Sunday, December 09, 2007

Beginning Acting; December 10 -14, 2007

Backstage West

December 10th - 14th
Weekly Schedule
for Beginning Acting

Monday, December 10th:

Those of you who have not seen the video of your work, please watch it today so you can write your reflection.


Today Talia and Yazmina are up.
Candice and her scene partner are up.
Blue and his scene partner are up, which means that the three scenes will go up on Friday, December 14th.

Tuesday, December 11th:


Miguel and Kristoff


Anais and her scene partner are up.
David and his scene partner are up.

Wednesday, December 12th:


Andrew and his scene partner are up.
Joseline and her scene partner are up.

Thursday, December 13th:


Roxana and her scene partner are up.
Kathryn and her scene partner are up.

Friday, December 14th:


Julius and Lauren
Talia and Yazmina
Daniela and Leslie
Candice and her scene partner.
Your journals are due when you perform your scene.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


A link for you: Backstage West

December 3rd - 7th
Weekly Agenda
for Beginning Acting

Monday, December 3rd:

We will be accelerating the number of scenes which will be rehearsed each day.
Two scenes a day will be seen. The lines need to be memorized and you will present to me your “Where, When and How” journals, your “A Day in the Life” journals, your “A Life” journals (your character’s biography) and your objectives at the time you rehearse your scene.

Miguel and his scene partner Priscilla and her scene partner

If the actor is not present then we move down the list to the next person.

Tuesday, December 4th:

Shortened day:

Edvin and his scene partner will rehearse.
Luz and Yana will perform their scene, HEIDI, today.
We will write our critique, the scene will be videotaped and the actors will write their reflections on their work. The actors will also present their journals af the end of their scene.

Wednesday, December 5th:

Today, Deyonna’s scene and her scene partner, and Kristoff and his scene partner are up for rehearsal today.

Thursday, December 6th:

Today, Julius and his scene partner, and Candice and her scene partner are up today for rehearsal.

If you have already rehearsed with me then I will go to the next person on the list. If you or your scene partner are absent each time I attempt to rehearse with you, after the second attempt you will receive an “F” on that assignment and must present your scene on the next performance day without rehearsal with me.

Friday, December 7th:

Performance day:

Miguel, Priscilla, Edvin and Deyonna will perform. If a performer is absent then the next day s/he is back s/he and the scene partner will perform.

Monday, December 10th:

Performance day:

Julius and his scene partner, and Candice and her scene partner will perform.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A link for you: Backstage West


Monday, November 26th:

Today we will finish up the "reenactment scenes."

Tuesday, November 27th:

Shortened day!

Vocal warm-ups! Sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

Today I will work with the scene, HEIDI, which will perform on Friday,
November 30th.

Wednesday, November 28th:

Journals: Who-What-When-Why.

More of the same. I will work with another scene, TBA, which will perform
on Friday.

Thursday, November 29th:

Journals: Who-What-When-Why.

Vocal warm-ups! Sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

I will work with another scene which will perform on Tuesday, December

Friday, Novemebr 30th:

Journals: Who-What-When-Why.

HEIDI and another scene (TBA) will be performed, taped and critiqued.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Links for you: BACKSTAGE WEST


Monday, November 19th:

Vocal warm-ups.

Continue performing the “Entrance Project”.

Tuesday, November 20th:

Vocal warm-ups.

Begin working on scenes.

Please begin preparation on your “reenactment” scene. That’s where you reenact an important moment in your character’s life as it relates to the scene you are doing. For example, if you are working on a scene in which you are taking a date to the prom, then you could reenact the scene where you asked the person out (or you were asked out on the date), or you could reenact the scene where you observed the date doing something which made you reconsider going out with the person. Have fun with this and use your imagination.

Wednesday, November 21st:


Begin presenting your “reenactment scenes”.

Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Tuesday, November 13th:
Shortened day!
Today I will work with the last scene which has not been performed yet. The scene, THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE, which belongs to Ty and Priscilla, will be performed on Wednesday, November 14th. Remember, you must turn in your journals to get full credit for the scene.

