Tuesday, December 09, 2014

December 8, 2014 - December 12, 2014 Acting Class Agenda

Monday, December 8th: 

Scenes to be performed:

Jayna and Berlin

Kona and Alondra

Tony, Carl, Anton, Maria, Ry

Jam, Jahayra, Patzy

Tuesday, December 9th: 

Presentation of scenes from TWELFTH NIGHT

Worked with Berlin and Jayna
Berlin: Antonio
Jayna: Viola

New Scene Assignments:

Act 3, Scene 4
Olivia: Nicole
Maria: Kona Jackson
Malvolio: Anton Burman

Act 4, Scene 1
Sir Toby: Jahayra Rosas
Clown: Jessiane Banegas
Sir Andrew: Maria Kivorkian
Olivia: Berlin Givens
Sebastian: Alondra
Viola: Jam

Act 4, Scene 2
Toby: Ryon
Malvolio: Carl
Clown: Tony

Wednesday, December 10th: 

Find new scenes
Begin work on new scenes
Jahayra, Jam, Patzy, Maria, Jayna, Alondra, Berlin, looking for scenes

Worked with:

Act 4, Scene 2
Carl, Ry, Tony

Approved the following group and scene

Act 5, Scene 1
Jam: Olivia,
Janay: Fabian, Antoni
Maria: Clown
Berlin, Duke
Jessiane: Officer 1 and Sir Toby
Patzy: Priest and Sir Andrew
Jahayra: Viola
Alondra: Sebastian

Thursday, December 11th: 

Work with Tony, Carl and Ry  on scene – finished blocking! 
 Everyone else rehearsed outside!

Friday, December 12th: 

Period 5:
Worked with Act 5, Scene 1
Clown: Maria
Fabian: Jahayra
Duke: Patzy
Officer: Jessianne
Antonio: Berlin
Olivia: Jam
Priest: Berlin
Andrew: Jayna
Sir Toby: Jessianne
Sebastian: Alondra
Malvolio: Alondra
Viola: Jayna

Blocked first two pages of scene; pages 70 - 71

 Ry, Tony, and Carl rehearsed independently 
Melissa, Berlin and Anton are doing a scene together.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

December 1, 2014 - December 5, 2014 Acting Class

Monday, December 1st:
Vocal Exercises
Acting Exercises
Work on scenes

Tuesday, December 2nd:
Vocal Exercises
Acting Exercises
Work on scenes

Wednesday, December 3rd:
Vocal Exercises
Acting Exercises
Work on scenes

Thursday, December 4th:
In Auditorium
Watch rehearsals

Friday, December 5th:
Vocal Exercises
Acting Exercises
Perform Scenes

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 17th, 2014 - November 21, 2014 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, November 17th:
Theatre games
"Upstairs/Downstairs Kitchen Intrigue" Important dinner party tonight but kitchen is a disaster
Read through of Act 3, Scene 1 with Nicole and Jessianne

Tuesday, November 18th:
"Upstairs/Downstair: A Robbery in an 18th Century Mansion"
"19th Century Sixty Speed Dating"

Wednesday, November 19th:
Work on scenes

Thursday, November 20th:
Magnet Assembly Presentation of THE ARABIAN NIGHTS

Friday, November 21st:
Work with Act 3, Scene 1 with Nicole and Jessiane

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 10, 2014 - November 14, 2014 Weekly Agenda

Monday, November 10th:
Improvs and theatre games
"Yes and"
Sandy Meisner Statement Exercise

Tuesday, November 11th:
No school

Wednesday, November 12th:
Watch Trevor Nunn's production of TWELFTH NIGHT

Thursday, November 13th:
Watch Trevor Nunn's production of TWELFTH NIGHT

Friday, November 14th:
Watch Trevor Nunn's production of TWELFTH NIGHT

Sunday, November 02, 2014

November 3, 2014 - November 7, 2014

Monday, November 3rd:
Finish watching "She's the Man" film (modern adaptation of TWELFTH NIGHT)

Tuesday, November 4th:
Character Walk
Totem Animal Walk
Break into scenes and rehearse
I will work with one group today
Today's goal:
Everyone work on your objectives: What do you want coming into the scene?

Wednesday, November 5th:
Mirror Exercise
Break into scenes and rehearse
I will work with another group today
Today's goal:
What is your super objective? What do you want to have happen at the end of the play?

