Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 30, 2016 - June 3, 2016 Weekly Agenda

Monday, May 30th: 
Memorial Holiday 
No School 

Tuesday, May 31st: 

Presentations of Rough Draft by Underclassmen:

Sarena: Young Nigerian who has come to the States.

Kimberly: Fifty-seven year old African leader, educated in the U.S. He is giving a speech to his people telling them they must turn away from the old ways. He is not going to leave an heir to rule after him for he wants democracy for his country - not a monarchy. 

Akili: Transgendered youth at a poetry slam. Tragic, difficult childhood - father dead, mother an addict. 

Final Presentation by Graduating Seniors:

Gus Rodriguez: speaking in front of the judge begging for custody of his son.  Never had a family as a child.  Most passionate wish has always been to be part of a family so it is vitally important that he be allowed to keep his son.

Wednesday, June 1st:

 Presentations of Senior Finals:
Katia: struggling young woman complaining to a counselor that she cannot pay for her college tuition.
Karla: helper, plays the college counselor

Tania: (rough draft – reading from script) a model who is emotionally closed up and cannot open up to people.
Sarena: helper, plays the photographer

Justin: (rough draft – reading from script) Iraqi leader speaking to an assembly of his subordinates urging them to turn away from violence and towards peace.

Thursday, June 2nd:

Presentations of Photos and Rough Draft:
Elizabeth D.
Daughter giving a eulogy of mother she didn't appreciate until many years later.

Akili – rough draft of poem, transgendered youth

Final Senior Presentations:
Franklin - mourning a dying love
Typed monologue, presentation

Ivette - confessing  to Dad about the truth of where the college money went and why she isn't graduating.
Typed monologue, presentation 

For tomorrow: 
The following graduating seniors need to do their final presentations: 
The following students need to do their photo, biographical information, and rough draft of monologue:
Chynna, Emily, Jazzmyn, Kimberly, Miriam, Sarena, Tanny, Whitney

Friday, June 3rd: 

Initial Presentations:
Whitney: photo, biographical details, no monologue
Young twenty-one year old woman with a tough childhood – didn’t know parents, lived in foster care.  Now living in a penthouse apartment thanks to a much older boyfriend. Suggestion: She is speaking to her boyfriend at two a.m. after her birthday party. The party, which didn’t go as well as planned, brought up a lot of old issues: feeling unworthy, issues of abandonment.

Luiza: photo, biographical details, rough draft of monologue – very good!
Letter to her little brother upon graduation from high school
Olivia’s parents divorced, mother fell apart after the divorce, and took to drink and boyfriends.
Olivia defended her little brother against one of her mother’s boyfriends and accidently killed him. Mother sided against her and sent her to her father who clearly didn’t want her. Gave her money to leave country to hide in Europe, where she became a photographer.  Her mother has since died from an overdose. Olivia, now living as Maya, has heard that her much loved brother is graduating and wants to see him again and ask for forgiveness.
Suggestion: Olivia is in the same room with her brother. She has taken an enormous risk to enter country to see her brother again to ask forgiveness. This may be the last time she will ever see him.

Final Presentations for Seniors:
Karla – unhappy medical student who is clearly not cut out for a career in medicine.  She is in medical school only to please her father who is a doctor. Spends all of her time either working or studying and even when she studies, she doesn’t get what she’s studying.
Helpers: Justin and Pamela as her parents.

Pamela – stripper in a club. Tragic childhood – father killed, mother fell apart and became a meth addict. The meth eventually destroyed her mother’s mind and the daughter had no choice but to put her in a nursing home.  Was brutally raped by a customer at the club. Now she is leaving the East coast and moving to California for a fresh start. She is talking to the kindly club owner, a woman, who is her mentor and mother figure.  She allowed Pamela to live at the club when she had no other place to go.
Powerful performance!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 23, 2016 - May 27, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Tuesday, May 24th:
Seniors are to present their rough draft of the character monologue on Thursday.
Writing session
Short video on "As if...."
Using the actor's imagination

Thursday, May 26th: 

Passed out application for Los Angeles Theatre Center Summer Conservatory for Teens
Contact Info:
Kate Bridges

Physical warm-ups and stretches led by Akili
Guest performance by Jeo
Presentation of Rough Drafts by Seniors:
Franklin -
Katia (helper: Karla) -
Karla (helpers: Justin, Katia) -
Ivett –

