Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23rd Weekly Schedule
Acting Class

Monday, October 23rd:

I will be at a meeting with Mr. Itkin and Mr. Auriemmo regarding the fall production of MOTHER COURAGE and HER CHILDREN so today you will work on your “Person, Place and Thing” journal, learn your lines and work with your scene partner.

Tuesday, October 24th:

Work on your character’s bio, “A Day in the Life of....”

Vocal exercises, sense memory exercises and emotion memory exercises.....

The entrance game using your character.

Today I will work with AGNES OF GOD.

Wednesday, October 25th:

Work on your character’s bio, “A Day in the Life of....”

Today we will watch a short video of Uta Hagen working with her students on “destination.”

I will work with SUBURBAN MOTEL.

Thursday, October 26th:

Work on the life history of your character, starting from birth.....”
I will give you some questions to get you started.

Vocal exercises, sense memory know the rest.

More entrance games using your characters.

Today I will continue working with SUBURBAN MOTEL.

Friday, October 27th:

Today we will see Kevin and Jerry performing LONE STAR. When you present your scene you must also present your journals to me for grading. The journals include all of your “Person, Place and Thing”, “A Day in the Life of ....” and your character’s life bio. On Tuesday, AGNES OF GOD will present.

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