Thursday, November 6th:
Meisner Exercise with your scene partners
Break into scenes and rehearse
I will work with another group today
Today's goal:
What is your relationship with the other character(s) in your scene? Do you like him or her? Are you of the same status? What do you want from the other character?

Friday November 7th:
Field Trip today! Remember to be at 503 at 8:30 to go to the AMPAS Museum
Break into groups and rehearse!
I will rehearse with one group today
Today's goal:
Where are you coming from? Where were you prior to entering the scene?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 27, 2014 - October 31, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 27th: 

Break into groups and work on scenes
As you are working please look for the following:
1. Where are you? Where does the scene take place?
2. What is your objective? What do you want?
3. What is your relationship with the other people in the scene?

I will work with at least one scene per class

Tuesday, October 28th: 

Acting Games:
Sandy Meisner

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class

Wednesday, October 29th: 

Acting Games: 
Walking reveals character
Playing drunk
The Entrance Exercise

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class

Thursday, October 30th: 

Acting Games: 
The Entrance Game

Friday, October 31st: 

Acting Games: 
The Entrance Game

Continue working on your scenes

I will work with at least one scene per class 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 20, 2014 - October 24th Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, October 20th: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Finish reading TWELFTH NIGHT

Tuesday, October 21st: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Break into pairs; students will be paired up or placed into group scenes from TWELFTH NIGHT 

Wednesday, October 22nd:

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Read through of scenes

Thursday, October 23rd: 

Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre games
Begin working on scenes

Friday, October 24th:

Meet in front of 503 to ride the metro to downtown L.A. 
Make sure:
You get your lunch from the cafeteria before leaving.
You have your tap card. 
You have turned in your trip slip by Thursday, October 23rd. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 - October 17, 2014 Agenda for Advanced Acting Class

Monday, October 13th:

Vocal Warm-ups
"Perfect Love and the Madman"
Work on "The Circle of Life"; page 38
"The Jester's Wife"; pages 39 - 48

After School:
Vocal Warm-ups
"Perfect Love and the Madman"
Work on "The Circle of Life": page 38
"The Jester's Wife"; pages 39 - 48

Tuesday, October 14th

Theatre games
Finish reading Act 4, Scene 2

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 6, 2014 - October 10, 2014 Acting Class Agenda

Monday, October 6th:
Theatre Games

Tuesday, October 7th:
Theatre games
Read and act out Act 3, Scenes 1 and 2

Wednesday, October 8th:
Theatre games
Read and discuss Act 3, Scene 4

Thursday, October 9th:
Theatre games
"Pass the Clap"
Improv Act 3, Scene 4

Friday, October 10th:
Theatre Games:
"Pass the Clap"
Read, discuss Act 3, Scenes 4 and 5

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 29, 2014 - October 3, 2014 Acting Class Agenda

Monday, September 29th:
Vocal Exercises
Theatre Games
Act out scenes

Tuesday, September 30th:
Vocal Exercises
Theatre Games
Act out scenes

Wednesday, October 1st:
Vocal Exercises
Theatre Games
Act out scenes

Thursday, October 2nd:
Vocal Exercises
Theatre Games
Act out scenes

Friday, October 3rd:
Watch film of TWELFTH NIGHT

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 22, 2014 - September 26, 2014 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, September 22nd:
Romeo and Juliet
Read and act out the scene where Juliet is discovered "dead" in her bed, Act 4, Scene 5
Read and act out the final scene of Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3

Tuesday, September 23rd:
Regular day
Read Twelfth Night; read up to Act 1, Scene 4
Act out selected scenes

Wednesday, September 24th:
Read Twelfth Night
Act out selected scenes

Thursday, September 25th:
No school today

Friday, September 26th:
Read Twelfth Nigh
Act out selected scenes

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 15, 2014 - September 19, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, September 15th:
Act out Act 3, Scene 1: The fight scene where Tybalt kills Mercutio, and Romeo avenges Mercutio's death by killing Tybalt.
Read and act out Act 3, Scene 5: Lord Capulet tells Juliet she must marry Paris

Tuesday, September 16th:
Shortened day
Read and act out Act 4, Scene 5: Lord and Lady Capulet, and the Nurse finds Juliet lying in her bed, unconscious.

