Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015 - December 18, 2015 Weekly Agenda

Monday, December 14th: 

Work on the following scenes:
“Betraying the Blues”
Tanny, Emily, and Elizabeth A.

Other scenes rehearsed.

Monday, December 07, 2015

December 7, 2015 - December 11, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, December 7th: 

Clean dressing rooms and backstage areas

Put props away in prop shop 

Put clean costumes away in costume shop.

Tuesday, December 8th: 

Deal with costumes
Work with:
"Jerry Springer is God"
Luiza, Jazzmyn, Akili, Tanny, Arianna, Sarena

Wednesday, December 9th: 

Dealt with costumes
Made copies of scripts for students

Scenes for Finals, Thursday, December 17th: 

“Jerry Springer is God”+
Luiza, Sarena, Tania, Whitney, Arianna, Jazzmyn
Directed by Franklin Franco

Gus and Justin

Akili and Chynna

“Betraying the Blues”
Elizabeth Alvarez, Emily, Tanny

Thursday, December 10th: 

Work with The Mound Builders - Justin and Gus

Franklin worked with “Jerry Springer is God” 
Luiza, Jazzmyn, Akili, Tanny, Arianna, Sarena

Angels in America 
Akili and Chynna rehearsed

“Betraying the Blues”
Elizabeth Alvarez and Emily rehearsed
Tanny absent

Friday, December 11th: 

Worked with:

Akili and Chynna

Unrehearsed scenes:
“Betraying the Blues”
Elizabeth, Emily, Tanny

Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015 - December 4, 2015

Monday, November 30th: 

Worked with "Aeetes" on "What a pretty speech!" 
Lisa worked with Chynna and Royer on the dance
Angie worked on the bridle for "The Bulls" 

Those who are not working on the show must prepare a three to five minute scene or monologue for their final. 

Tuesday, December 1st: 
Worked with Cooper on the Meleager monologue
Ms. Goldschein worked with Chynna and Akili on the dance 

Wednesday, December 2nd: 
Ms. Goldschein worked with Akili and Chynna on choreography 
Made copies of scenes of "Jerry Spring is God" and SUMMER and SMOKE

Thursday, December 3rd: 
In auditorium all day rehearsing ARGONAUTIKA 

Friday, December 4th: 
Work with Chynna on her Medea monologues from ARGONAUTIKA 
Those who are not in ARGONAUTIKA must work on their scenes for the final. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16, 2015 - November 20, 2015

Monday, November 16th: 

Work with Katia and Pamela on "Thelma and Louise"

Following people have not performed their pivotal moments:

Whitney Akujobi
Jazzmyn Clark
Tanny Garcia
Karla Gutierrez
Pamela Lara
Katia Ramos
Gus Rodriguez
Sarena Williams

Final Performance of Scenes:

Tania - "Mom or Me"

Tuesday, November 17th: 

Pivotal Moments:
DMV Tyrant
Helper - Luiza (cop)

Gus - Hercules

THELMA and LOUISE - Must Redo!
Helper - Karla

Wednesday, November 18th:

Arts Integration Program: Cast from ARGONAUTIKA performing scenes in various classes
For the rest of the class: 
Theatre Games:

Work with THELMA and LOUISE
Katia and Pamela

Thursday, November 19th: 

DMV Tyrant” – Jazzmyn and Luiza performed their scene today for Thursday Theatre!

Performed their scene again for class with critiques.

Worked with Franklin on his Aeetes monologues in ARGONAUTIKA

Friday, November 20th: 

Worked with Franklin on "Aeetes"
Pulled costumes from the costume shop for ARGONAUTIKA

Monday, November 09, 2015

November 9, 2015 - November 13, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, November 9th: 

Final Performances: 

A Couple of White Chicks

The Most Pivotal Moment 
Angels in America 

Final Performance: 
Angels in America

Tuesday, November 10th: 

See Final Scenes:


 “The Hereafter”

“Dear Dad”

“DMV Tyrant”

Wednesday, November 11th: 

No School Today!

Thursday, November 12th: 

Final Presentations of Scenes:
Whitney – “Dear Dad”
Worked with Whitney - improv

Friday, November 13th: 

Most Pivotal Moment:
“Mom or Me”
Helper – Gus and Sarena
Confrontation between daughter and mother when daughter is taking care of sick younger sister and mom brings home a date.

