some of them fun, some of them weird. But everyone is expected to participate and the grade will be based in part on participation.

We will do theatre games - particularly in the beginning of the semester. The games are fun and do require everyone to get up on her or his feet and participate. The games do serve a purpose and are designed to help the young actor grow.
During the first half of the semester, you will pair up or work in small groups of three or four and create scenes and/or pantomimes according to a set guide line which you will perform for a grade.

As the semester progresses, you will be given a monologue from which you will develop a character. The process which you will use to create a living, believable character will include improvs and exercises you will perform in front of the class, and written work on the character which will include creating a background for the character, a day in the life of the character, objectives of the character, and a “Who-What-Where-When” journal on the scene. These will be turned in for a grade. The monologue will be committed to memory and performed in front of the class.

You will also choose scenes and scene partners, create believable characters through the process described above, commit the lines to memory and perform the scenes in front of the class - complete with props and blocking.
You will rehearse with me twice. You will present to me what you have created on your own; I will direct and block your scene which you will then rehearse. A few days later you will rehearse the scene for me but this time fully memorized and with props and blocking. You will then be scheduled to perform the scene or monologue in front of the class.

You will perform one memorized monologue and at least two memorized scenes during the semester in addition to the group pantomimes and group created scenes.

The class will learn to critique the scenes and monologues and write criticisms or critiques of the work which will be turned in for a grade. The performer will be videotaped and then observe her/his work and write a self reflection on the performance which will also be turned in for a grade.

You will also be expected to keep a notebook which will include your written work and your scripts.

As a member of the performing arts magnet, you will be expected to usher and work tech on at least one show per semester and to see all of the plays, and dance and vocal productions put on by the magnet.
This should be a fun but also very demanding class. Because of the nature of the class it is important that we treat each other with respect at all times so that we may feel safe to create.

The grades will be determined by the following:
Participation: 35%
Monologue: 15%
Scene: 20%
Scene: 20%
Written Work: 5%
Outside participation in magnet productions: 5%

The week’s agenda will be posted at under teachers’ blogs, under jbridges and under Beginning Acting. You are expected to check it at least once a week to keep abreast of the class’s agenda. If you have a question please feel free to contact me at
