Monday, September 04, 2006

Weekly Schedule
for Acting
September 4th:

Tuesday, September 5th:

Warm-ups! Relaxation exercises; sense memory, etc.
Vocal exercises.
Theatre Games!

The exit game!

Assignment: Choose someone who you know and see on a regular basis. No names, please, and no judgments! You are going to “become” that person for one to two minutes. For one to two minutes you are going to move through the world as that person, see the world through that person’s eyes, hear the world through that person’s ears, etc. I want you to really look at the world as that person would. I don’t care who that person is - as long as it’s not me - and I want you to consider how that person became who he or she is and what it is like being in the “skin” of that person.

I want you to write down the person’s age, gender, ethnicity, probable occupation, position in society, educational level, level of comfort with herself/himself, extrovert/introvert, any physical disabilities or health issues.

For one to two minutes you will be that person, performing a task or involved in a situation.

Remember, no judgments! Just be!

Wednesday, September 6th:

Warm-ups! Relaxations; sense memory.
Vocal exercies.
Theatre Games!

We will do some exercises on developing your observational character.

Thursday, September 7th:

See above.

We will begin our observational assignments.

Friday, September 8th:

See above. Continue with assignments.

Theatre Games!

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