Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 27th - October 31st
Weekly Schedule
Beginning Acting

Monday, October 27th:


Vocal and physical warm-ups
Sense and memory exercises

Journal: Go through your script and next to each of your lines, write down your objective for saying that line. In other words, what do you want the other character to do and how are you going to make him/her do it?

Today I will work with two actors on their scene. They will perform their scene completely memorized in front of the class next Friday, October 31st. The scene will be taped which the actors will watch they will then write a one page reflection on what they liked about the scene and what they did not like about the scene and how they can improve.

The rest of the class will go outside with their scene partners and read the scene at least twice; then the actors will get up on their feet and work on the scenes a minimum of five times with blocking, props, and intent. If you are not working with your scene partner in the designated area, you will receive an “F” for the day.

Tuesday, October 28th:

Theatre Games!

Cocktail party! But you are playing your character!
Taxi Cab!

Wednesday, October 29th:

Vocal and physical warm-ups
Sense and memory exercises

Who-What-Where-When Journal: Go through your script and write a brief story and description about each person (who), place (where and when) and thing (what) you talk about or mention in the script. Each person, place or thing that is in your script should have a story and a description to it which means something to you - in other words, personalize it so that when you as your character are speaking about (for example) a younger brother, you are referencing someone from your own life that plays the same type of role in your character’s life. Each story or description should be about half a page long.

This should be neatly written or typed, have the person, place or thing listed, and have half a page of description and story for each person you mention in the scene, each place you mention in the scene and each thing you mention in the scene. This will be due tomorrow.

Today I will work with two more actors on their scenes. The actors will perform their perfectly memorized and blocked scene on Friday.

Thursday, October 30th:

Same. I will work with another scene today.

Friday, October 31st:

Two scenes will perform today. The scene must be memorized, blocked and have props.

The scenes will be taped and the actors will watch their scenes and write a one page reflection on their work which they will turn in for a grade.

The rest of the class will watch and write down their critiques which will be collected and graded.

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