Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 25, 2013 - March 1, 2013 Beginning Acting

February 25, 2013 - March 1, 2013
Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, February 25th:
Theatre Games
Rehearse Monologues

Tuesday, February 26th:
Theatre Games
Rehearse Monologues

Wednesday, February 27th:
Warm-ups: Vocal and Physical
Sense Memory Walk
Rehearse Monologues
Begin presenting monologues

Thursday, February 28th:
Warm-ups: Vocal and Physical
Sense Memory Walk
Rehearse Monologues
Begin presenting monologues

Friday, March 1st:
Warm-ups: Vocal and Physical
Rehearse Monologues
Begin presenting monologues

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 19, 2013 - February 22, 2013 Beginning Acting Agenda

February 19, 2013 - February 22, 2013
Beginning Acting

Tuesday, February 19th:
Monologue Rehearsals!

Wednesday, February 20th:
Warm-ups: vocal and physical
Theatre Games:
Two students begin a dialogue where each student must start her/his line with the last letter of the other actor's line.
Cocktail Party: One actor is throwing a party where guests arrive with an "issue"; for example, one of the guests thinks he is Lady Gaga or another is terrified of heights and thinks s/he is on a tight rope.  The host of the cocktail party and the audience must figure out what each character's issue is.
Monologue Rehearsals!

Thursday, February 21st:
Monologue Rehearsals!

Friday, February 22nd:
Begin performing the monologues!

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013 - February 15, 2013 Agenda

February 11, 2013 - February 15, 2013 Beginning Acting Class Agenda

Monday, February 11th:
Warm-ups: Vocal and Physical
Physical: Warm-up to music

Make Up a Story: The acting tribe stands in a circle.  The first actor starts by saying, "Once"; the second actor says, "Upon"; the third actor says, "A "; and the fourth actor says, "Time"; the fifth and subsequent actors then say one word to contribute to the fairy tale. The story goes around the circle with each actor contributing one word to the story.

Just Questions: Two actors face off, with one of the actors beginning.  The actors can only ask questions of each other; no statements. The first actor who forgets and replies without a question is out of the game.

Five Words: An actor is secretly given five random nouns: race car, church, red scooter, guitar, etc.  The actor has to make up a story using the five random words in under one minute.  The other actors have to guess which words were the given words.

The actors are to work quietly on writing their monologues. 

Tuesday, February 12th:
Warm-ups: Vocal
Physical: Warm-up to music

Students work quietly on their monologues.
Some students will show their monologues to me.

Wednesday, February 13th:
Warm-ups: Vocal
Physical:"Morph!" " Palm Trees-Charlie's Angels-Elephant Ears-Clint Eastwood"; Ninja-Rock-Paper-Scissors";
Students work on their monologues
Students will show their monologues to me.

Thursday, February 14th:
Warm-ups: Vocal
Improv Games: "The Dating Game"
Students work on their monologues
Students will show their monologues to me.

Friday, February 15th:
Warm-ups: Vocal
Students will work on their monologues
Students will show their monologues to me.

Next week: Students will begin presenting their monologues.

Monday, February 04, 2013

February 4, 2012 - February 8, 2012

 Monday, February 4th:
Students create their own vocal exercises and present to class.
Theatre Games: Taxi, Genre, Four and One

Tuesday, February 5th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory
"A Night at the Museum"

Students will choose a picture of someone they don't know.  They will create a backstory about that person and from that backstory, the student will create a monologue, which they will perform as that person.
Choose a picture.

Wednesday, February 6th:
Standing in a circle, one person begins a simple movement which everyone in the circle copies; then the next person in the circle changes it and everyone follows.  This is repeated around the circle until we get back to the first person. 
Vocal Warm-ups
Sense Memory

Creating a Character:
Each student will hold the picture of the person s/he has chosen and discuss the person: the age, the occupation, the city or country the person lives in, the neighborhood the person lives in, her or his family and friends.  What the person wants; what the person needs; what the person hopes for, what the person fears.

Thursday, February 7th:
Theatre Games:
"Just Questions Please!"
"Finish the Thought!"
Continue the"Creating a Character"

Friday, February 8th:
Theatre Games:
Walk Along the Grid. When the group "decides", everyone stops.  When the  group "decides" to move, then everyone moves.  An emotion is given and everyone in the group walks until told to stop (One-Two-Three-Stop!) Everyone gathers in a group, expressing that emotion.

An emotion is assigned.  The students line up in two lines. A student steps forward, pauses, then moves to the front of the stage, expressing that emotion.  The student then crosses the stage to the other line, pauses, looks back at the audience with the same emotion before stepping back into line.

Quiet time: Students work on creating their monologues.