Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016 - Friday, December 16, 2016 Agenda

Monday, December 12th: 

Worked with Germaine on Butterflies are Free for his acting class final.

Luiza performed her self-written monologue:
Nona was helper; played her mother.
Luiza is angry that her family uprooted her in her senior year of school in New York with her music lessons - her piano and music are the only things she cares about - to move to Colorado for her father's new job as professor at a university.

Wednesday, December 14th: 
Jose and Jack: True West
Germaine: Butterflies Are Free
Cooper and Grace: Wicked
Ty and Lindsay: “Death’s Wages”
Khalah and Jay-Nice: Summer Brave
Nona, Luiza, and Nush: “Betraying the Blues”
Ariel, Precious: “Mother for Hire”
Josh: Convicts
Amy and Angela: “Hanging Out”
Caitlyn and Ariana: “Something Happened Here”
Abbey and Julia: The Glass Menagerie

Rubric for Your Class Reflection:
Must be typed
Should be two pages
You may submit it in class tomorrow, Thursday, December 15th, or e-mail it to
This two page paper should be a reflection on your work in this class over the past four months.
Please list in detail what you did in this class, including your work on the Halloween shows; Peter and the Starcatcher; your self-written monologue – the initial presentation, the first performance, and the final performance; and your final scene.
Please reflect on what you learned from your work in this class and on the shows. What were your successes? What were your failures? What did you learn about yourself in this class?

Thursday, December 15th: 
Final presentations of scenes today! 

Jose and Jack: True West

Jay-Nice and Khalah: Summer Braves

Grace and Cooper: Wicked

 Germaine: Butterflies are Free (Monologue)

Irene Short: Pantomime

Josh: Convicts (Monologue)

Amy and Angela: "Hanging Out" 

Luiza, Nona, Nush: "Betraying the Blues" 

Polina: Self-Written Monologue; character is in charge of body assignments for souls

Valorie: Self-Written Monologue: 

Ariana and Caitlyn: Something Happened Here

Abbey and Julia: The Glass Menagerie 

Ty and Lindsay:  


Monday, December 05, 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016 - Friday, December 9, 2016 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, December 5th:
Your research paper is due today.
Clean-up the dressing room
Put the props away
Separate the costumes into dirty and clean piles
Hang up the "clean" costumes
Take the dirty costumes to the cleaners

Tuesday, December 6th: 
Presented final monologues:
1.     Hakob  - Fedex employee tied up by drug thugs who think he is a currier for a drug lord; they wind up shooting and killing him. Somewhat comic.

2.     Ariel – nice guy who is trying to collect rent money from a manipulative “friend”. The nice guy has a bit of a breakdown who confesses that he lives in a slum, and his wife, who has a better job than he, has filed divorce papers against him.

3.     Kaitlyn – sweet girl who has bought gifts for her landlady who would rather have her move out than be giving gifts to her. The landlady rudely rejects her gifts and starts berating her for wasting her money and demands she moves out immediately.

4.     Precious – spoiled brat who has been grounded and her mom has cut off her credit cards. The brat doesn’t know this until she goes to an expensive store and tries to buy some luxury items. She throws a fit over the long lines, the slow cashier (played by helper Grace) and of course, being told by the cashier that her card has been declined.

Wednesday, December 7th: 

Students who have finished their research papers and/or their final presentations of their self-written monologues must find a scene and a partner for their acting final. 
Students must present the titles of their final scenes and the names of their scene partners today:

Something Happened Here – Caitlyn and Ariana
Wicked (Scene 7 and 8) – Grace and Cooper
True West -  Jose and Jack
"Hanging Out" - Amy and Angela
The Glass Menagerie - Julia and  Abby

Thursday, December 8th: 

Clean up of the Thespian Christmas Party
Class break into scenes to rehearse

Germain – “Butterflies Are Free”

Friday, December 9th:  

Students pair up with scene partners and rehearse their scenes.
Eric Bumaty gave brief presentation to students regarding film project.

