Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016 - Friday, December 16, 2016 Agenda

Monday, December 12th: 

Worked with Germaine on Butterflies are Free for his acting class final.

Luiza performed her self-written monologue:
Nona was helper; played her mother.
Luiza is angry that her family uprooted her in her senior year of school in New York with her music lessons - her piano and music are the only things she cares about - to move to Colorado for her father's new job as professor at a university.

Wednesday, December 14th: 
Jose and Jack: True West
Germaine: Butterflies Are Free
Cooper and Grace: Wicked
Ty and Lindsay: “Death’s Wages”
Khalah and Jay-Nice: Summer Brave
Nona, Luiza, and Nush: “Betraying the Blues”
Ariel, Precious: “Mother for Hire”
Josh: Convicts
Amy and Angela: “Hanging Out”
Caitlyn and Ariana: “Something Happened Here”
Abbey and Julia: The Glass Menagerie

Rubric for Your Class Reflection:
Must be typed
Should be two pages
You may submit it in class tomorrow, Thursday, December 15th, or e-mail it to
This two page paper should be a reflection on your work in this class over the past four months.
Please list in detail what you did in this class, including your work on the Halloween shows; Peter and the Starcatcher; your self-written monologue – the initial presentation, the first performance, and the final performance; and your final scene.
Please reflect on what you learned from your work in this class and on the shows. What were your successes? What were your failures? What did you learn about yourself in this class?

Thursday, December 15th: 
Final presentations of scenes today! 

Jose and Jack: True West

Jay-Nice and Khalah: Summer Braves

Grace and Cooper: Wicked

 Germaine: Butterflies are Free (Monologue)

Irene Short: Pantomime

Josh: Convicts (Monologue)

Amy and Angela: "Hanging Out" 

Luiza, Nona, Nush: "Betraying the Blues" 

Polina: Self-Written Monologue; character is in charge of body assignments for souls

Valorie: Self-Written Monologue: 

Ariana and Caitlyn: Something Happened Here

Abbey and Julia: The Glass Menagerie 

Ty and Lindsay:  


Monday, December 05, 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016 - Friday, December 9, 2016 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, December 5th:
Your research paper is due today.
Clean-up the dressing room
Put the props away
Separate the costumes into dirty and clean piles
Hang up the "clean" costumes
Take the dirty costumes to the cleaners

Tuesday, December 6th: 
Presented final monologues:
1.     Hakob  - Fedex employee tied up by drug thugs who think he is a currier for a drug lord; they wind up shooting and killing him. Somewhat comic.

2.     Ariel – nice guy who is trying to collect rent money from a manipulative “friend”. The nice guy has a bit of a breakdown who confesses that he lives in a slum, and his wife, who has a better job than he, has filed divorce papers against him.

3.     Kaitlyn – sweet girl who has bought gifts for her landlady who would rather have her move out than be giving gifts to her. The landlady rudely rejects her gifts and starts berating her for wasting her money and demands she moves out immediately.

4.     Precious – spoiled brat who has been grounded and her mom has cut off her credit cards. The brat doesn’t know this until she goes to an expensive store and tries to buy some luxury items. She throws a fit over the long lines, the slow cashier (played by helper Grace) and of course, being told by the cashier that her card has been declined.

Wednesday, December 7th: 

Students who have finished their research papers and/or their final presentations of their self-written monologues must find a scene and a partner for their acting final. 
Students must present the titles of their final scenes and the names of their scene partners today:

Something Happened Here – Caitlyn and Ariana
Wicked (Scene 7 and 8) – Grace and Cooper
True West -  Jose and Jack
"Hanging Out" - Amy and Angela
The Glass Menagerie - Julia and  Abby

Thursday, December 8th: 

Clean up of the Thespian Christmas Party
Class break into scenes to rehearse

Germain – “Butterflies Are Free”

Friday, December 9th:  

Students pair up with scene partners and rehearse their scenes.
Eric Bumaty gave brief presentation to students regarding film project.

November 28, 2016 - December 2, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, November 28th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Tuesday, November 29th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Wednesday, November 30th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Thursday, December 1st:
In the auditorium, rehearse Peter and the Starcatcher 

Friday, December 2nd:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher