Thursday, October 27, 2016

Self-Reflection on the Halloween Productions

Self Reflection on Your Participation in the Halloween Show

Please write a two-page typed self-reflection on your participation in the Halloween shows.  This must be typed, in essay format,  and should be emailed to me at  Some of the things you must address are:
1.     What were your duties on the show? Please list each one.
2.     List the duties you were able to do.
3.     Were you able to accomplish each duty? Which duties were you not able to accomplish and why?
4.     What difficulties did you encounter in accomplishing your duties?
5.     What could you have done to prevent the difficulties you encountered?
6.     Did the show suffer due to anything you did or did not do? For example, not being secure in your lines; or not supplying all the necessary props or costumes for the show, or forgetting a set change, or being late for an entrance, or having a cell phone on stage during a show set in 1962?
7.     What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
8.     What is the most significant accomplishment you achieved from participating in the shows?
This must be two pages, typed and in essay format.  This will be due on Monday, October 31st. Please e-mail to

Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 24, 2016 - October 28, 2016 Rehearsal Schedule for "To Serve Man"

Monday, October 24th:
5th Period:
Rehearse the entire play

Tuesday, October 25th:
5th Period:
Rehearse the entire play
3:30 - 5:00
Tentative Shoot of two scenes

Wednesday, October 26th:
5th Period:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
6th Period:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
3:30 - 6:00:
Tech and Dress Rehearsal
6:00: Costumes and make-up
7:00: Performance
8:00: Clean up

Thursday, October 27th:
5th Period:
Rehearse entire play
6th Period: Rehearsal
3:30 - 6:00: Rehearsal
6:00: Costumes and make-up
7:00: Performance
8:00 Clean up

Friday, October 28th:
5th Period: 503
Write a two page minimum typed reflection on your performance in this show. Due on Monday, October 31st.
Self Reflection on Your Participation in the Halloween Show

Please write a two-page typed self-reflection on your participation in the Halloween shows.  This must be typed, in essay format,  and should be emailed to me at  Some of the things you must address are:
1.     What were your duties on the show? Please list each one.
2.     List the duties you were able to do.
3.     Were you able to accomplish each duty? Which duties were you not able to accomplish and why?
4.     What difficulties did you encounter in accomplishing your duties?
5.     What could you have done to prevent the difficulties you encountered?
6.     Did the show suffer due to anything you did or did not do? For example, not being secure in your lines; or not supplying all the necessary props or costumes for the show, or forgetting a set change, or being late for an entrance, or having a cell phone on stage during a show set in 1962?
7.     What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
8.     What is the most significant accomplishment you achieved from participating in the shows?
This must be two pages, typed and in essay format.  This will be due on Monday, October 31st. Please e-mail to

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016 - October 21, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class


Monday, October 17th: 
 Paul Itkin and Cynthia Barragan here
Ran the show for Paul from beginning

Tuesday, October 18th:  
Students took costumes from 502 to the dressing room in the auditorium
Shania directing Scene 2
Actors: Ariel, Cooper, Germaine, Josh, Hakop, Kaitlyn, Hakop, Polina, Ty,
Polina - late

Wednesday, October 19th: 
No class today due to PSAT

Thursday, October 20th: 
Rehearsed "To Serve Man" up to and through page 7

Friday, October 21st: 
Rehearsed "To Serve Man" from page 7 to page 16
After school rehearsal from 12:50 to 1:40 p.m.: "To Serve Man" from page 16 to page 18.


Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016 - October 14, 2016 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 10th: 
Rehearse “To Serve Man” up to the beginning of Scene 2

Tuesday, October 11th: 
Went over list of duties, responsibilities, and reviewed what each person has accomplished. 
Shania rehearsed the first scene of "To Serve Man" 

Wednesday, October 12th: 
No school! 

Thursday, October 13th: 
Students break into crews
Shania rehearsed the third scene of "To Serve Man"  
Shyree shooting students for their "Spotlight" Monologues 

Friday, October 14th:  

Passed out new scripts
Rehearsed pages 13 – 17
Working today:
Shania – director
Luiza – director
Grace – script adviser/writer
Nush – sets(?)
Germaine – actor and props
Ariel – actor and props
Actors: Cooper, Jack, Jose, Kaitlyn, Polina, Ty,


Wednesday, October 05, 2016

October 3, 2016 - October 7, 2016 Weekly Agenda for "To Serve Man"

Tuesday, October 3rd: 
First scene in "To Serve Man" 
Students working on crews

Wednesday, October 4th: 
Blocked first scene in "To Serve Man"

Thursday, October 5th: 
Reviewed first scene and began second scene

Parent Letter and Contract for 5th Period Halloween Show

October, 2016

Dear Parent and Student: 

This year we will be working on the Halloween show during the month of the October. The show selected for this year’s production is the student adaptation of Rod Serling’s teleplay “To Serve Man” from “The Twilight Zone”. The adaptation is about aliens who come to Earth who want to help humans - or do they? Rehearsals will be during fifth period, 1:12 to 2:04 Monday through Friday. The show will be performed on Wednesday and Thursday, October 26th and October 27th at 7 p.m. 

On the day of the performances, the students will have to stay from 3:15 to about 8 p.m. From 3:15 to 7:00, the students will be setting up for the show, rehearsing, doing final run-throughs of tech and dress rehearsals, and getting into costume and make-up. The show will begin at 7 p.m. and there will be a small three dollar charge (this is a fund raiser to help the magnet). “To Serve Man” is about thirty minutes in length and is paired with another short play entitled “The Monkey’s Paw”, which is about twenty minutes in length. “The Monkey’s Paw” will perform first at 7 p.m. There will be a short intermission of about ten minutes, and then “To Serve Man” will be performed, starting at around 7:30. The entire show should be finished  around 8 p.m. 

This is part of your child’s grade. Everyone in the class is involved in the show, either as a performer, and/or as a crew member. The many duties of the crew members include stage managing; assistant directing; finding and running props during the show; finding, creating, and maintaining costumes during the show; building sets and changing sets during the show; creating the sound effects, finding the music,  and running the sound during the show; running concessions during the show; and creating posters, flyers, writing announcements, and running  social media  - facebook, snapchat, and instagram - for publicity. Many students are both performing in the show and working on crews. 

Every day the students are expected to work during class time, either on the crews or in the show as a performer, or as a stage manager, or as a student director. The students are required to keep a notebook for the class with the script, notes, drawings, pictures, cues, etc. (depending on which crew they are working on )  which mark their work and progress on the show.  After the show closes, their notebooks will be graded according to thoroughness and effort. Every day in class during the month of October, the students will be graded on their effort and success in accomplishing daily and weekly goals set for the show. 

Failure to participate or cooperate, or contribute to the show, which is the focus of the class this month will result in a lowered grade or even a fail in the class. 

I hope this is a fun and exciting experience for your child and I hope that you and your family can attend “To Serve Man” and enjoy your child’s show. 

Thank you, 

Kate Bridges

Student Name:______________________________________________________________

Parent Name:_______________________________________________________________

Parent Email:_______________________________________________________________