November 28, 2016 - December 2, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, November 28th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Tuesday, November 29th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Wednesday, November 30th:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Thursday, December 1st:
In the auditorium, rehearse Peter and the Starcatcher 

Friday, December 2nd:
Rehearse scenes from Peter and the Starcatcher 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 14, 2016 - November 18, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

 Monday, November 14th:

Research paper:
Khalah, Jay-Nice, Germain, Lindsay, Nona

Character Presentations
Asked questions about who the characters are; where are they, who are they talking to, what do they want, what is central conflict?

Initial Presentations of scenes
Ariel: “Greg”, an apartment manager in New York; soft touch, trying to get the rent from a tenant in the apartment building but guy always manages to talk his way out of paying it.  “Greg’s” wife is threatening to leave him and if he doesn’t get the rent from this tenant he will be fired and evicted, so he’s a little stressed.

Ariana: Jalissa, a twenty-four year old college student who is auditioning for a film as a sort of a lark. The director is very short with her because she went up on her lines.

Precious: Jasmine, a sixteen-year old girl who is very spoiled. She is at an exclusive store to buy something expensive for her birthday, but she has already maxed out her credit card.
Amy: Helper. She is the sales clerk at the expensive store.

Cast from Peter and the Star Catcher: Learn lines; run lines from play

Tuesday, November 15th: 
Peter and the Star Catcher actors are working on lines.
Students who are working on research papers are in the library
Students who are working on monologues are writing and working on monologues today.
Nush and Jack are working with Dr. Sunnah on the set
Luiza is working with leadership

People who are doing research papers:
Khalah, Jay-Nice, Nona, Josh, Germain, Lindsay

Passed out the research paper rubric, the list of approved topics for the research paper, and the requirements for the research paper and important dates.  This information is also posted on the blog.

Wednesday, November 16th: 
Continued with initial presentations: 
Jose: retired Iraqi war vet suffering from PTSD; thirty-two years old. Trying to connect his with his four year old daughter. Talking to his little girl in the kitchen after fixing her a sandwich, which she doesn't want. He is filled with feelings of helplessness, and rage, and grief. 

Caitlyn: Chantal; twenty-eight years old; struggling with jobs; living with aunt. Comes home with a gift for the aunt who rejects the gift because she thinks she is spending her money recklessly. Wants her to move out. 

Cooper: Beverly Aire who was raised poor but became an instagram sensation and is now very rude and arrogant. On phone while ordering some coffee. The barista is taking too long and he insults her and tries to get her fired.  NO! Redo!  

Other students are in the library working on the research paper. 

Other students are polishing the writing on the monologue and rehearsing.  

Thursday, November 17th: 

Students’ Topics for Their Research Papers:

Amy: Elizabethan
Lindsay: Set design
Nona: Kabuki Theatre
German: Noh Theatre
Angela: William Shakespeare
Khalah: Bertolt Brecht
Josh: Commedia Dell Arte costumes

Initial Presentations:
Abbey: nervous bride having pre-wedding jitters. Calls mom for assurance. Goes outside her hotel room to look for her maid of honor, discovers her in her groom’s hotel room.

Cooper: Lost another job; alcoholic and mom was an alcoholic. Blamed for the death of his baby brother. Has a psychotic schizophrenic breakdown.
 By tomorrow: must have a typed monologue; bio

 Final Presentations:
Valerie: different from the first presentation; monologue not typed; Having a nervous breakdown; locked in bathroom contemplating suicide
By tomorrow: must have typed monologue; long in-depth bio; suicide letter.

Ariana: college student goes on a film audition on a lark. Gets in an argument with the rude director.

Tomorrow Nush and Jack will do their final presentations.

Friday, November 18th: 
Final Presentations: 
Ty - "Gilbert Willis" a book store clerk who just wants to read books. Annoyed at customers who interrupt his reading.  Funny!

Nush - "Wendy" is a high school student who had to do credit recovery in adult school in order to graduate with her friends. The counselor is telling her she is missing Algebra 2 and cannot return to school. 

