Friday, May 14, 2010

MAY 17, 2010 - MAY 21, 2010

Monday, May 17th:
No fifth period today due to CST.

Tuesday, May 18th:
Please be sure to bring your photo to class today.
Sit and study your character; allow your character to speak to you. What does s/he say to you? What does the character want? What is the character's greatest fear? What is the character's greatest desire? Write this down.
Nicholai and Tanya: watch their scene and write their reflections
Work with VANITIES: Jeniffer and Ericka

Wednesday, May 19th:
No class today due to CST.

Thursday, May 20th:
Period 5: 1:31 - 2:19 p.m. (48 minutes)
Bring your photo to class today. Create your character's past. What is the character doing now? Create the character's current circumstances.
Today I will work with VANITIES
I will also work with Raven Chaney-May in her scene.

Friday, May 21st:
Please bring your photo to class today. Begin writing a monologue for your character.
Scenes today: VANITIES

Reflections on Your Acting Scene

1. Could I be heard?

2. Was I understandable? Did I enunciate clearly?

3. Did I, as an actor, look comfortable on stage?

4. Did I create a believable character who was recognizable as a human being?

5. Did I create a believable environment? Did I break the fourth wall at any time? Was there a sense of time of day, time of year? Was there a sense of cliamte - heat or cold, or rain? Did I give an indication to where I was physically - outdoors? At the beach, in a city, in the woods? Inside a room, and if in a room, what kind of room?

6. Did I relate to the other character on stage? Did I give a sense of my relationship with the other character? Did I like the other character? Are we friends? How close is the relationship? If we are enemies, then why don't I like the other character?

7. Were my objectives clear - both my immediate objectives and my super objectives?

8. Did I play all the beats clearly and completely?

9. What surprised me the most in seeing my work on tape?

10. What surprised me the most about how I sounded on tape?

11. What did I like the best about my work?

12. What could I do to improve?