Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12th:

Look at all scenes which have not rehearsed with me yet:



Maxi and Haik


Beau and Landyn







Tuesday, December 13th:

Final Performances for:

Shamaya and Candace: RAISIN in the SUN

Ashley and Jayna: “The Actors”

Wednesday, December 14th:

Rehearse with Beau and Landyn

Rehearse with Maxi and Haik

Rehearse with Ayana

Thursday, December 15th:

Rehearse with Daniel

Rehearse with Eder

Rehearse with Taylor

Friday, December 16th:

All scenes which have not performed yet must perform today!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

December 5, 2011 – December 9, 2011

Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, December 5th:

Work with:

Second Rehearsal:

Vardui and Anahit: MARVIN’S ROOM

Final Performance:

Jazmine and Destyni:“The Body”

Tuesday, December 6th:


Final Performances:

Jazmine and Destyni: “The Body”

Xocee and Danika: “Shopping”

Adriana, Alex, Arposorn, Chardai: “TMS”

Work with:

First Rehearsal with First Scene:

Beau and Landyn: “The Hit”

Wednesday, December 7th:

Work with:

Beau and Landyn: “The Hit”

Shamaya and Candace: “Raisin in the Sun”

Thursday, December 8th:

Work with:

First Rehearsal with Second Scene:

Xocee and Chardai: “The Interview”

Second Rehearsal with First Scene:

Shamaya and Candace: RAISIN in the SUN

Second Rehearsal with Fourth Scene:

Ashley and Jayna: “The Actors”

Friday, December 9th:

Final Performances:

Xocee and Chardai: “The Interview”

Shamaya and Candace: RAISIN in the SUN

Ashley and Jayna: “The Actors”

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 28, 2011 - December 2, 2011
Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, November 28th:
Assign new scenes and partners to the following students:
Michael Baitre
Ashley Barnes
Capri Downs
Athon George
Tajanaye Parker
Jayna Staley

Work on first rehearsal of first scene:
Work with Xocee Smith in "The Interview"
Work with Shamaya and Candace on RAISIN in the SUN

Tuesday, November 29th:
Final Performances:
Aaron and Emillie in "The Campaign"
Alex, Adrianna, Arpasorn and Chardai in "TMS"

Wednesday, November 30th:
Find scenes for Aaron, Emillie, Alex, Adrianna, Arpasorn and Chardai
Work on first rehearsal of first scene:
Work with:
Maxie and Haik

Thursday, December 1st:
Work on first performances of first scenes:
Work with:
Beau and Landyn in "The Hit"
Dinesti and Jazmine in "The Body"

Friday, December 2nd:
First performances of first scenes:
Xocee in "The Interview"
Candace and Shamaya in RAISIN in the SUN

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Week of November 21, 2011 – November 23, 2011

Monday, November 21st:

Worked with:

Ashley and Jayna on “The Package”

Jazmine and Tajanaye on “The Mistake”

Emillie and Aaron on “The Campaign”

Tuesday, November 22nd:

Work with:

Emillie and Aaron on “The Campaign”

Adriana and Alex on “TMS”

Wednesday, November 22nd:

Performances Today:

Ashley and Jayne on “The Package”

Jazmine and Tayanaye on “The Mistake”

Athon and Michael on “The Agreement”

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

November 9th
Destiny and Aya: The Agreement
Dinesti and Jazmine: The Body
Michael and Athon: The Accident
Aaron and Emillie: The Campaign
Ashley and Jayna: The Package
Beau and Landyn: The Hit
Tajanai and Haik: The Mistake

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10, 2011 - October 14, 2011
Acting Class Agenda

Monday, October 10th:
Vocal Exercises
Final Performances:
Alex Yarza
Ashley Barnes
Cassey Mendez
Eder Perez
Rodney Haisten
Daniel Portillo

Tuesday, October 11th:
Theatre Games!
Kitty Wants a Corner

Sunday, September 18, 2011

SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 - SEPTEMBER 23, 2011

Monday, September 19th:
Theatre Games
The Observation Exercise:
Choose someone you see at least several times a week. This must be someone you really know and not a celebrity you see on television or the movies. You will develop a two minute scene in which you become this person doing some activity you have seen this person do. You may speak if the person usually speaks during this activity. The goal is not to “imitate” the person but to become this person: to move through the world the way this person moves through the world; to feel inside his or her body the way s/he feels - the aches and pains, the energy levels; to think the way this person thinks; to feel the way this person feels as he/she moves through the world, interacting with others, doing her work.

You must write the following information about this person:
Her/HIs approximate age:



The activity s/he is engaged in:

We will start presenting these on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 20th:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Pass out monologues
Choose a monologue. You will become this character. You will also commit this monologue to memory. We will start working on the monologues tomorrow and present them starting on Monday.

Wednesday, September 21st:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Present your Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues.

Thursday, September 22nd:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues

Friday, September 23rd:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday, September 12th:
Theatre games
Break into groups of three
Create a short scene using the same phrase but in three different situations

Tuesday, September 13th:
Continue working in groups
Begin presenting

Wednesday, September 14th:
Finish presenting

Thursday, September 15th:
Theatre games
Hot sensory exercise
Character walks
Assign observation exercise
Assign monologues

Friday September 16th:
Theatre games
Begin rehearsing monologues

Monday, May 30, 2011

MAY 30, 2011 - JUNE 3, 2011

Monday, May 30th:
No school!

Tuesday, May 31st:
Yoana Estrada and Xiomara Hernandez view tape of CRIMES OF THE HEART
Ray Reyes view tape of SAY GOODNIGHT, GRACIE
Work with Niya Edwards-Julius on "Emma"
Work with Dionna Carroll

Wednesday, June 1st:
Vocal Exercises
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises
Work with Mae Butryn
Work with Cody Gallegos
Work with

Thursday, June 2nd:
Jerry Melton Scholarship Auditions from 1:15 - 3:04 in #503

Friday, June 3rd:
All School Fair
Performers this week:
Niya: "Emma"

Friday, May 20, 2011

MAY 23, 2011 - MAY 27, 2011

Monday, May 23rd:
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory Exercises
Emotion Memory Exercises

Shared Memories:
Lusine and Sarai: "Forever n' Ever"
Itzel and Kimberly: "Shopping"

Work with:

Tuesday, May 24th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory Exercises
Emotion Memory Exercises
Theatre Games:

Work with:

Wednesday, May 25th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory Exercises
Emotion Memory Exercises

Work with:

Thursday, May 26th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory Exercises
Emotion Memory Exercises
Theater Games

Work with:

Friday, May 27th:
Theatre Games

CRIMES of the HEART: Yoana and Xiomara

MAY 16, 2011 - MAY 20, 2011 WEEKLY AGENDA FOR

Monday, May 16th:
No class; CST testing

Tuesday, May 17th:
Final Scenes:

The Break-in:
Kathryn Valdez
Jennifer Leyva

Forever n' Ever:
Lusine Dervishian
Sarai Oviedo

The Body:
Ana Santos
Cynthia Zarate

Friends Again:
Sesha Brown
Fatima Trejo

Wednesday, May 18th:
No class today; CST testing

Thursday, May 19th:
Final Scenes today:

Itzel Rapeta-Gutierrez
Kimberly Lopez

Artak Savtalyan

Theatre Games

Friday, May 20th:
Those who performed their scenes this week will watch and write a reflection on their work.

Work with CRIMES of the HEART with Yoana Estrada and Xiomara Hernandez
Work with Ray Reyes on SAY GOODNIGHT, GRACIE.

