Thursday, October 27, 2016

Self-Reflection on the Halloween Productions

Self Reflection on Your Participation in the Halloween Show

Please write a two-page typed self-reflection on your participation in the Halloween shows.  This must be typed, in essay format,  and should be emailed to me at  Some of the things you must address are:
1.     What were your duties on the show? Please list each one.
2.     List the duties you were able to do.
3.     Were you able to accomplish each duty? Which duties were you not able to accomplish and why?
4.     What difficulties did you encounter in accomplishing your duties?
5.     What could you have done to prevent the difficulties you encountered?
6.     Did the show suffer due to anything you did or did not do? For example, not being secure in your lines; or not supplying all the necessary props or costumes for the show, or forgetting a set change, or being late for an entrance, or having a cell phone on stage during a show set in 1962?
7.     What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
8.     What is the most significant accomplishment you achieved from participating in the shows?
This must be two pages, typed and in essay format.  This will be due on Monday, October 31st. Please e-mail to

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