Wednesday, September 17th:
Read and act out Act 5, Scene 3: Romeo and Juliet die

Thursday, September 18th:
Watch selected scenes from the Zefferelli film of ROMEO and JULIET

Friday, September 19th:
Continue watching selected scenes

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tongue Twisters

Alondra, Jam:

An alligator ate an apple at an astronaut's apartment.

Groover Graciela gladly grounded giddy Gabby.

Jam's jaguar jumped joyfully, jazzily and jealously.

Daisy's dirty diapers disgusted dazzling Donald.

Jahayra and Jessianne:

Jiggle, Jizzle, Jiffy, Jelly, Jolly, Jaw Jam

Baby bum boo bumped bouncing balls.

Real robots rake railroads running round robbing rats.

Melissa, Ry, Terry:

Tommy takes Timmy to talk tippity top to tell trippily.

Rachel rides raging raptors rolling round rocky rivers.

Mary makes momma moo moved making messy mayonnaise.

Carl, Nicole:

Steven sometimes says stupid stuff silently.

Nina nodded naughtily nightly.

Aaron's accusation accused Anthony of atrocities against animals.


Bubbly Berlin bought bubbles by Burbank.

Patzy properly popped peppered popcorn.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 8, 2014 - September 12, 2014 Weekly Agenda

Monday, September 8th:
Improvised and then acted out Act 1, Scene 1
Read Act 1, Scene 5
Created dance
Ran the scene: read it while acting it out with dancing until "Did I love til now?

Tuesday, September 9th:
New Improv Game: Pantomine Action Dictated by Others
Finished blocking the rest of Act 1, Scene 5
Ran the scene: read it while acting it out with dancing

Wednesday, September 10th:
Presentation by Constance Prang from "The Young Artists"
Work on Act 2, Scene 1:
Read it
Improv it
Act it out while reading

Thursday, September 11th:
Work on Act 2, Scene 2
Read it
Improv it
Act it out while reading it

Friday, September 12th:
Work on Act 3, Scene 1
Read it
Improv it
Act it out while reading it

Sunday, August 31, 2014

September 2, 2014 - September 5, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Acting Class

Tuesday, September 2nd:
Theatre Games
Act 4

Wednesday, September 3rd:
Theatre Games
Act 5

Thursday, September 4th:
Vocal Theatre Games
Shakespearean Insults
Act out the riot scene in Act 1, Scene 1
Act out the Capulet Party scene in Act 1, Scene 6

Friday, September 5th:
Vocal Theatre Games
Act out Benvolio and Mercutio scene in Act 2, Scene 1
Act out the Balcony scene in Act 2, Scene 2
Act out Mercutio, Romeo and Nurse scene in Act 2, Scene 4;

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 25, 2014 - August 28, 2014 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, August 25th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre Games

Tuesday, August 26th:
Shortened day
Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre Games

Wednesday, August 27th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre Games

Thursday, August 28th:
Vocal Warm-ups
Theatre Games


Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 - August 22, 2014 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, August 18th:
Go over the information for the Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble
Show dvd "Why Shakespeare?" 
Show dvd of "Shakespeare in the Hood"
Went over application for Spotlight Awards for Acting 

Tuesday, August 19th: 
Begin reading ROMEO and JULIET 

Wednesday, August 20th:
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET

Thursday, August 21st:
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET

Friday, August 22nd:
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET 


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Information About The Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble

Information for Inner-City Shakespeare Productions

 For the past four years, Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble has selected a high school to produce a Shakespearean play  which was performed in the spring in Los Angeles area parks. This year, our school has been selected to participate in this exciting opportunity.  You will be involved in the play selection process, which has been narrowed to either TWELFTH NIGHT or ROMEO and JULIET.  The plays are abridged versions of the Shakespeare classics and run about seventy minutes.  Ms.Bridges will direct the play, and the Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble will graciously produce -providing the scripts, the sets, and the costumes - for our production. BAFTA,  the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, will collaborate with Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble to provide working British actors to mentor and coach you in the amazing theatrical world of Shakespeare.  

The fall semester will be involved in the reading and selection of the play, and in the acting and speech preparation, script analysis and character development for the rehearsal and performance of the play in the spring.  Inner-city Shakespeare Ensemble will be involved in the casting of the play. Rehearsals will start later this year, and continue through the spring. Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble will rehearse with us on Wednesdays after school, and on Saturday mornings starting in January. There will be performances in the Hollywood High School auditorium during the last week of April, followed by three Saturday afternoon performances in area parks, culminating in a performance at the Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles. 