Wednesday, November 14th:

The last two scenes, THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE and "Roommates" will be performed today. Then we’ll follow up with a critique and reflections....and maybe theatre games.

Thursday, November 15th:
Today you are to choose a moment from your character’s life and reenact it. Please prepare for this assignment. This project is for a grade. It's ALWAYS REALLY OBVIOUS when you make up stuff right there at the last moment and then try to weasel your way through the assignment. It’s boring to watch so don’t do it.

Friday, November 16th:
We will continue the reenactments. The next assignment will be the “entry” game where you as your character enter the scene from a specific place or situation. Again, give some thought, time and energy to this and other assignments because it’s really obvious when you don’t. Please don’t try to weasel your way through this assignment and think your natural cuteness will save you from boring us and getting yourself a low grade.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Beginning Acting; November 5, 2007


Monday, November 5th:

After the performance, the other performers who performed on Thursday and Friday will watch the videos of their scenes.

Then I will work with the remaining two scenes, "Cheating" and "Roommates", today and tomorrow.

Remember, when you perform your scene you must turn in your journals, watch the video of your scene and then write a reflection on your work.

Tuesday, November 6th:

Work with the remaining two scenes. They will present their scenes on Wednesday, November 7th.

The rest of the class will work on their scenes.

Wednesday, November 7th:

The last two scenes will perform today.

Thursday, November 8th:

We will meet in the auditorium today because I will be working on THE IMAGINARY INVALID. Please bring something to work on during 3rd period.

Friday, November 9th:

Today we all need a break so we will play theatre games.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

October 29th - November 2nd
Weekly Schedule
for Beginning Acting

Monday, October 29th:

We need to quickly finish up the first round of scenes by this week!
So, if you haven’t gone up yet - you will this week.
Today and everyday this week, I will try to fit in two, possibly three scenes to work with.

You must have your lines memorized, and have created blocking and characterization when I work with you this week - after all, you’ve had these scenes now for a month so you must have something to show for it, right? Right!

The following scenes will be seen this week:


If your scene partner bails on you, then you must find someone else to do the scene with or accept a fail for the assignment.

We will attempt to do all the scenes on Thursday and Friday of this week!

Tuesday, October 30th - Wednesday, October 31st:

Work with two - three scenes per day.
Continue rehearsing your scene until I get to you.
Remember, the scene should be memorized with blocking, characterization and props.
Remember that your journals are due the day you do your scene.

For those of you who have already performed your scene, then find another scene with another scene partner by Monday, October 29th. Please write down your name, your partner’s name, the scene you are doing, and give this information to me.

Thursday, November 1st and Friday, November 2nd:

Turn in your journals, perform scenes, observe the video of your scene and write a self-reflection.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 22nd - October 25th
Weekly Schedule
Beginning Acting

Monday, October 22nd:

Those actors who performed their scenes should watch the tape of their scenes and write a reflection.

Everyone else should work on their scenes, which should be performed within the week.

Tuesday, October 23rd:

No 3rd Period.

Wednesday, October 24th:

No 3rd Period.

Thursday, October 24th:

Antigone will perform today.

The Medium will perform today.

Friday, October 25th:

I will work with the remaining scenes today, Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the scenes will be performed on Wednesday, October 31st.

For those of you who have already performed your scenes, please find another scene as quickly as possible and begin working on it.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 15th - October 19th
Weekly Schedule
Beginning Acting

Monday, October 15th:

I won’t be here Monday or Tuesday - more training! So what I need you to do is work on your journals:

Your “Who-What-Where-When” journals
Your “A Day in the Life” journals
Your character’s “Super objective/Objectives”

Remember that you have to turn in your journals when you perform your scenes.
Work with your partner on your scene today.

Tuesday, October 16th:

Same as Monday. If you have already performed your scene, then start looking for another scene to do.

Wednesday, October 17th:

I’m back!

Sense and memory exercises.
Vocal exercises.

David and Richard will reprise their roles in Christopher Durang’s DMV.

Julius, David, Melissa and Tatevik will present DAUGHTERS.

