Sunday, December 14, 2008

Backstage West

December 15th - 19th
Weekly Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, December 15th:
For your new monologue:
Who, What, Where, When Journals:
Go through your scene and write a half page description, story, explanation of every person, place or event your character talks about in the monologue. Personalize each person, place or event. If your character is talking about a relative, then think back to your own life and substitute someone you know and with whom you have a similar relationship. When you are performing you’ll visualize that person you know and with whom you have an emotional connection.
The Entrance Game:
Where have you (as the character) been ten minutes before you enter the scene? Bring in the emotional and physical reality your character has been engaged in for the past ten minutes prior to the scene.
Each person will perform the entrance game for a grade.
Today I will rehearse with you on your monologues.
If I am not rehearsing with you, then you should be continuously running your monologue (minimum of five times) complete with props, business and blocking.

Tuesday, December 16th:
Shortened Day!
Journals: The “Objectives”: Go through the script and write out your super objective: what does your character want? Why does your character want it? What will happen if your character doesn’t get it? Then go through the script and write out the smaller individual objectives of each beat: how are you going to get your objectives met?
Finish up the entrance game.
Improvs as your character.
Today I will rehearse with you on your monologues.
If I am not rehearsing with you, then you should be continuously running your monologue complete with props, business and blocking.

Wednesday, December 17th:
Journals: “A Day in the Life”: Describe a typical day in the life of your character.
Create business or some sort of activity your character would do that would express something about the character or satisfy the requirements of the scene. The activity must not be random or generalized. Sitting and doing nothing but reciting lines is boring to watch. (You will also not be as nervous if you are engaged in some activity.)
Today I will rehearse with you on your monologues.
If I am not rehearsing with you, then you should be continuously running your monologue complete with props, business and blocking.

Thursday, December 18th:
Journal: “A Life”. Create a history of your character. Where and when was your character born? What kind of family did s/he have? Any siblings? What kind of schooling did s/he receive? What kind of family does the character have now? Describe her/his home, his/her home. What kind of job or career does the character have? What interesting or strange events has the character experienced? What hopes and dreams does the character have? What fears?
Warm-ups: vocal, physical, emotional and sensory warm-ups.
Today I will rehearse with you on your monologues.
If I am not rehearsing with you, then you should be continuously running your monologue complete with props, business and blocking.

Friday, December 19th:
Begin presenting scenes, which will be taped and critiqued.

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