Thursday, January 05, 2017

2017 Spring Semester Contract for the Acting Class

January 9, 2017


Welcome to ACTING CLASS!

The purpose of this class is to produce plays and to learn acting techniques and theatre etiquette. Each semester a play is produced and after the play,  the students then work on acting technique, scenes and monologues.

You will need a light weight notebook for this class in which to put your scripts, your written work, and your work logs. The notebook will be submitted after each production or performance of your scene work.

During the spring semester we will be working on two productions: The first production will be the Black History Month Assembly, an all-school assembly,which will be Friday, February 24th, during sixth period. We will be working on this in January and February during sixth period.  There will be  two to three days of after school rehearsal the week of February 20th. Each student will choose to do one or more of the following assignments: research, writing, directing, choreographing, dancing, music research, singing, stage-managing, stage crew, lights, sound, props, costumes.  You must keep the script and a log in your notebook detailing your responsibilities, your goals, and what you accomplished, plus the hours, and days that you worked on the show.  After the assembly, you will turn in your notebook with your work logs and your typed reflection on your work.  If  you do not participate in the assembly your grade will be significantly lowered. 

In March and April, we will be casting and rehearsing the small Spring production.  The performance dates are: Thursday and Friday, April 20th and April 21st from 4 - 6 p.m.  There will be two to three days of after school rehearsals during the week of April 17th. Each student will be either performing, directing, stage managing, or doing stage crew, lights, sound, props,  costumes, and/or publicity. Again, you must keep the script and a log in your notebook detailing your responsibilities, your goals, and what you accomplished, plus the hours, and days that you worked on the show.  After the production, you will turn in your notebook with your work logs and your typed reflection on your work.  If  you do not participate in the spring production your grade will be significantly lowered. 

The student may salvage his or her grade by writing a ten page research paper in MLA format on some aspect of theatre which will be submitted to  The student will have to write one research paper for each show the student chooses not to work on.  However, it will be difficult to earn an "A" in the production class without working on the shows. 

You will receive extra credit for performing in the dance show and the musical.

Much of the director’s decisions regarding the amount of rehearsal needed will be dependent upon the actors’ behavior. It is imperative that the actors arrive on time, with scripts, pencils, and props, ready to work.  Failure to do so will definitely result in more rehearsal time for the cast and possible removal from the show and a fail in the class.  In order for the production of the show to be as easy and enjoyable as possible, the following rules should be followed:
    Attend every rehearsal and performance on time 
    Have script, pencil, and props with you
    Be ready to work - leave outside drama and baggage outside!
    No talking or fooling around during rehearsal
    No cell phones on stage or during rehearsal
    If there is a problem with another actor please see the director
    Do not give direction to another actor
    Always show respect to the cast, the crew, and the director
    Stay until the director dismisses you

Failure to follow these rules or to follow through on performances may result in your dismissal from the play and/or receiving an “F” in this class.

After the show, the concentration of the class will be on furthering the development of acting techniques, with students working together on scripts as actors and directors.  We may try to schedule a showcase during May where the actors, directors (and those of you who wish to try your hand at writing) present your work during 6th period to other classes.

I hope this is a fun, challenging and enjoyable class for you, and I look forward to working with you.


Kate Bridges

I have read the above and understand the requirements of the class:


Student email:______________________________________________


Parent email:______________________________________________



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