Please note: Your scenes will be videotaped. You will then watch the video privately and write a reflection on your work. Don’t forget to turn in your journals on the day you perform your scene. It is an important part of your grade. Everyone else will write a critique on the performance and turn it in for credit.

Thursday, October 18th:

Today the following scenes will be up:

Julius Bronola and Luz: Delgado NO PLACE TO BE SOMEBODY

Talia Felix and Genevieve Ghiassi: ANTIGONE

Alex Stencil and Blue Cook: WEST SIDE STORY

Deyonna Banks and Jazmin Guidry: BLIND DATE

Please note: Your scenes will be videotaped. You will then watch the video privately and write a reflection on your work. Don’t forget to turn in your journals on the same day you perform your scene. The journals are an important part of your grade. Everyone else will write a critique on the performance and turn it in for credit.

Friday, October 19th:

I will not be here on Friday nor Monday so continue working on your journals and scenes. When I get back the following people will perform: Alberto Torres and Chalida Sangsawat in MEDIUM.

We need to finish up the first round of scenes as soon as possible.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

October 8th - 12th Agenda for Beginning Acting


Monday, October 8th:

I am not going to be here today, so please work on your scenes with your partner. If your partner is not here, then please stay inside and work on your journals and/or learn your lines.

Please be aware that when you perform your scene you must present your acting notebook. The notebook should include the “Who-What-Where-How” journals and the “Day in the Life” journals.

I have noticed that many of you are not writing the journals, so when I ask you a specific question, I still get the, “I dunno. The script doesn’t say....” Please bear in mind that the journals are a major grade and that they DO help you in the creation of your character. I DON’T want to ask you again to describe the girlfriend who just broke up with you and hear, “I dunno - the script doesn’t say.”
YOU create the reality of your character by writing and transferring the emotional memories of your life to what is applicable to your character’s life.

Tuesday, October 9th:

Shortened day!

Vocal and physical warm-ups.
Emotion and sense memory exercises.

Work on “A Day in the Life of” journal.

Today I will work with one scene. Everyone else work on your scenes with your scene partner - that means running your scene once as a warm-up, and then four more times with blocking and business, and exploring the characters.

As part of your assignment, look for photos (from magazines, the internet) that remind you of certain things in your character’s life. If you like to draw and your drawings can adequately show aspects from your character’s life, then you may draw sketches. The sketches or photos or pictures can represent such aspects of your character’s life as his/her home, family, friends, your character's home town and/or the workplace, etc.

Wednesday, October 10th:


Thursday, October 11th:

Friday, October 12th:

Theatre Games!

Today, the following scenes will be performed:


Terence and Roxanna in CONVICTS.

David and Richard in DMV

The class will participate in critiquing the scenes and then the actors will review the tape of their work and write a reflection on their scenes.

On Tuesday, October 16th:

Julius, David, Melissa and Tatevik will present RITES

On Thursday, October 18th:

Julius (you’re a busy guy!) and Luz will perform NO PLACE TO BE NOBODY.

Please be aware that when you present your scenes you must present your journals and pictures, etc. to me at the same time.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Monday, October 1st - Wednesday, October 3rd:

Work on your journals the first ten minutes of class.

If your scene partner is here, you have permission to go outside and rehearse.
Outside means between the two planters at the north and south end of #509, and about five feet away from the vending machines.

If your scene partner is not here, please stay inside and learn your lines.

Thursday, October 4th:
A Day in the Life. Describe a typical day in the life of your character.
Each day’s journal entry should be about half a page long.

Vocal exercises. Sense memory exercises.

I will work with a new pair of actors today on their scene.

Friday, October 5th:

Same as Thursday.

Starting next week we will begin presenting our scenes to the class for a grade.
10/01 - 10/05

Monday, October 1, 2007:

I will not be here today through Wednesday. Phoenix is in charge and will do run-throughs of the show.
Tom Roche will be here for about an hour from 2: 15 to about 3: 15.
I will try to be back in time for rehearsals after school.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007:

Same as before. Phoenix is in charge and will do run-throughs of the show.
I will try to be back in time for rehearsals after school.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007:

Same as before.