The preparatory work will take place during fifth period, and when the fall production closes, during fifth and sixth period, and after school.  In January, the rehearsal pace will quicken and rehearsals will be held during 5th and 6th period and after school until 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings with the Inner-City Shakespeare Ensemble. 

This will be a fun, exciting, and rewarding experience for us artistically, intellectually, emotionally and professionally. I want to encourage all of you to participate in this great and unique opportunity. 

Kate Bridges 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Acting Improvisations: Kindergarten and Trip to New York

Acting exercises:
Kindergarten Class:
Drama Teacher's Survival Guide
Pages 28 - 30
Character and Objective:
Teacher: to have students sit quietly and listen to a story
Student A: to have teacher notice what a polite child he or she is
Student B: to get the teacher to allow him or her to go to the bathroom
Student C: to listen to the story
Student D: to be helpful to the teacher
Student E: to play with a toy in his/her pocket
Student F: to get close to and get the attention of Student A
Student G: to get Student E in trouble without getting in trouble him/herself.
Student H: To get Student C to look at him or her
Student I: To give a piece of candy to Student D to make D like her or him.
Student J: To get a piece of candy from Student I
Student K: To get Students F and H to look at a picture of her/his puppy.

Take the students aside and tell them their objectives.

Have one student play the principal who comes in to check up on the teacher. All the kids are terrified of the principal and do not want to get sent to the office.  The teacher may send a disruptive student out with the principal. If the teacher does so, then the student must leave the scene.

After the improv, ask the actors the following questions:
Were the actors playing children able to draw on their own experiences to help them in the scene?
Did the actors actually feel the experience of being a child in a kindergarten class?
Did the actor playing the teacher feel any genuine emotion in the scene? What were they?
What was each actor's objective? 

Trip to New York:
Drama Teacher's Survival Guide
Pages 30 - 31

Set up chairs to suggest a bus, with a table for the ticket seller in a corner. Choose twelve students who will each play a character with an objective the director will give them. They are not to divulge their objectives before the improv. 

Character and Objective:
1. Teenage girl who is going to meet her boyfriend whom her parents do not like.
2. A guy who's pretending to be a cool, rich guy.
3. A nervous woman who is going to meet her online boyfriend for the first time. 
4. A middle-aged person who is going to be a stage actor in New York.
5. An old person who is going to visit her grandchildren
6. A person who is trying to convince everyone the end of the world is near.
7. A young woman who is about to be deployed to Iraq to fight.
8. A young man who is upset that he didn't get the job he applied for. 
9. A nervous person who is trying to skip town before he/she gets arrested. 
10. An undercover agent who is following a suspect to arrest
11. An eight year old child who is waiting for her mother who never arrives. 
12. A young person enrolling in NYU for her freshman year of college.

A ticket-seller, the bus driver and a security guard are also in the scene. 

The scene opens with the ticket-seller, the security guard, the bus driver and the 8 year old child already on stage. 

The actors must follow their objectives truthfully, without stereotypes. The scene ends when the director ends it; the actors cannot force an early conclusion, such as a bomb exploding or the bus driver dying. 

After the scene, the audience shares what they observed about the actors' characters and motives. 
Ask the actors the same questions that the kindergarten actors answered. 

"This is a Duck":

This exercise teaches timing and concentration.

A student In a circle passes an object to the person to her left,  and says, "This is a duck." The second student asks, "A what?" The first student replies, "A duck!" The second student asks again, "A what?" First student, "A duck!" The second student replies with,  "Oh, a duck!"  And then the second student turns to the next student to her left and repeats it until it goes around the circle.
Then another one syllable object is added and goes around the circle along with the original object. More objects are added and go around with the other objects.

"Yes, May I?"

This exercise teaches timing, concentration or focus, and cooperation. 

Students stand in a circle. A student makes eye contact with another student on the opposite side of the circle and asks, "May I?" The second student replies, "Yes!" And then immediately turns to another student and asks, "May I?" The second student does not move until the third student says, "Yes!" When she receives permission she moves to the third person's position. The second student must leave before the first person arrives to take her place. 