Most Pivotal Moment
“The Hereafter”
Helper – Mariam A+
The moment she finds out she is dead

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

November 2, 2015 - November 6, 2015 Weekly Agenda

Monday, November 2nd: 
I will not be here.
Students will work on their scenes and "The Most Pivotal Moment"

Tuesday, November 3rd:
Theatre games:
Students work on scenes

Wednesday, November 4th: 
Everyone run scene three times with lines, blocking, business
Then work on "Pivotal Moment"

Spot Checks:
“Dear Dad” – Mariam

Spot Checks:
Emily Ayala –
Elizabeth Alvarez –

Thursday, November 5th: 

Final Scenes:

Most Pivotal Moment – The Woolgatherers
Ivette –
Justin –

Spot Check
The Woolgatherers

Friday, November 6th: Period 5:

Spot Check:

Most Pivotal Moment:
Emily Ayala – A Couple of White Chicks

Elizabeth Alvarez – A Couple of White Chicks

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 26, 2015 - October 30, 2015 Weekly Schedule

Monday, October 26th:

Palm Tree
Pass the Clap

The Most Pivotal Moment:
Worked with Whitney (Akilli as helper: drug addict brother) on “Who Cares”
Had students do the object/objective exercise – actor passes an object which embodies the objective to the other actor.
Then rehearse scenes
“DMV Tyrant” will  perform on Wednesday, then perform on Thursday Theatre.
All scenes will begin performing on Tuesday, November 3rd.
Started working with “Jumpers” but bell rang.
Work with “Jumpers” with Franklin and Tanny tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27th: 

Moved out of 502 today.
Theatre games!
Work on your scenes today.

Wednesday, October 28th: 

Karla informed me that Xochitl, her scene partner in “Thelma and Louise”,  checked out of school this week.  Assigned Pamela as Karla’s new partner. Told Pamela to hurry up on THE WOOLGATHERERS” with Justin Pivarell.

Review of Scenes:

Elizabeth  - A
Intelligent, good voice! Engaged in conversation!
Akili – A
Akili – really good eyes! He seems to really be thinking and feeling!  

Franklin – A- 
Good moments. Need work on beats; subtext; off Book
Tanny – C
Doesn’t know lines, still holding script! Funny, though. Good exit – she scooted across the ledge.

Thursday, October 29th:

Passed out Dramatic Analysis Sheet

Brief improv with Franklin and Chynna demonstrating objectives and how objectives can change in the middle of a scene. 
Students who have presented must run scene twice full out; then work on “Most Pivotal Moment”
Saw “Teach Me How to Cry”

Friday, October 30th: 

Theatre Games
Work on scenes 

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015 - October 23, 2015 Weekly Schedule

Monday, October 19th: 

Pass the Clap
Palm Tree
The Most Pivotal Moment
Worked with:
DMV Tyrant - Jazzmyn Clark, Luiza Hovhannisyan
Reassigned Mariam Bernabe a monologue - "First Date"
Find a new monologue for Tania Douroux

Tuesday, October 20th: 

The students pair up and work on their characters' most pivotal moment.

Wednesday, October 21st: 

Work on “The Most Pivotal Moment”
Franklin – “The Jumper”
Helpers – Chynna
Helpers – Miriam

Miriam – “The Jumpers”
Helpers – Franklin
Helpers – Chynna

5th Period stayed for lecture by writers from 2nd City

Thursday, October 22nd: 

Physical Warm-ups led by Akili and Whitney
Little Sally Walker
Free-for-All Dancing
Objectives: The students run their scene three times for memorization and blocking.
Then work on “The Most Pivotal Moment”.
Worked with:
“The Hereafter” – Pamela and Ariana

Friday, October 23rd: 

Did acting exercise:
Choosing a small object, the actors say their lines – preferably short lines – to each other, handing the object to the other actor as they are saying their lines.  The object represents the thoughts, the objectives, the emotions the actor is attempting to convey.
Worked with the following actors on the exercise:
Jazzmyn and Luiza
Franklin and Tanny

Rehearsed with A COUPLE of WHITE CHICKS
Blocked half of it; will finish on Monday.

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 - October 16, 2015 Weekly Schedule

 Monday, October 12th: 


Palm Trees
Pass the Clap
Sandy Meisner Objective Exercise
Pair up and work on scenes
If you haven’t done “Three Deep”, please do so asap
Worked with:
“Teach Me How to Cry”
Karla and Sarena

Tuesday, October 13th: 

Kids are in a circle
I give an actor an emotion or an objective
One actor tosses a soft object to another actor as s/he says a line from his scene with the emotion given

Worked with TEACH ME HOW to CRY
With Karla and Sarena
Did improv of scene preceding their scene
Worked with subtext and objectives

Wednesday, October 14th: 

No class today.

