Sunday, November 14, 2010

NOVEMBER 15, 2010 - NOVEMBER 19, 2010

Monday, November 15th:
Warm-ups: Vocal, Physical
Emotional and Sensory Recall Exercises
Work with a new scene in front of class

Tuesday, November 16th:
Improvs and Theater Games
Work on scenes

Wednesday, November 17th:
Warm-ups: Vocal, Physical
Emotional and Sensory Recall Exercises
Work privately with "Jumpers" while rest of class work on their scenes

Thursday, November 18th:
Work with "Jumpers" while rest of class work on their scenes

Friday, November 19th:
"Jumpers" will perform today in front of class.
The scene must be memorized with props and blocking.
The scene will be taped.
The actors will review the tape of their work in private and then write a one page reflection on the rehearsal and the performance. The reflection will be turned in for a grade.

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