Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 - March 27, 2015 Agenda

Monday, March 23rd: 
Emotional Cocktail Party:
Anton, Tony, Ty, Melissa, Kona

2nd Group:
Maria, Berlin, Patzy, Ayana, Jahayra 

Students rehearse with scene partners

Work with Maria and Jahayra: The Two Clowns from HAMLET, Act 5, Scene 1

Dodge ball with lines!

Tuesday, March 24th:
Mr. Itkin – 18 NMA student films need actors
Disney Film Releases
Cat and Mouse
Monologue Game:
Went through the plays and asked each actor his/her character’s chief complaint or greatest happiness
Helped some of the actors with their backstory – they didn’t know it.
Actor goes in circle and begins her/his monologue in contemporary speech about her/his complaint
Another actor cuts in and continues the monologue using his/her character’s issues

Wednesday, March 25th:
In pain from broken tooth!
Extra credit for auditioning for NMA student films
Reprinted Julius Caesar for Ry and Melissa
Rehearsed with Ayana and Christian in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Thursday, March 26th:
Not here today. At dentist for emergency dental work.
Mr. Fox here today to see presentation of scenes. Keenly disappointed. Nobody ready.

Friday, March 27th:
Worked with Jessianne and Patzy on Comedy of Errors
They do not know lines.
Worked with them to learn lines.
Everyone must know lines on April 7th.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015 - March 20, 2015 Agenda

Classes taught by Mr. Alexander Fox

Monday, March 16th:

Symphony of Emotions:
Actors are given emotions to express through  sound and movement. The actors are then assigned different emotions and the director "directs" them in a symphony of emotional sounds.
 The actors then say their lines from their Shakespeare scene  using the emotion assigned. The actors all stand onstage and say their lines simultaneously.

Actors cut their lines: worked with Ry and Melissa on Julius Caesar

Hot Seat
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Oberon and Titania in the "hot seat" (Ayana and Christian) answering questions from reporters he audience.

Tuesday, March 17th:

Theatre Games:
“Shields and Bombs”

Pick one person in group who is your bomb but do not tell that person s/he is your bomb; now, choose someone who is your shield, but do not tell that person s/he is your shield. When the director yells, “Bomb!” if the shield is not between you and your bomb, then you are dead!

“Make ‘Em Laugh”
Break into two groups:
One group tries to make the other side:
Get Angry
Feel ashamed.
By doing something silly or speaking gibberish

Next step use a phrase from your scene. Connect it to the objective or super objective of  your character in the scene. Goal is to make the other character feel something - happy, sad, angry, lusty, etc. For example, Hamlet's goal is to make Ophelia love him, but he uses tactic of shaming her (it fits with the lines)  into falling in love with him.  His lines are shaming her, but his objective is to make her love him. 

Work with A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM - blocking 
Christian – Oberon
Ayana – Titania
With fairies as extras

Wednesday, March 18th: 

Actors stand in a circle. One of the actors steps into the circle and begins a movement and a sound which s/he teaches to each actor in the circle.  When all actors are doing the sound and the movement,  then another actor steps into the circle to teach a new sound and movement until everyone in the circle is doing the new sound and movement. This continues until everyone in the circle has taught everyone else a new sound and movement and the sound and movement has worked itself around the circle. 


Four actors are on stage. One of the actors becomes the sculptor and begins to sculpt the actors into poses like sculptures. Once the “sculptor” is finished, the actors then begin an improv based on their poses. 

Class breaks into their scenes. Fellow students block the scenes.

The students then present scenes to the class.

Thursday, March 19th: 

 5th Period:
Going away party for Mr. Fox.
Card and cupcakes and cookies

The Echo Poem
Using Soroyan’s poem, but any poem can do, the poem is broken into lines. Give the poem as a whole to the class. Read it aloud. Then give the poem, divided into lines,  to the class and have them read the poem silently to themselves and write a response to each line.  After one person reads a line from the poem, someone else reads his/her first reaction to the line. Continue reading the lines of the poem.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 9, 2015 - March 13, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, March 9th:
5th Period:
Acting Exercise
Purpose: filling the movement
Increasing gestural vocabulary

Statues: actors strike different pose each time director strikes drum, creating different emotionally expressive poses..

music playing
Students walking  about
Director says:
Statue - actors stop and strike a pose
Statue - different pose
Statue - different pose
Director says walk and the actors start walking
Statue - diffferent pose
Statue - different pose 

3 Deep for 12th Night
Key circumstance of your character:
The duke loves Olivia
Who does Olivia  love?
She is conceited
Why is she conceited?
She is beautiful.

John Jory: Rehearsal Tips  1 and 2  for the Actor

Tuesday, March 10th:

Wednesday, March 11th
Theatre Games:
Addition/Subtraction: students in circle; 1st actor starts with a number; 2nd says plus or minus; 3rd says another number; 4th says equals the number; next go around kids change the numbers to silly objects

Props: kids take an object and turns it into whatever it is not and creates an issue with it, drawing everyone into the drama; for example, a sweater turns into a radio which will not work. Everyone tries to make it work. Then  the sweater is thrown to another student, where it will become something else.

Students find the most important line in their scene which expresses their central objective in scene. The students do mill and seethe; then, with their scene partner do Meisner objective exercise using their lines - trying to use different tactics, inflections etc., to affect change.

Friday, March 13th:

Some students wanted to do the Obstacle Course from period 4, because it was set up, so they did. These Ss were: Anton, Tony, Kona, Melissa, & Christian.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

March 2, 2015 - March 6, 2015 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class


 Monday, March 2nd: 

Warm-ups: Clap-Clap-Snap-Snap: Categories: movies, actors, likes 

Chariots of Fire: Slowest person wins!

30 Second Shakespeare Commercial 

Work with class on sense memory of drunkenness 

Work with class on "S" curve movement, posture, presentation 


Tuesday, March 3rd:

Warm-ups: Ninjas, Big Booty
Improvs based on Act 1, Scene 5
Anton – Feste, Melissa – Maria, Nicole – Olivia, Tony – Malvolio
Gibberish: Christian, Alondra, Melissa, Anton, Tony



Wednesday, March 4th: 

Mill and Seethe with lines from the Shakespearean scenes
Rehearse Act 1, Scene 3
Anton as Toby, Jahayrah as Mariah 

Thursday, March 5th:

Improvs: cocktail
Split into groups to work on scenes
Work with Anton, Melissa, Jahayra, in 12th Night

Break into individual scenes and rehearse
Worked Act 1, Scene 3 with Melissa as Maria, Anton as Sir Toby Belch and Jam as Sir Andrew Aguecheek

Friday, March 6th:

Work on "I Believe"