Grace - Southern genius girl who is trying to write an essay on Lewis Carroll for her English class is being playfully teased by a spirit  - "Casey" - who wants her to stop what she's doing and play with her. "Casey" takes over the keyboard and writes a brilliant final paragraph on her essay. Grace's last lines are "Now, how to rewrite it so the teacher will believe a ten-year old wrote it. Funny and clever! 

Abbey - A nervous bride the night before her wedding calls her mother for comfort. At last calmed, she is walking down the hotel hallway and sees her maid of honor coming out of her fiance's hotel room. 

On Monday, November 28th: Ariel, Precious, and Caitlyn will do their final presentations. 


Theatre Research Paper for Acting Class

Theatre Research Paper for Play Production and Intermediate Acting Class 

The research paper must be about theatre and the topic must be pre-approved by the teacher.
The research paper must be:
Eight pages in length
12 font
Double spaced 
Pictures may be used but there must be eight pages of text


The work must be cited 
Please go to the library website and use the “Research Help” section to learn how to cite your work 
The paper must have five sources: 
Three sources must be from books (which may be online)
Two from reputable websites 
You may also use documentaries 
You must have five bibliography listings on your bibliography page

Requirements and Due Dates: 

You must have twenty four notecards for your research paper 
(If you don’t know how to do that, consult the “Research Help” section on the Hollywood High Library website) 
You must have an outline for the research paper 
You must have a bibliography page listing your five sources 

The due date for your research paper will be Tuesday, December 6, 2016 

Research Topics on Theatre

The research paper must be on the subject of theatre. Some possible topics can be one of the following, but not limited to the list below. The student may choose a topic that is not on the list as long as it is approved by the teacher. Here is the list of possible theatre research topics: 
Primitive Theatre
Early Theatre 

Greek Drama: 
Greek Dramatists
Athenian Play Festival
Dionsysus - god of Greek Theatre
Greek Acting 
Greek Staging
Greek Costuming 

Roman Theatre
Roman Playwrights 

Elizabethan Drama: 
Christopher Marlowe
William Shakespeare

Restoration Theatre


American Theatre 
Stella Adler 
Sanford Meisner
Lee Strasberg

African American Drama: 
August Wilson 

Group Theatre 
Harold Clurman 
Cheryl Crawford 
Clifford Odets

British Theatre
Method of Training Actors 

Russian Theatre
Anton Chekhov
Constantin Stanislavski
Moscow Art Theatre 

Kabuki Theatre

Noh Theatre 

Vsevolod Meyerhold 

Max Reinhardt

Experimental Theatre 

Scene Design and Stage Lighting 


Theatrical Make-up

Sunday, November 06, 2016

November 7, 2016 - November 10, 2016

Monday, November 7th: 
Theatre Warm-ups:
Initial Presentations of Characters:

Tuesday, November 8th: 
Theatre Warm-ups: 
Initial Presentations of Characters:
Vocal Warm-ups
“Kitty Wants a Corner”
20 Second Characters
Star Catcher Actors work on lines
Others: work on writing monologues
Others who have presented their initial monologues, get on feet and rehearse
Presenting Initial 1st Drafts of Monologues:
Nona – Failing medical student
Luiza – dean

Tomorrow: Continue working with Nona, Amy, Jay-Nice, Lindsay

Wednesday, November 9th: 
Theatre Warm-ups: 
Initial Presentations of Characters
Worked with initial presentations:
 Angela Perez
Young 15 year old boy who confesses to his mother that he is in love with a beautiful girl he  met in touring.

Suggested to Khalah two possible research topics: Bertolt Brecht or Commedia Dell Arte.

Thursday, November 10th: 
Theatre Warm-ups: 
Final Presentations of Characters

Luiza – 16 year old angry at parents for moving her to Colorado away from her piano studies in New York. Dad moved due to getting new position as a professor at a university.

Amy – a nurse who accidentally killed a patient. Gave suggestions for a rewrite. Will show on Monday.