Thursday, October 15th: 

Actors pair up and work on their scenes today.

Friday, October 16th: 


 Rehearse with scene partners

Sense Memory Exercise:
The Beach


Monday, October 05, 2015

October 5, 2015 - October 9, 2015 Weekly Schedule

Monday, October 5th: 

Roll call!
Sandy Meisner techniques - objective observations 
"You have brown hair."
"You seem happy"
Akilli and Whitney
Chynna and Tanny

Worked with Justin and Ivette on The Wool Gatherer

Assigned everyone to run scene twice with blocking
And then do "Three Deep"
Turn in "Three Deep"

Tuesday, October 6th: 

“Sing off!”
Justin and Ivette

Wednesday, October 7th: 

Akilli led the physical warm-ups
Work with: 
Wool Gatherers
Justin and Ivette

Read through of "The Medium"

Thursday, October 8th: 

“The Mirror Exercise”
Worked with “DMV Tyrant”
Jazzmyn and Luiza

Friday, October 9th: 

Guided meditation
Work with “The Medium”
Miriam and Tania



Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28, 2015 - October 2, 2015 Weekly Schedule

Monday, September 28, 2015 

Went over the revised cast list and the week's rehearsal schedule for ARGONAUTIKA

In-Class Scenes and Cast:  

Whitney Akujobi –"Who Cares?"
Elizabeth Alvarez - A Couple of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking 
Emily Ayala - A Couple of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking 
Miriam Bernabe –The Medium
Jazzmyn Clark – The DMV Tyrant 
Ariana Cavarrubias - The Hereafter
Elizabeth DiMuro – Angels in America (pages 89 – 96)
Tania Douroux – The Medium
Karla Gonzalez – Teach Me How to Cry
Luiza Hovhannisyan - The DMV Tyrant 
Pamela Lara – The Hereafter
Akili Nkosi – Angels in America (pages 89 – 96)
Xochitl Perez - Thelma and Louise
Justin Pivaral – The Woolgatherers
Ivette Priego The Woolgatherers
Katia Ramos – Thelma and Louise
Augusto Rodriguez – Hercules 
Chynna Tumalad – Medea
Sarena Williams – Teach Me How to Cry

Tuesday, September 29th: 

Passed out the scenes today. 

Read as many times as you can. 
Then discuss the scene with your scene partner. 
Discuss the following questions: 
Where are you physically? 
Who are you - age, occupation, marital status? 
What is your relationship with other character? 
How do you feel about the other person? 
What do you want or need from the other character?

Wednesday, September 30th: 

Passed out more scripts
Pair up
Read through of scenes
Where are you?
Who are you?
What is your relationship with the other character?
What do you want from the other character?

Thursday, October 1st: 

Discussion with Akilli and Elizabeth on political, historical and personal back story of ANGELS in AMERICA.
Worked with “Teach Me How to Cry”
Sarena, Karla

Friday, October 2nd: 

1, 2, 3, and 4;
Pair up with scene partners
Run twice
Discussion of scene
Do “Three-Deep”
Turn in for grade




Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015 - September 25, 2015 Weekly Agenda

 Monday, September 21st:

“Palm-trees”, “Morph!”
Break into groups of three and create a two – three minute scene of the “Entrance Exercise” – an event that happened off-stage and the emotional baggage is carried on stage.

Entrance Game:
Mom upset that daughter has brought her girlfriend home
Tanny – girlfriend
Elizabeth A. – Mom
Emily - daughter

Tuesday, September 22nd: 

Entrance Exercises:

Gus – indifferent to friend’s suicide attempt
Karla – suicide attempt
Justin – indifferent to friend’s suicide attempt
Katia – concerned friend

Akili – Law of the Street
Pamela – defending box of rocks from a thief
Serena – protesting their treatment of a boy they hurt to get drugs back

Elizabeth – Senile granny convinced granddaughter is pregnant
Arianna – granddaughter
Louisa – trying to convince Granny she is not pregnant, but that she just wrecked the family car.

Whitney – murder suspect
Chynna – cop - clever plot twist!
Miriam – widow bride accused of murdering her husband
Franklin – cop

Jazzmyn – upset that she got busted for cheating
Xochitl – friend who doesn’t care
Tania – friend who doesn’t care

Wednesday, September 23rd: 

No school today!


