Saturday, September 30, 2006


Monday, October 2nd:

Relaxation and vocal exercises
Sense and emotion memory exercises

Presentation of written monologues:

Today the following actors will present:

Alex Rios
Jerry Clemente
Cristina Vargas

Tuesday, October 3rd:

Today the following actors will present:

Mariela Araiza
Monique Mejia
Kevin Magley

Wednesday, October 4th:

Today the following actors will present:

Vanessa Gray
Blanca Juarez
Irys Watson

Thursday, October 5th:

Byron Gonzalez
Jennifer Gonzalez

Friday, October 6th:

Anyone who has not gone will present today.

Theatre Games!

As soon as you have finished your presentation, then start looking for a scene and a scene partner!

Friday, September 22, 2006

September 25th, 2006 Agenda
Advanced Acting

Monday, September 25th,

Today more vocal exercises! Whoopee!
Relaxation exercises
Sense Memory and Emotion Memory exercises

As you are writing your monologue, please consider:

Look at your character’s photo.
What do “you” see when you look around in the photo?
What do “you “ hear in your environment?
What is the air like? Is it cool or warm? Is there a pleasing aroma? Or not.

Also consider:

Why are “you” there at the moment? What were the circumstances that
brought you there?
What were you doing the last ten minutes?
Who else is there in your environment?
How do you feel about the character in your environment?
What is your relationship with that person?
What is the central conflict of your life?
Tell us a story that shows this conflict. Be specific! If you are speaking of
some sort of abuse, don’t just say,”Yeah, he hurt me a lot.” Give a
specific story that illustrates the situation.

We will continue developing our monologues. This means you will get up as your character and present to us what you have developed so far. The only expectation at this point is that you have thought about this and worked on it. I do not expect perfection nor do I expect a finished product at this point. I just want to see thought and effort. The only failure that is possible with this assignment is not to do it at all, or to do it with little or no effort or thought.

Tuesday, September 26th:

Shortened day!

We need a break! THEATRE GAMES!

Wednesday, September 27th:

Vocal exercises!
Emotional and Sense Memory Exercises!

More work on developing our monologues. Remember, your grade gets a little bump if you volunteer!

Thursday, September 28th:

Today is a minimum day, which means that we will be getting out at 12:39 for “Open House”. We probably won’t meet today. I know you’re disappointed but I know you are looking forward to taking your parents to “Open House” so that I can tell them ALL ABOUT YOU! ;-)

Friday, September 29th:

We will finish up with the final developmental stage of your monologues and on Monday, we will begin presenting them. And yes, they must be memorized.

Advanced Acting

Advanced Acting

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 18th Weekly Schedule
Intermediate and Advanced Acting Class

Monday, September 18th:

Vocal Warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Presentation of your work in progress.

You will show your photo of the character you chose.
Then, you will share your:
Background of the character
Setting surrounding the character
Situation of the character

Tuesday, September 19th:

Today is a shortened day!

Vocal Warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Continue with your presentations of your works in progress.

Wednesday, September 20th:

Finish up with presentations.

Sense and memory exercises using your character.

Begin writing your scene.

Thursday, September 21st:

Vocal warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Watch Uta Hagen DVD on “Destination”

Friday, September 22nd:

Work with individual actors on their scenes.

Friday, September 08, 2006

September 11, 2006
Weekly Agendas
for Acting Class

Monday, September 11th:

Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

Observation Assignments

Tuesday, September 12th:

Today is not a shortened day!

Theatre games:

Triad Statues
Sound, Movement Triads

Wednesday, September 13th:

Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

Creating a character from a picture.

Thursday, September 14th:

Sense and memory exercises

Creating the character

Friday, September 15th;

Objective assignment (Sandy Meisner)

Continuing working on “Creating a Character”

Monday, September 04, 2006

Weekly Schedule
for Acting
September 4th:

Tuesday, September 5th:

Warm-ups! Relaxation exercises; sense memory, etc.
Vocal exercises.
Theatre Games!

The exit game!

Assignment: Choose someone who you know and see on a regular basis. No names, please, and no judgments! You are going to “become” that person for one to two minutes. For one to two minutes you are going to move through the world as that person, see the world through that person’s eyes, hear the world through that person’s ears, etc. I want you to really look at the world as that person would. I don’t care who that person is - as long as it’s not me - and I want you to consider how that person became who he or she is and what it is like being in the “skin” of that person.

I want you to write down the person’s age, gender, ethnicity, probable occupation, position in society, educational level, level of comfort with herself/himself, extrovert/introvert, any physical disabilities or health issues.

For one to two minutes you will be that person, performing a task or involved in a situation.

Remember, no judgments! Just be!

Wednesday, September 6th:

Warm-ups! Relaxations; sense memory.
Vocal exercies.
Theatre Games!

We will do some exercises on developing your observational character.

Thursday, September 7th:

See above.

We will begin our observational assignments.

Friday, September 8th:

See above. Continue with assignments.

Theatre Games!