Friday, May 06, 2011

MAY 9, 2011 - MAY 13, 2011

Monday, May 9th:
Work with:
"The Break-in"
Kathryn Valdez and Jennifer Leyva

Artak Savtalyan

Tuesday, May 10th:
Work with:
Sesha Brown and Fatima Trejo

Wednesday, May 11th:
Work with:
Itzel Rapeta and Kimberly Lopez

"Forever N' Ever"
Lusina and Sarai Oveido

Thursday, May 12th:
Work with:
"Cyber Romance"
Glaiza Nevado and Dionna Carroll

Friday, May 13th:
All scenes and monologues will perform this week

Monday, May 02, 2011

MAY 2, 2011 - MAY 6, 2011

Monday, May 2nd:
Vocal exercises
Work with:

Miwa and Alex

Tuesday, May 3rd:
Final Scenes:
Yoana and Xiomare: CRIMES OF THE HEART

The actors will view their work on video, write a reflection and turn in their completed notebook the next day. The notebook should include "A Day in the Life", "The Biography"; "The Who, What, Where, When" Journals, "The Objectives" and their reflection on their work.

Wednesday, May 4th:
Final Scenes:
Ana and Cynthia: "The Body"
Luisa and Yakelin: "He Promised Never Again"

Work with:
Itzel and Kimberly: "Shopping"
Glaiza and Dionna: "Cyberromance"
Lusine and Sarai: "Forever n' Ever"

Thursday, May 5th:
Work with Nechelete and Christian: TABLE SETTINGS

Friday, May 6th:
Final Performances:
Itzel and Kimberly:"Shopping"
Glaiza and Dionna: "Cyberromance"
Lusine and Sarai: "Forever n' Ever"

For next week:
Nechelete and Christian: TABLE SETTINGS

Saturday, April 23, 2011

APRIL 25, 2011 - APRIL 29, 2011

Monday, April 25th:
Vocal Exercises
Sense Memory Exercise
Work with “The Show”: Christian Polanco and Melody Gulliver
Work with TABLE SETTINGS: Tane Tolbert and Nechelet Hambie

Tuesday, April 26th:
Shortened day
Theatre Games
Work with Lea
Work with Alegra
Work with Emigdio

Wednesday, April 27th:
Lea, Alegra, and Emigdio will present their scenes today.
The actors will view their scenes and write their reflections
Their notebooks with their reflections will be due tomorrow
Work with “Friends Again”

Thursday, April 28th:
Work with “He Promised Never Again!”
Today the following scenes will do their scenes:
“The Show”
The actors will view their scenes and write their reflections
The notebooks with their reflections will be due tomorrow

Friday, April 29th:
Today the following scenes will perform:
“He Promised Never Again!”
“Friends Again”
Theatre Games

Friday, April 08, 2011

APRIL 11, 2011 – APRIL 15, 2011


Monday, April 11th:

Scripts for “Mean Girls” and “Wayne’s World”

Actors work on scenes

I will rehearse the individual scenes today

Tuesday, April 12th:

Shortened day!


Work on scenes

Wednesday, April 13th:


Actors perform their scenes today

Thursday, April 14th:


Actors perform their scenes today

5:30 Make-up Call

7:00 Performance

Friday, April 15th:

Actors perform their scenes today

APRIL 11, 2011 – APRIL 15, 2011


Monday, April 11th:

Vocal exercises

Theatre Games

The actors in SPEED THE PLOW and “THE ROOMMATE” will view their scenes and write reflections on their work. The reflections and their journals will be due tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12th.

Work with:

“The Hereafter”

“Friends Again”

Tuesday, April 12th:

Shortened Day!

Vocal Exercises

Theater Games

Today “The Show” with Christian Polanco and Melody Gulliver will perform their scenes.

Work with:


Wednesday, April 13th:

Vocal Exercises

Sense Memory Exercises

Work with:

“Friends Again”


Thursday, April 14th:

Vocal Exercises

Sense Memory Exercises

Work with:

“He Promised Me Never Again!”

Friday, April 15th:

The following scenes will perform:

“The Hereafter”

“Friends Again”

“He Promised Me Never Again!”