Polina – Interplanetary Transitions of Souls.  Need to work on language

For Monday: Jose, Irene, Germain, Ariana, Nona, Caitlyn, Precious, Ariel
Research Conferences with:
Kaylah, Lindsay

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

October 31, 2016 - November 4, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class


Monday, October 31st: 
Not here
Student's self-reflective essay will be due on Tuesday, November 1st. 

Tuesday, November 1st: 
 Create – a – Character
You have five minutes to create a character
You must create a character who is completely different from you in age, occupation
You have five minutes to create this character.
You must create a location
You must create a situation
You must create a conflict.

For those of you who are not interested in acting, you will be writing two eight page research papers on theatre.
The first research paper will be due on November 18th.
The second research paper will be due on December 9th.
The process must include the following:
Note cards
Bibliography cards
An outline
A first draft
A final draft
Bibliography page 

Initial Presentations: 
Annie - excellent! 

Wednesday, November 2nd: 
Students work on creating  their characters and scenes  
Initial Presentations:

Thursday, November 3rd: 
Quiet writing hour

Friday, November 4th: 
Initial Presentations of Characters:


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Self-Reflection on the Halloween Productions

Self Reflection on Your Participation in the Halloween Show

Please write a two-page typed self-reflection on your participation in the Halloween shows.  This must be typed, in essay format,  and should be emailed to me at  Some of the things you must address are:
1.     What were your duties on the show? Please list each one.
2.     List the duties you were able to do.
3.     Were you able to accomplish each duty? Which duties were you not able to accomplish and why?
4.     What difficulties did you encounter in accomplishing your duties?
5.     What could you have done to prevent the difficulties you encountered?
6.     Did the show suffer due to anything you did or did not do? For example, not being secure in your lines; or not supplying all the necessary props or costumes for the show, or forgetting a set change, or being late for an entrance, or having a cell phone on stage during a show set in 1962?
7.     What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
8.     What is the most significant accomplishment you achieved from participating in the shows?
This must be two pages, typed and in essay format.  This will be due on Monday, October 31st. Please e-mail to

Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 24, 2016 - October 28, 2016 Rehearsal Schedule for "To Serve Man"

Monday, October 24th:
5th Period:
Rehearse the entire play

Tuesday, October 25th:
5th Period:
Rehearse the entire play
3:30 - 5:00
Tentative Shoot of two scenes

Wednesday, October 26th:
5th Period:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
6th Period:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
3:30 - 6:00:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
6:00: Costumes and make-up
7:00: Performance
8:00: Clean up

Thursday, October 27th:
5th Period:
Rehearse entire play
6th Period: Rehearsal
3:30 - 6:00: Rehearsal
6:00: Costumes and make-up
7:00: Performance
8:00 Clean up

Friday, October 28th:
5th Period: 503
Write a two page minimum typed reflection on your performance in this show. Due on Monday, October 31st.
Self Reflection on Your Participation in the Halloween Show

Please write a two-page typed self-reflection on your participation in the Halloween shows.  This must be typed, in essay format,  and should be emailed to me at  Some of the things you must address are:
1.     What were your duties on the show? Please list each one.
2.     List the duties you were able to do.
3.     Were you able to accomplish each duty? Which duties were you not able to accomplish and why?
4.     What difficulties did you encounter in accomplishing your duties?
5.     What could you have done to prevent the difficulties you encountered?
6.     Did the show suffer due to anything you did or did not do? For example, not being secure in your lines; or not supplying all the necessary props or costumes for the show, or forgetting a set change, or being late for an entrance, or having a cell phone on stage during a show set in 1962?
7.     What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
8.     What is the most significant accomplishment you achieved from participating in the shows?
This must be two pages, typed and in essay format.  This will be due on Monday, October 31st. Please e-mail to

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016 - October 21, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class


Monday, October 17th: 
 Paul Itkin and Cynthia Barragan here
Ran the show for Paul from beginning

Tuesday, October 18th:  
Students took costumes from 502 to the dressing room in the auditorium
Shania directing Scene 2
Actors: Ariel, Cooper, Germaine, Josh, Hakop, Kaitlyn, Hakop, Polina, Ty,
Polina - late

Wednesday, October 19th: 
No class today due to PSAT

Thursday, October 20th: 
Rehearsed "To Serve Man" up to and through page 7

Friday, October 21st: 
Rehearsed "To Serve Man" from page 7 to page 16
After school rehearsal from 12:50 to 1:40 p.m.: "To Serve Man" from page 16 to page 18.


Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016 - October 14, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 10th: 
Rehearse “To Serve Man” up to the beginning of Scene 2

Tuesday, October 11th: 
Went over list of duties, responsibilities, and reviewed what each person has accomplished. 
Shania rehearsed the first scene of "To Serve Man" 

Wednesday, October 12th: 
No school! 

Thursday, October 13th: 
Students break into crews
Shania rehearsed the third scene of "To Serve Man"  
Shyree shooting students for their "Spotlight" Monologues 

Friday, October 14th:  

Passed out new scripts
Rehearsed pages 13 – 17
Working today:
Shania – director
Luiza – director
Grace – script adviser/writer
Nush – sets(?)
Germaine – actor and props
Ariel – actor and props
Actors: Cooper, Jack, Jose, Kaitlyn, Polina, Ty,


Wednesday, October 05, 2016

October 3, 2016 - October 7, 2016 Weekly Agenda for "To Serve Man"

Tuesday, October 3rd: 
First scene in "To Serve Man" 
Students working on crews

Wednesday, October 4th: 
Blocked first scene in "To Serve Man"

Thursday, October 5th: 
Reviewed first scene and began second scene

Parent Letter and Contract for 5th Period Halloween Show

October, 2016

Dear Parent and Student: 

This year we will be working on the Halloween show during the month of the October. The show selected for this year’s production is the student adaptation of Rod Serling’s teleplay “To Serve Man” from “The Twilight Zone”. The adaptation is about aliens who come to Earth who want to help humans - or do they? Rehearsals will be during fifth period, 1:12 to 2:04 Monday through Friday. The show will be performed on Wednesday and Thursday, October 26th and October 27th at 7 p.m. 

On the day of the performances, the students will have to stay from 3:15 to about 8 p.m. From 3:15 to 7:00, the students will be setting up for the show, rehearsing, doing final run-throughs of tech and dress rehearsals, and getting into costume and make-up. The show will begin at 7 p.m. and there will be a small three dollar charge (this is a fund raiser to help the magnet). “To Serve Man” is about thirty minutes in length and is paired with another short play entitled “The Monkey’s Paw”, which is about twenty minutes in length. “The Monkey’s Paw” will perform first at 7 p.m. There will be a short intermission of about ten minutes, and then “To Serve Man” will be performed, starting at around 7:30. The entire show should be finished  around 8 p.m. 

This is part of your child’s grade. Everyone in the class is involved in the show, either as a performer, and/or as a crew member. The many duties of the crew members include stage managing; assistant directing; finding and running props during the show; finding, creating, and maintaining costumes during the show; building sets and changing sets during the show; creating the sound effects, finding the music,  and running the sound during the show; running concessions during the show; and creating posters, flyers, writing announcements, and running  social media  - facebook, snapchat, and instagram - for publicity. Many students are both performing in the show and working on crews. 

Every day the students are expected to work during class time, either on the crews or in the show as a performer, or as a stage manager, or as a student director. The students are required to keep a notebook for the class with the script, notes, drawings, pictures, cues, etc. (depending on which crew they are working on )  which mark their work and progress on the show.  After the show closes, their notebooks will be graded according to thoroughness and effort. Every day in class during the month of October, the students will be graded on their effort and success in accomplishing daily and weekly goals set for the show. 

Failure to participate or cooperate, or contribute to the show, which is the focus of the class this month will result in a lowered grade or even a fail in the class. 

I hope this is a fun and exciting experience for your child and I hope that you and your family can attend “To Serve Man” and enjoy your child’s show. 

Thank you, 

Kate Bridges

Student Name:______________________________________________________________

Parent Name:_______________________________________________________________

Parent Email:_______________________________________________________________