Thursday, September 24th: 

Warm-ups! "Sing-Off!" Everyone participated!
The exit game: 
Chynna - the pregnant lady, Akili - the nervous dad, Arianna - the hospital admissions officer
Franklin - Simon, judge of "American Idol" Jazzmyn - bad singer, Elizabeth - bad singer

Friday, September 25th: 

Roll Call
The World's Worst Competition
 Acting Exercise:
Character Walks:
Lead with head; lead with chest; lead with pelvis, lead with feet
Express your self: Strike a pose expressing how you are feeling!
Strike a pose expressing the opposite of what you are feeling! 
Pass the Clap
Rain Forest 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 15, 2015 - September 18, 2015


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Theatre games:
Emotional cocktail
Fairy Tale

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Auditions for ARGONAUTIKA:
Whitney -  Hera
Miriam – Alcimede
Jazzmyn – Aphrodite
Elizabeth – Asterion
Franklin – Asterion
Karla – Athena
Pamela – Hera
Katia – Aphrodite
Gus – Hercules
Chynna – Medea
Sarena – Hera 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

--> Emotional Soccer: (Courtesy of Whitney)
Emotional Zip-Zap-Zum (Courtesy of Akili)
Sing Off!
Break into teams of two
Teams are given ten seconds to create a tableaux based on a suggestion from an audience member.
Example: Guy catches girl cheating on him, or girl getting caught coming home past curfew.

Friday, September 18, 2015 


Theatre Exercises:

Guided Meditation
Walking through Space
Everyone worked

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

September 8, 2015 - September 11, 2015 Weekly Agenda

Tuesday, September 8th:

One Minute Commercial:
Divide into groups of four:
You must have the following:
A Product
An animal of some sort
A Group Dance
A Group Song
A Jingle or a Phrase
Group Movement 

Ariana, Pamela, Sarena, Jazzmyn, Xochitl - lobby
Chynna, Augusto, Katia, Elizabeth A., Tania - onstage
Elizabeth D., Emily, Franklin, Justin, Luiza - lobby
Miriam, Tanny, Karla, Akili - 502

After School:
Call-Back List: 

Miriam Bernabe
Anton Burman
Dale Bockleman
Abbey Cuevas
Shakhina Devron
Elizabeth DiMuro
Cheyenne Dioh
Jess Gallegos
Timerica Griffin
Cooper Larnach
Roger Perez
Valorie Reyes
Chynna Tumalad

Wednesday, September 9th

One Minute Commercial:
Divide into groups of four:
You must have the following:
A Product
An animal of some sort
A Group Dance
A Group Song
A Jingle or a Phrase
Group Movement 

Ariana, Pamela, Sarena, Jazzmyn, Xochitl - lobby
Chynna, Augusto, Katia, Elizabeth A., Tania - onstage
Elizabeth D., Emily, Franklin, Justin, Luiza - lobby
Miriam, Tanny, Karla, Akili - 502

Miriam,  Karla, Akili, Whitney - A
"Monkey - Ade": a toy companion monkey
Akili - good dancing skills, excellent tableaux!

 Augusto, Chynna, Elizabth, Katia, Tania

After School Auditions for Argonautika: 

Page Numbers for Auditions for ARGONAUTICA Today:

Hera and Jason: pages 4 – 9

Cepheus, Asterion, King Pelias: pages 9 – 15

King Pelias and Jason: pages 15 – 19

Idmon, Meleager, Castor, Pollux, Tiphys, Hercules: pages 24 – 28

Hylas, Atalanta, Hercules, Jason: pages 30 - 32

Aphrodite, Eros: pages 95 – 97

Jason, Aeetes: pages 98 - 99

Tiphys, Jason, Idmon, Dymas, Uncle: pages 104 – 106

Athena, Hera, Medea: pages 107 – 112

Jason, Medea: pages 113 – 117

Medea: page 129

Athena, Hera: pages 141 – 145

People who auditioned today:
Miriam Bernabe, Elizabeth DiMuro, Akili Nkosa, Chynna Tumalad,

 Thursday, September 10th:

Rehearse their commercials


"My Vann's"

Begin auditions for ARGONAUTIKA 

Friday, September 11th: 

Students interested in being in show: 
Emily Ayala
Elizabeth DiMuro +
Akili +
Chynna +