Watch video and write a reflection

Remember your notebook is due when your reflection is due: the day after you watch your taped scene.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

APRIL 4, 2011 – APRIL 8, 2011


Monday, April 4th:

Theatre Games

Vocal Exercises

Work with:


“The Show”

These two shows, SPEED the PLOW and “The Show”, will perform this Friday

Tuesday, April 5th:

Regular Schedule

Theatre Games

Vocal Exercises

Emotion Memory Exercises

Work with:

Ana Santos and Cynthia Zarate in “The Accident”

Nechelet Hambie and Tone Tolbert in TABLE SETTINGS

Wednesday, April 6th:

Vocal Exercises

Sense Memory Exercises

Mae Butryn and Dionna Carroll in “The Hereafter”

Sesha Brown and Fatima in Trejo “Friends Again”

Thursday, April 7th:

Vocal Exercises

Sense Memory Exercises

Yoana Estrada and Xiomara Hernandez in CRIMES of the HEART

Lia Beck and Alegra Barajas in “The Roommate”

Friday, April 8th:

Vocal Exercises

Theatre Games

Today the following scenes will perform and be taped:

“The Roommate”


“The Show”

Friday, March 25, 2011

MARCH 28, 2011 - MARCH 31, 2011

Monday, March 28th:
Theatre Games

Tuesday, March 29th:
Pivotal Moment:

Niya and Miwa

CLERKS and AGNES of GOD watch their scenes.

Wednesday, March 30th:
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
Speed the Plow
The Show

Thursday, March 31st:
Most Pivotal Moment:
Speed the Plow
The Show

Friday, April 1st:
No school!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MARCH 21, 2011 - MARCH 25, 2011

Monday, March 21st:
Vocal Exercises
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
Agnes of God

Tuesday, March 22nd:
Sense Memory/Emotion Memory Exercises
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
Speed the Plow

Wednesday, March 23rd:
Vocal Exercises
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
The Hereafter

Thursday, March 23rd:
Theatre Games: The Entrance Game
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
The Hereafter

Friday, March 24th:
Most Pivotal Moment:
Work with:
The Show
Agnes of God
Speed the Play

Monday, March 14, 2011

MARCH 14, 2011 - MARCH 18, 2011

Monday, March 14th:
Vocal Warm-ups!
Most Pivotal Moments:
Finish first showing of first scenes:
Danielle and Andy review the video on their work
Your acting notebook will be due tomorrow with the reflection

Tuesday, March 15th:
Vocal Warm-ups!
Most Pivotal Moment:
Alex Birinyi
Cody Gallegos
Finish first showing of first scenes:

Wednesday, March 16th:
Vocal Warm-ups!
Most Pivotal Moment:
Sesha Brown
Mae Butryn
Finish first showing of first scenes:
Cynthia Valdez

Thursday, March 17th:
Vocal Warm-ups!
Most Pivotal Moment:
Second round of rehearsals:
Agnes of God
Miwa and Niyah

Friday, March 18th:
Theatre Games
The Entrance Game!
Second round of rehearsals:
Alex and Cody

Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011 - March 4, 2011
Beginning Acting Weekly Agenda

Monday, February 28th:
Work on acting scenes

Tuesday, March 1st:
Work on “Who, What, Where, When” Journals
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense and Emotional Memory Exercises
Work with Lia and Alegra on “The Roommate”

Wednesday, March 2nd:
Theatre games
Work on scenes

Thursday, March 3rd:
Work on “A Day in the Life” journal
Most Pivotal Moment: Danielle Bossette on “The Cave”
Work with Danielle and Andy in “The Cave”
Work with Lia and Alegra on “The Roommate”

Friday, March 4th:
Work on the character’s biography
Most Pivotal Moment:
Lia in “The Roommate”
Alegra in “The Roommate”
Present the following scenes:
“The Cave”
“The Roommate”
The actors will watch their videos and write a self reflection which will be due, along with their notebooks, on Monday.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

FEBRUARY 22, 2011 - FEBRUARY 25, 2011

Tuesday, February 22nd:
Vocal Warm-ups
Work on Who, What, Where, When Journal
Work with Lia and Alegra on "The Roommate" in front of class

Wednesday, February 23rd:
I won't be here today. Field trip! Sorry guys!
Work on scenes

Thursday, February 24th:
Work on Character's Bio
Work on the Entrance Game
Work with Andy Kear and Danielle Bossette on "The Cave" in front of class

