Sunday, September 18, 2011

SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 - SEPTEMBER 23, 2011

Monday, September 19th:
Theatre Games
The Observation Exercise:
Choose someone you see at least several times a week. This must be someone you really know and not a celebrity you see on television or the movies. You will develop a two minute scene in which you become this person doing some activity you have seen this person do. You may speak if the person usually speaks during this activity. The goal is not to “imitate” the person but to become this person: to move through the world the way this person moves through the world; to feel inside his or her body the way s/he feels - the aches and pains, the energy levels; to think the way this person thinks; to feel the way this person feels as he/she moves through the world, interacting with others, doing her work.

You must write the following information about this person:
Her/HIs approximate age:



The activity s/he is engaged in:

We will start presenting these on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 20th:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Pass out monologues
Choose a monologue. You will become this character. You will also commit this monologue to memory. We will start working on the monologues tomorrow and present them starting on Monday.

Wednesday, September 21st:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Present your Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues.

Thursday, September 22nd:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues

Friday, September 23rd:
Theatre Games
Sense Memory Exercises
Observation Exercises
Work on your monologues

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday, September 12th:
Theatre games
Break into groups of three
Create a short scene using the same phrase but in three different situations

Tuesday, September 13th:
Continue working in groups
Begin presenting

Wednesday, September 14th:
Finish presenting

Thursday, September 15th:
Theatre games
Hot sensory exercise
Character walks
Assign observation exercise
Assign monologues

Friday September 16th:
Theatre games
Begin rehearsing monologues