Thursday, October 4, 2007:

Minimum day:

We will rehearse from 1:30 until five pm.
You will have an hour off for lunch so please be back ready to work on time at 1:30. Please anticipate hunger pains by packing a snack to eat during rehearsals, and have homework ready to work on when you’re not rehearsing.

Friday, October 5, 2007:

6th Period:

Rehearse the final scene, “The Graduation Scene”.

Starting next week we will start staying until 5 on Friday.

Please note that during the hours of 2:15 to 5:00 we are in rehearsals. Please take care of personal needs (eating, drinking, text messaging, hanging out with friends, etc) before or after rehearsals - not during. Please be aware that when you interrupt rehearsals with personal issues (you're hungry, you have a lotta homework to do, "You're not using me anyway, so can I leave now?") you're taking valuable time away from rehearsal because I have to explain to you yet again why I can't let you go. Please do not whine and beg to be released early because: a) I can’t. I’m legally responsible for you until 3:25 and I don’t want to be held responsibile if you wander out into traffic at 3:24 and b) it’s REALLY ANNOYING to hear “Can you let me out early? There’s only five minutes left in the period and you’re not using me -” when I am concentrating on a scene.

Remember: You are young adult artsts engaged in a creative enterprise. NO WHINING!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Monday, September 24th:

“Who-What-Where-When” Journal:

Go through your script and circle all references to people, places and situations. Then write a short paragraph about each person who is referenced, each place that is referenced and each situation that is referenced. Make sure that you use “substitution” in which you substitute a person you know for the fictional person so that the character has a personal resonance or relevancy for you.

Vocal exercises and sense memory exercises.

Class observes while I work with another scene.

Tuesday, September 25th:

Shortened day.

Everyone work on their scenes today with their partners. I will work with another volunteer scene today.

Wednesday, September 26th:

“Who-What-Where-When” Journal: Continue working on your journals. This is very important. It’s an important part of your grade and will help you memorize your lines.

Work with another scene today.

Thursday, September 27th:

Same as above. Work with another scene.

Please be mindful that once I work with your scene you will then have about a week before you will present.

Friday, September 28th:

Theatre games.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Monday, September 17th:

Vocal exercises; sense memory exercises and emotional memory exercises.
Finish the character sketches.

Tuesday, September 18th:

Shortened day today!

Improvs, and theatre games.

Wednesday, September 19th:

Today we will begin choosing partners and scenes!

Thursday, September 20th:

Today we will begin building a character.

Journal: Who, what and where.

Sense memory exercises.

Today we will work with a scene while the rest of the class watches.

Friday, September 21st:

Continue our work on building a character.

Journal: Who, what and where.

Sense memory exercises.

Continue working with a scene while the rest of the class observes.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


I will not be here Monday or Tuesday!

Monday, September 10th:

Theatre games!

Tuesday, September 11th:

Theatre games!

Wednesday, September 12th:

Warm-ups, vocal exercises, sense and memory exercises.

The character sketch.

Thursday, September 13th:

The same: warm-ups, vocal exercises, sense and memory exercises.

Continue with the character sketch.

Friday, September 14th:

Animal studies.
Theatre games.
Begin work on scenes!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Welcome back from what I hope was a restful three day weekend.

Tuesday, September 4th:

Zip, Zap, Zoom
Psychic Counting

The Entrance Game: Where are you going and where have you been?

Wednesday, September 5th:

Sense Memory Exercises
Vocal Exercises

Walk About: You walk about as your character. Get inside your character’s skin.
Where does your character carry her/his tension? Where does the character carry her/his weight? Does your character have any physical ailments? How old is your character? How tall? What type of build does your character have: frail, medium, athletic, chubby? What type of work does your character do? Is your character sedentary or active?

More Entrance games!

Thursday, September 6th:

Sense Memory Exercises
Vocal Exercises

More Walk Abouts!

Improvs/theatre games!

Friday, September 7th:

Sense Memory Exercises
Vocal Exercises

Presentations of your character studies!