Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Crew List and Description of Duties for "To Serve Man"

U.N. Secretary: Cooper Couch
The Alien: Ty Howze
Chambers: Jose Flores

Pat: Abbey Flores

Arianna, Jay-nice, Khaleh, Valorie
Go over the script and make a list of all the characters
Write the characters’ names, age, gender, personality and profession
Also, bear in mind the time period that the piece is set in
Determine how the character would dress
Do research on how these characters  dress
Download the costume figures and then design the costumes
By 2:04 we need each person to have two characters fully analyzed with suggested costumes

Read the script
Make notes about every single prop that is mentioned in the script
Draw up a list of every prop
Go to prop room and look for props
Look for props else where – at home or at school
Make props – for example, the Alien’s book
Set up the prop table during rehearsals and during the shows
Place the props in their proper places during rehearsals and during the shows
Strike the props which means you put the props away in the closet, a box, or in 501.

Read the script
Analyze the script regarding the sets
What is needed! Pay attention to the needs of the set!
How many scenes are there?
What locations are used? (Where do the scenes take place?)
Do research!
Draw a floor plan of the set
Draw a rendering of the set

Sound Design:
Read the script
Analyze the script regarding the sounds
Are there specific sounds that are needed in the script?
What kind of approach do you want to take with the sound?
Do research as to what kind of music was used in that period
Mixed tape of the sounds
You are going to make a final mixed tape of the sound effects
You are going to create a cue sheet and determine when and where the music and the sound effects are played.
You will run the sound during the show.

Lighting Design and Light Board Operator

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