Friday, February 25th:
I won't be here on Friday or Monday. Work on your scene. We will begin presenting scenes next week.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2011 Spring Semester Acting Scenes
February 18th:

Yoana Estrada Crimes of the Heart
Xiomara Hernandez

Niyah Edwards Thelma and Louise
Krista Toroitch

Ana Santos The Accident
Cynthia Zarate

Lia Beck The Roommate
Alegra Barajas

Andy Kear The Cave
Danielle Bossette

Melody Gulliver The Show
Christian Polanco

Luisa Rodriguez He Promised – Never Again
Yakelin Oajaca

Tone Tolbert Table Settings
Nechelet Hambie

Katherine Valdez The Break-in

Joanna Magalog Speed the Plow

No Scene or Partner
Sesha Brown
Artak Savtalyan
Kimberly Lopez
Fatima Trejo
Emigdio Solis

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011 - February 18, 2011
Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, February 14th:
Vocal Exercises
Physical Warm-ups
Go over notebook
Theater Games

Tuesday, February 15th:
Theatre Games!
Make sure everyone has scenes

Wednesday, February 16th:
Vocal Exercises
Physical Warm-ups
Pass out folders
Pass out the following handouts:
Welcome to Beginning Acting
Preparation for Creating a Character
Who, What, Where, When Journal
Objectives, Super Objective and the Pivotal Moment
A Day in the Life
Character's Bio
Self Reflection on Scene

Thursday, February 17th:
Vocal Exercises
Physical Warm-ups

Work on the "Who, What, Where, When Journal"
Work on the first scene:
"Thelma and Louise"

Friday, February 18th:
Vocal Exercises
Physical Warm-up
Theatre Games: The Exit Game!
Work on "Who, What, Where, When" Journals
Work with:
"The Roommate"
Lia and Alegra

Objective and Superobjectives


Objectives are what you need right now, this moment.

Objectives are simple and immediate: the need to have someone open the door; the need to have someone look at you; the need to have someone listen to you and pay attention, etc.

Each objective met will combine to get you closer to realizing your super objective: what you really need to be happy, safe and content.

Super objectives are larger life needs: the need to live, to survive; the need to take care of your child; the need to love someone and to have that person love you back; the need to have meaningful work.

What does your character want or need to happen by the end of the scene?

What does your character need from the other character to make this happen?

What do you need to do to make that other character make you happy or get your objectives met?

Is the other character standing in your way? What do you need to do to make that character either get out of the way or to actively help you get your needs met?

How will these smaller objectives combine to help you realize your super objectives (larger life needs or dreams)?


In every scene there is conflict of some kind. What significant moment in your character’s life made your character choose a particular course of action (which is shown in your scene)?

Create a scene of a pivotal moment (important, crucial moment) in your character’s past in which your character decides to take a particular course of action.

In the scene, “The Witness”, it could be seeing someone brutally murdered in front of you in the past which propels you to become a detective or a cop, or it could be seeing someone murdered in front of you (in the recent past) and you decide not to come forward as a witness.

In “DMV Tyrant”, it could be something as trivial as being pulled over by a rude traffic cop who notices that your driver’s license has expired and you have to get it renewed. If you are the DMV clerk, it could be too many instances of too many rude, dumb people annoying you for too many years.

Your pivotal moment will be determined by your scene’s character. The pivotal moment should be based on your character and your character’s past. It should be a minimum of three minutes long and can include dialogue. You may use other people in the scene with you.

Who, What, Where, When Journals

When you receive your script, one of the first things you do to personalize the character is to go through the script and create a back story about every person, place, thing or event that you and the other character in the scene refer to.

How do you feel about the other character in the scene? What is your relationship with this person? How long have you known this person? What do you want from this person – both moment to moment, but also in long terms (super objective)?

You need to make up a personal story that creates in you the same reaction that your character feels. For example: if your character is talking about an older brother or sister that s/he looks up to, find a person in your own life that you admire and look up to. If you don’t have anyone like that in your own life, then create someone or create a composite (from several different people, real or from books or films) of someone who you could admire. Write a minimum of half a page about this person. Describe how s/he looks. Describe how s/he acts. Create an anecdote (short story) that shows why this person is meaningful to you.

