Friday, September 19, 2008

September 22nd - 26th
Weekly Schedule
Beginning Acting

Monday, September 22nd:

Vocal warm-ups; relaxation
Sense memory exercises

Group Focus Pantomime:

Groups of four or five actors pantomime a scene in which they focus their attention on an imaginary offstage object, event or person. Titles are given to the scenes to identify what the actors are focusing on.

Using a sign or an announcement, actors give the title of their scene: “Burning Building”, “Car Accident”, etc. Two begin on stage, watching and reacting. Three others enter and join the group of onlookers; one finds a fire alarm and sounds it. The actors react individually - with horror, with fear, with fascination.

Tuesday, September 23rd:

Shortened day!

Fantastic Duet Pantomime!

Working in pairs, actors pantomime an ordinary situation that undergoes a fantastic or totally unexpected, illogical and imagination-defying twist. The more outrageous and bizarre the twist, the better.


A dentist tries to extract a tooth, but refuses to budge. Pliers, rope and then finally dynamite are used. The dentist walks away, disgusted and the tooth falls out by itself.

A mad scientist wires up a monster, which comes alive and kills the scientist. The monster puts the scientist’s body on the table and brings it back to life as another monster.

Wednesday, September 24th:

Vocal and physical warm-ups
Sense Memory

Finish up the “Fantastic Duet Pantomime!”

Thursday, September 25th:

Vocal and physcial warm-ups
Sense Memory

Cocktail Party!

Groups of four are at a dinner party eating various foods - some tasty, some not so much - and drinking various drinks - all nonalcoholic, of course. Through pantomime the actors convey their like or dislike of the foods and what kind of food they are eating.

Friday, September 26th:

Solo Pantomime

A single actor pantomimes an activity that has a beginning, a middle and an end. Before the scene s/he announces the title of the scene.


An actor pantomimes playing pinball. S/he walks in and begins playing the machine facing the audience. Through her/his body and face the actor communicates whether s/he is winning or losing. When the game is over the actor leaves the stage.

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