Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 27, 2014 - October 31, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 27th: 

Break into groups and work on scenes
As you are working please look for the following:
1. Where are you? Where does the scene take place?
2. What is your objective? What do you want?
3. What is your relationship with the other people in the scene?

I will work with at least one scene per class

Tuesday, October 28th: 

Acting Games:
Sandy Meisner

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class

Wednesday, October 29th: 

Acting Games: 
Walking reveals character
Playing drunk
The Entrance Exercise

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class

Thursday, October 30th: 

Acting Games: 
The Entrance Game

Friday, October 31st: 

Acting Games: 
The Entrance Game

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 20, 2014 - October 24th Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 20th: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Finish reading TWELFTH NIGHT

Tuesday, October 21st: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Break into pairs; students will be paired up or placed into group scenes from TWELFTH NIGHT 

Wednesday, October 22nd:

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Read through of scenes

Thursday, October 23rd: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Begin working on scenes

Friday, October 24th:

Meet in front of 503 to ride the metro to downtown L.A. 
Make sure:
You get your lunch from the cafeteria before leaving.
You have your tap card. 
You have turned in your trip slip by Thursday, October 23rd. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 - October 17, 2014 Agenda for Advanced Acting Class

Monday, October 13th:

Vocal Warm-ups
"Perfect Love and the Madman"
Work on "The Circle of Life"; page 38
"The Jester's Wife"; pages 39 - 48

After School:
Vocal Warm-ups
"Perfect Love and the Madman"
Work on "The Circle of Life": page 38
"The Jester's Wife"; pages 39 - 48

Tuesday, October 14th

Theatre games
Finish reading Act 4, Scene 2

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 6, 2014 - October 10, 2014 Acting Class Agenda

Monday, October 6th:
Theatre Games

Tuesday, October 7th:
Theatre games
Read and act out Act 3, Scenes 1 and 2

Wednesday, October 8th:
Theatre games
Read and discuss Act 3, Scene 4

Thursday, October 9th:
Theatre games
"Pass the Clap"
Improv Act 3, Scene 4

Friday, October 10th:
Theatre Games:
"Pass the Clap"
Read, discuss Act 3, Scenes 4 and 5