Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 26, 2015 - October 30, 2015 Weekly Schedule

Monday, October 26th:

Palm Tree
Pass the Clap

The Most Pivotal Moment:
Worked with Whitney (Akilli as helper: drug addict brother) on “Who Cares”
Had students do the object/objective exercise – actor passes an object which embodies the objective to the other actor.
Then rehearse scenes
“DMV Tyrant” will  perform on Wednesday, then perform on Thursday Theatre.
All scenes will begin performing on Tuesday, November 3rd.
Started working with “Jumpers” but bell rang.
Work with “Jumpers” with Franklin and Tanny tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27th: 

Moved out of 502 today.
Theatre games!
Work on your scenes today.

Wednesday, October 28th: 

Karla informed me that Xochitl, her scene partner in “Thelma and Louise”,  checked out of school this week.  Assigned Pamela as Karla’s new partner. Told Pamela to hurry up on THE WOOLGATHERERS” with Justin Pivarell.

Review of Scenes:

Elizabeth  - A
Intelligent, good voice! Engaged in conversation!
Akili – A
Akili – really good eyes! He seems to really be thinking and feeling!  

Franklin – A- 
Good moments. Need work on beats; subtext; off Book
Tanny – C
Doesn’t know lines, still holding script! Funny, though. Good exit – she scooted across the ledge.

Thursday, October 29th:

Passed out Dramatic Analysis Sheet

Brief improv with Franklin and Chynna demonstrating objectives and how objectives can change in the middle of a scene. 
Students who have presented must run scene twice full out; then work on “Most Pivotal Moment”
Saw “Teach Me How to Cry”

Friday, October 30th: 

Theatre Games
Work on scenes 

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