Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 - March 27, 2015 Agenda

Monday, March 23rd: 
Emotional Cocktail Party:
Anton, Tony, Ty, Melissa, Kona

2nd Group:
Maria, Berlin, Patzy, Ayana, Jahayra 

Students rehearse with scene partners

Work with Maria and Jahayra: The Two Clowns from HAMLET, Act 5, Scene 1

Dodge ball with lines!

Tuesday, March 24th:
Mr. Itkin – 18 NMA student films need actors
Disney Film Releases
Cat and Mouse
Monologue Game:
Went through the plays and asked each actor his/her character’s chief complaint or greatest happiness
Helped some of the actors with their backstory – they didn’t know it.
Actor goes in circle and begins her/his monologue in contemporary speech about her/his complaint
Another actor cuts in and continues the monologue using his/her character’s issues

Wednesday, March 25th:
In pain from broken tooth!
Extra credit for auditioning for NMA student films
Reprinted Julius Caesar for Ry and Melissa
Rehearsed with Ayana and Christian in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Thursday, March 26th:
Not here today. At dentist for emergency dental work.
Mr. Fox here today to see presentation of scenes. Keenly disappointed. Nobody ready.

Friday, March 27th:
Worked with Jessianne and Patzy on Comedy of Errors
They do not know lines.
Worked with them to learn lines.
Everyone must know lines on April 7th.  

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