Continue with Seniors on Tuesday, May 31st

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016 - May 20, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Special SBAC Testing Schedule
Two Hour Block Schedule Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Monday, May 16th:
Physical Warm-ups led by Akili
Vocal Warm-ups:
Alphabet Soup
Tongue Twisters
Resonators: page 114 - 116
Meditation Walks as character:
Meditation on character’s environment and conflicts
Writing session: environment of character
Share out

Wednesday, May 18
Vocal Warm-ups

Plosives/Consonant Clusters (pages 88 – 93)

Resonators: page 114 – 116

Theatre Games:
Freeze Tag
Walking Meditation: Moving through the World
Walking the Streets of: Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood of character
Twenty Minute Writing Session:

Friday, May 20th: 

Short video on scenes of great film acting
Physical Warm-ups led by Akili
Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre Game:
Freeze-tag with object
Walking Meditation:
Central Conflict or wrestling with the answer to a question
Write about the conflict or the unanswered question

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 9, 2016 - May 13, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 9th:
Ms. Bridges is not here today

Tuesday, May 10th:

Finished off “The Subtext Exercise”
Ricardo: Wants to be fired from his law firm
Justin: Wants to lose a case so that he can keep an enemy in prison

Karla: pretending to be a doctor
Whitney: is sexually active but is ashamed to admit it to her doctor

Luiza – at seventeen, secretly married her boyfriend
Gus – secretly divorced his wife last night

Played theatre game –
Weird behavior triggers
Chynna, Sarena, Whitney, Elizabeth

Wednesday, May 11th: 

Emotion Memory

Last subtext scene:
Katya: a girl who is desperate for attention calls 911 and threatens to commit suicide.
Akili: the 911 dispatcher who wants to go home. 

Thursday, May 12th: 
Dance and Movement warm-ups led by Akili
Creating a Character: 
Passed out photos and allowed students to pick a photo  of a person
Students then write a quick write about the photo: images, words, adjectives, phrases, sentences, narratives, etc.  

Friday, May 13th: 

Most people not here today due to prom.
Walking meditation
Thinking about character:
Size – how does that affect one’s sense of self?
How does sense of self affect how one moves through space?
Where is the character?
Is it a city? A village?
In what country? Who is s/he surrounded by – friends, family, people who s/he trusts? Or enemies?
What is his/her status?

Monday, May 02, 2016

May 2, 2016 - May 6, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 2nd:

Gave the Subtext Exercise
Assigned partners:
Miriam, Chynna
Arianna, Kimberly
Luiza, Gus
Franklin, Ivett
Elizabeth D., Sarena
Tania, Pamela
Katya, Akili
Karla, Whitney
Elizabeth A., Jazzmyn
Emily,  Tanny
Justin, Ricardo

Also assigned the “Entrance Exercise” to those who had already performed the Subtext Exercise:
Mariam, Arianna
Chynna, Kimberly

Actors broke into pairs to rehearse

Sarena: Sarena finds Elizabeth irritating and tries to get her to leave. 
Elizabeth: goes to Sarena’s house on pretext of working on class project, but clearly does not want to work on project but wants to get with Sarena.

Franklin: really likes Ivett and wants to go alone to the party with her.
Ivett: likes Franklin’s older brother and wants to have his brother drive them to party so she can be with him.

Tuesday, May 3rd: 

Theatre Warm-ups
Palm Trees
Vocal Warm-ups
Subtext Exercises:
Tania – older sister is supporting her bratty sister after the death of their parents. Realizes she has to kick her sister out - even though she doesn’t want to – for her own survival. 
Pamela – murdered their parents. No one suspects she killed them.  Now annoyed at her sister for insisting she help out at home and pay her fair share, she decides to kill Tania.

 Wednesday, May 4th:  

 Akili led the class in dance and movement warm-ups
Timothy Landfield from AADA spoke to class about summer scholarship program. 

Thursday, May 5th: 
Vocal Warm-ups

Theatre Games:
The Clap Game from The Conjure Game – lead by Chynna
The person who is “It” is blindfolded and spun around. When “It” wants to get someone s/he claps and everyone must clap twice. When “It” traps someone in a corner the person must clap and then becomes “it”. Good for developing listening skills.

The Subtext Exercise:
Emily  - is trying to drag friend to a surprise birthday party
Tanny – really wants Emily to buy her a pair of shoes for her birthday.

Jazzmyn  - her boyfriend broke up with her to date her fake friend
Elizabeth – is now dating her ex-boyfriend.  Wants the three of them to meet for dinner.