If your character or the other character in the scene mentions a place, then you must describe the place. You can either draw a picture or create a collage of the place. Then you must write why this place is significant to you. How do you feel about this place? Is it positive? Why? What event occurred here that makes it positive? Does this place remind you of something that is positive? Is it negative? Why? What event occurred here that makes it negative?
If there is an event that occurred in the past, then describe the event. How do you feel about this event? How did it affect you?

If there is an item in the scene, how do you feel about this item. What significance does this item have for you?

A Day in the Life


When you are creating a character you need to know what your character does on a daily basis.
Where does s/he live? Does s/he live in New York in an apartment, or in a house in the suburbs or on a farm?
What kind of job does your character have? What does s/he do at that job? What does your character enjoy about the job? What are some of the challenges your character faces with this job?
Does your character have a family? Describe the people in your character’s family.
What does your character enjoy doing? What are some of your character’s hobbies? What does your character excel at?
What are some of the challenges with which your character has difficulties?
After work what does your character do to have fun or to relax?

Preparation for Creating a Character

1. Character Background
2. A Day in the Life
3. Who, What, Where, When Journal
4. Super Objective and Objectives
When you present your scene for the final performance in this class, you must also turn in your notebook with the above information. Each of the above, “Character Bio”, “A Day in the Life”, “Who, What, Where, When Journal”, and “Super Objectives and Objectives” must be typed and EACH ONE MUST BE at least one full page.
Each assignment is worth 100 points.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beginning Acting Syllabus


Welcome to Beginning Acting. The class is taught by Kate Bridges. The class is a "round robin" class which means that you will be in the acting class for about four weeks; then, after the fourth week you will transfer into a new class, which will be either dance with Ms. Thompson or dance with Ms. Goldschein or Stage Craft with Kate Morrison or Voice with Mr. Sacks. Each class will last approximately four weeks and you will then go into the next class.  In the spring you will decide which of the four disciplines (acting, dance, music or stage craft) you are interested in and you will be enrolled in one of the four classes.

Each day the acting class will start with vocal exercises, stretches, physical warm-ups and acting exercises - some of them fun, some of them weird. But everyone is expected to participate and the grade will be based in part on participation and cooperation.

We will do theatre games which are for the most part fun, and do require everyone to get up on her or his feet and participate. The games do serve a purpose and are designed to help the young actor grow.

You will pair up or work in small groups of three or four and create scenes and/or pantomimes according to a set guide line which you will perform for a grade. One of the assignments will be given during the second week of class where you and two other actors will each create characters and a scene during which you incorporate three predetermined phrases.

The next acting assignment  will be the observation exercise which is where you choose a person whom you know.  You will "become" this person in a one to two minute scene where this person is  involved in some activity you have seen this person do.  You may use props, other actors and you may speak as the person. This activity will be assigned during the first or second week of class.

As the four weeks progress, you will select a short scene with an acting partner, and you will learn how to create and develop a character.  The process which you will use to create a living, believable character will include improvs and exercises you will perform in front of the class, and written work on the character which will include creating a background for the character, a day in the life of the character, objectives of the character, and a “Who-What-Where-When” journal on the scene. These will be turned in for a grade. The scenes will be committed to memory,  performed in front of the class with blocking and props, and will be videotaped.

You will rehearse with me twice. You will present to me what you have created on your own; I will direct and block your scene which you will then rehearse. A few days later you will rehearse the scene for me but this time fully memorized, with props and blocking. You will then be scheduled to perform the scene  in front of the class. The class will learn to critique the scenes in a respectful and supportive way. Due to the nature of the class, cooperation and participation are  integral parts if the grade.  One cannot work in theatre without getting up on one's feet and participating; nor can one do theatre without cooperation with one's fellow actors or with one's director/teacher.

As a member of the Performing Arts Magnet, you will be expected to usher and work tech on at least one show per semester and to see all of the plays, and dance and vocal productions put on by the magnet.

