Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Meisner Acting Exercise

Meisner Acting Exercise:
Returning alumnus: Amber Florin!
Lead an acting exercise: 
Actors partner up
Actor A and B
Close eyes and visualize the other person as someone you care about.
Person A says  "Yes!" Person B says "No!" 
Continue going back and forth.
Then switch - Person A says, "No!" and Person B says "Yes!" 
Continue going back and forth.
Then change to "Screw You!" Both A and B say, "Screw You" and go back and forth.
Then switch to "Why?" Both A and B ask, "Why?" and go back and forth.
Then stop, breathe in the other person's essence and say, "I am sorry". 
 Both A and B say, "I'm sorry" and switch, going back and forth. 
Then stop and look deep into the other person's eyes: this is the person you are fighting for. 

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