Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 5, 2006 Weekly Schedule for Advanced Acting

Because absenteeism has become such a problem for the Advanced Acting Class and is affecting the progress of the scenes, we are forced to institute the following policy:

You must present an excuse from your doctor, your employer and/or
your parent/guardian every time you are absent. For every unexcused
absence your grade will be dropped one letter grade.

Monday, June 5th:

Continue working on “Person, Place and Things”, “Objectives” and “A Day in the Life”.

Today Waiting for Godot is up to bat!

If a scheduled scene is unable to rehearse, then I will move on to the next available scene or scenes. Please be advised that you must bring all your scripts to class every day. Failure to do so will result in a lowered grade. Sorry, but it’s time to get hard core with this if we are going to do these scenes.

Tuesday, June 6th:

Continue working on “Person, Place and Things”, “Objectives” and “A Day in the Life”.

Today A Piece of My Heart is up!

If you are not working with me on any particular day, then you should run through your scene(s) in its entirety at least once. This means you are up, on your feet doing the scene with script and pencil in hand, working with props, using sense and emotion memory, using objectives and “person, place and things”. Rehearsing is not sitting around, reading the script once and then talking.

Wednesday, June 7th:

See above.

Today Laundry and Bourbon is up!

Continue working on your scenes. If you are unable to work with your scene partners, then you should sit quietly in #503 and memorize your lines.

Thursday, June 8th:

See above.

Today Angels in America will be up!
Friday, June 9th:

Please refer to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday if you are in doubt about what you should be doing.

Today Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf is up!

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