This should be a fun but also very demanding class. Because of the nature of the class it is important that we treat each other with respect at all times so that we may feel safe to create.

The grades will be determined by the following:
Participation/Cooperation: 60%
Scene: 20%
Written Work: 10%
Outside participation in magnet productions: 10%

The week’s agenda will be posted at under teachers’ blogs, under jbridges and under Beginning Acting. You are expected to check it at least once a week to keep abreast of the class’s agenda. If you have a question please feel free to contact me at


Sunday, January 23, 2011

1) In your opinion, what sets your theatre program apart from those of other schools?

A few months ago we had an orientation meeting for prospective students and their parents. Our students fielded questions about what they liked about the Hollywood High School Performing Arts Magnet and they replied that they loved the performing, the rehearsals, the teachers, the intense camaraderie they shared with their fellow performers. When asked what they didn’t like about the school, they answered,”Going home.”

Let me share with you the typical day in the life of a performing arts student. I liken the school day to boot camp for it starts early, is arduous, demanding and ends late! Our students are highly motivated to attend our school, so many of them rise each morning at four or five to get on the bus to be here by 7:45 when class begins. The students take academically challenging classes such as A.P. Calculus and Government in addition to their performance classes in dance, voice, acting and play production. The school day for the regular high school students at Hollywood ends at 3:05 but not for magnet students. Our performance classes in drama, dance and music will continue until five or six or seven or many times even later. When we are rehearsing for a show and are drawing closer to the opening, we will stay until nine or ten at night, and of course, there are the all day Saturday and Sunday rehearsals.

Many of the student-performers live far from school and must find their own way home

after these late night rehearsals - there are no buses after five p.m. - and the students

rise at four or five the next morning to do it all over again. And of course, there are the

weekend rehearsals. In order to participate in these shows, the students must maintain

a solid grade point average. As you can see, the level of commitment and responsibility

that is demanded of our students is tremendous.

  1. What is your school’s philosophy towards training students in theatre?

Our attitude towards training is embodied in the belief that each student is an artist and has the gift of creativity. It is our mission to free that student to express what is locked inside her or him. Our training is rigorous with the intent to instill discipline and awareness of self and others, and to prepare the young artist for additional training for a professional career. However, it must be noted that the focus of the training is not just to develop the young artist for a professional career but to develop the mind, soul and heart of a human being who may or may not become a professional artist but whose life has been touched and expanded through the arts. This young person will carry through out life the lessons, the awareness and the discipline that her arts training has given her.


Monday, January 17, 2011

JANUARY 18, 2010 - JANUARY 21, 2010

Tuesday, January 18th:
Shortened day.
Christian and Ray will watch their scene and write a reflection which will be due on Wednesday, January 19th.
Work with Melody and Summer

Wednesday, January 19th:
Pivotal Moment:
Work with: Kimberly and Joanna on "Family Scene"

Thursday, January 20th:
Pivotal Moment:
Yoanna Estrada
Xiomara Hernandez
Work with Kimberly and Joanna on "Family Scene"

Friday, January 21st:
"Family Scene" and "Juvie" will perform today.

Monday, January 10, 2011



Monday, January 10th:


Theatre games: “Rock Star”

Students rehearse scenes with partners

The following students will watch their scenes and write a reflection:

Dianna and Christa

Niyah and Andy

Tuesday, January 11th:

Vocal Warm-ups

Physical Warm-ups

Pivotal Moment

Enter and first line of play

Last line from play and exit

Work with scene:

Christian and Ray: “The Medium”

Wednesday, January 12th:

Vocal Warm-ups

Physical Warm-ups

Pivotal Moment

Enter and first line of play

Last line from play and exit

Work with scene:

Christian and Ray: The Medium

Thursday, January 13th:

Vocal Warm-ups

Physical Warm-ups

Pivotal Moment

Enter and first line of play

Last line from play and exit

Work with scene:

Melody and Summer: “The Killers”

Friday, Janaury 14th:


Theatre games

Scenes will perform