Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 25, 2015 - May 29, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 25th: 


Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 26th: 

The Summer Program for AADA (special pitch to prospective males)
Break class into scenes.
Gave Gamma Rays the stage to rehearse for about ten minutes.
Watched AGNES of GOD, with Jessianne and Jam
Loaned Nicole a copy of the script to Playing for Time, but it disappeared when she went to the bathroom.
Allowed Ry to do her “I Believe” as her final monologue.

Wednesday, May 27th: 

Tony and Berlin performed “Clerks” for their final project
Both were told to write a reflection on the performance.



Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2018 - May 22, 2018 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 18th:

 Broke class into scenes:
Worked with “Clerks”: Berlin and Tony – finish tomorrow

Tuesday, May 19th: 

Work with "Clerks' - Tony and Berlin
They did not write down blocking
Presumably other scenes were rehearsing.

Wednesday, May 20th: 

Not here. Sub here. Said most student did not work.

Thursday, May 21st: 

Work with Christian Polanco and Carl on scene from GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS
Cut it
Talked to Ry who is worried about scene. Will cut SPEED-the-PLOW for her


Friday, May 22nd:

Ry upset because her final scene is too long and her scene partner, Melissa, is not here due to her mother’s health.  I told her  she could do a monologue instead.

Worked with The Effects of Gamma-Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds.
Cut it a wee bit and blocked it. Ayana, who plays Tillie, was not here, so had Ry sub instead.

Had rest of the actors work on their scenes in lobby or in 502 rehearsing.  Went over which scenes are going up and when for final:
Carl’s scene is going on Tuesday. 
Christian's scene is going on Wednesday.

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015 - May 15, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 11th:

Guest speaker from AADA, Timothy Landfield, spoke to class about their summer program.
Collected trip slip for Mark Taper forum.
Passed out new and final scripts for the year:

AGNES of GOD                                    Jessianne Banegas, Jam Delos Reyes

CLERKS:                                               Berlin Givens, Tony Sanchez

FIGHT CLUB                                        Anton Burman

GAMMA RAYS                                    Ayana Bahar, Alondra Gonzalez, Maria Kevorkian

GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS:               Carl Arguelles, Christian Polanco

PLAYING for TIME                              Patzy Perez, Nicole Savluk

SPEED-the-PLOW                                 Melissa Navarro, Ry Taylor

Jahayra Rojas

Tuesday, May 12th: 

Exhausted from 4th Period. Not feeling well. Allowed class to work on scenes.

Wednesday, May 13th: 

Took class to the Mark Taper Forum to see Immediate Family

Thursday, May 14th: 

Passed out script of "Clerks" to Tony
Worked with Nicole and Patzy on Arthur Miller's Playing for Time. 

Friday, May 15th: 

No seniors and few juniors here today – prom!

Cut Speed-the-Plow for Melissa
Work on “Fight Club’ with Anton - read through and discussion
Gave monologue from Faculty Lounge to Jahayra


Monday, May 04, 2015

May 4, 2015 - May 8, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class


Monday, May 4th: 

Had 12th Night students organize their costumes and props, and fill out a prop and costume inventory sheet. 
Worked with A Comedy of Errors – Patzy and Jessiane. Neither are off book.
Other students rehearsed or worked on lines. 

All scenes must be finished by Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 5th:

Melissa led theatre games:
What would you do under certain circumstances such as “an arranged marriage?”

Work with Two Gentlemen of Verona” – Jessianne and Patzy
Final rehearsal
Rehearse Two Gentlemen of Verona
Tomorrow perform the following scenes:
Two Gentlemen of Verona – Jessianne and Patzy
Hamlet – Carl and Jam
A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Christian and Ayana
MacBeth – Tony and Alondra 

Wednesday, May 6th: 

The Grave Diggers’ Scene: Jahayrah and Maria
Work with them on Thursday, and have them do it on Friday

Final Performance:
Tony – not fully engaged, a little uncertain on lines
Alondra – fast, dry tongue clicking against front of mouth , rammed through beats

A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
Ayana – Titania
Christian – Oberon

Tomorrow: Work with "The Grave Diggers' Scene"
Have A Midsummer Night's Dream perform their final presentation tomorrow (Thursday).

 Thursday, May 7th: 


Work with Jahayrah and Maria on HAMLET
Got half-way through it; finish it tomorrow. They will present tomorrow.

Christian and Ayana performed A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM for a grade.
D for rehearsal.  C for performance


Friday, May 01, 2015

April 27th, 2015 - May 1, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, April 27th: 

Everyone worked on their scenes!

Worked with Ayana and Christian on A Midsummer Night's Dream
Finished blocking it. 

Tuesday, April 28th: 

Special 2 hour schedule!

Rehearse with Alondra and Tony on MacBeth - still on book! Both get a "C":

Final performance with Melissa and Ry  - Julius Caesar
Both got "As"

Wednesday, April 29th: 

No class today! Special testing schedule!


Thursday, April 30th: 

Not here today.


Friday, May 1st: 

Special shortened schedule today!
Pep Rally and All-School Fair

Passed out the trip slips for May 13th performance  of Families at the Mark Taper Forum
Passed out the schedule for Saturday, May 2nd performance at Grand Street for 12th NIGHT.