Monday, May 06, 2013

May 6, 2013 - May 10, 2013 Agenda for Beginning Acting

Monday, May 6th:
Pass out scripts to students.
Give them time to read.
First Rehearsal:
Work with one group in front of class to show process.

Tuesday, May 7th:
Have students work on biographies
First Rehearsal:
Work with another group in front of class to show process

Wednesday, May 8th:
Theater Games
Biographies are due 
First Rehearsal:

Work with another scene

Thursday, May 8th:
Theatre Games
Have students work on "A Day in the Life"
First Rehearsal:
Work with another group in front of class to show process.

Friday, May 9th:
Theatre Games
Have students work on "A Day in the Life'
First Rehearsal:
Work with another group in front of class to show process. 

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