To make it more difficult, the students do not say, "May I?' but make the request nonverbally, with eye contact and pointing only. If the student moves without getting permission first, or is still standing in her position when another student arrives to take her place, then the student must go into the "moshpit of shame"! 

Living Statues
"Telling a Story by Tableaux" 
This teaches concentration, cooperation, creating a story through the physical

Black out - audience's eyes closed
Lights up - audience's eyes open
Telling a story by tableaux
The students break into groups of three to create a story by using three connected tableaux. Each tableau, or frozen scene, should tell a story or a situation. All three actors do not have to be in every "scene" or tableau.  Each tableau or scene should be connected to the previous tableau/scene and the third and final tableau/scene should be the climax or brings the story to a close. The final tableau/scene can be funny, ironic or sad. 
Actors create a story with 3 tableaux:
One actor says, "Blackout!" and the audience closes eyes
The actors assume the first tableau
The actor says,"Lights up!"
Audience sees the first tableau
The actor says, "Blackout!" and the audience closes eyes
The actors assume the second tableau
The Actor says, "Lights up!" and the audience opens eyes.

“I am, I feel, I want!”
Students stand in a circle. Someone steps into the circle and says, “I am_______”, accompanied with a gesture, which everyone mimics while saying the last word of the phrase, “I am ­­­­­­ ________!” The student then says, “I feel_______!” accompanied by a gesture, which everyone mimics while saying the last word of the phrase, “I feel________!” The student then says, “I want________!” accompanied by a gesture, which everyone mimics while saying the last word of the phrase, “I want_________!”

Second part of this exercise:
The actor walks onto the stage and says, “I am_______! I feel_________! I want_________! “ The audience writes down two adjectives describing you and two adverbs describing how you walked on to the stage, how you spoke or how you acted: for example, “She walked on to the stage quickly.”

The audience then shares their impression of you.

Redo: For those who are not satisfied with the audience’s impression of them, they may incorporate the adjustments and redo their “I am, I want, I need.”

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12, 2014 - May 16, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, May 12th:
Break into groups of seven
Choose acting teacher or acting philosophy to research and present to class

Tuesday, May 13th:
Begin research:
Each person in group is responsible for turning in one notecard per day
Begin research on the biography of the person or the history of the philosophy
Pass out the research material
You may write on the research material; it is yours to  keep
Read, annotate, highlight important facts on the research material
Share your information with other members of the group
Each person will choose one important fact to write as a note card to turn in for a grade.

Wednesday, May 14th:
Continue work from yesterday on the biography of the person or the history of the philosophy
Read, annotate, highlight important facts on the research material
Share your information with other members of the group
Each person will choose one important fact to write as a note card to turn in for a grade.

Thursday, May 15th:
Continue work from yesterday on the biography of the person or the history of the philosophy
Read, annotate, highlight important facts on the research material
Share your information with other members of the group
Each person will choose one important fact to write as a note card to turn in for a grade.

Friday, May 16th:
Continue work from yesterday on the biography of the person or the history of the philosophy
Read, annotate, highlight important facts on the research material
Share your information with other members of the group
Each person will choose one important fact to write as a note card to turn in for a grade.

Monday, May 05, 2014

May 5, 2014 - May 9, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Monday, May 5th:
6th Period:
Run-through of Biloxi Blues

3:30 - 5:30:
Run-through of:
The House of Bernarda Alba
Work on selected scenes for Biloxi Blues

Tuesday, May 6th:
6th Period:
Run-though of:
The House of Bernarda Alba

3:30 - 5:30:
Run-through of:
Biloxi Blues
The House of Bernarda Alba

Wednesday, May 7th:
6th Period:
Dress Rehearsal!
Run-through of plays

7th Period:
Dress Rehearsal!

3:30 - 5:30:

Thursday, May 8th:
Write a one page reflection of your performance
This will be due on Friday

Friday, May 9th:
Theatre games!
Work on scenes with understudies in preparation for Thursday Theatre performance

May 12, 2014 - May 16, 2014 Agenda for Acting Class

Monday, May 12th:
Break into seven groups of seven
Choose an acting teacher or theatre philosophy

Tuesday, May 13th:
This week each group will do the following each day:
Break into your group to begin research on your acting teacher or theatre philosophy
Two members of your group will do biography or history
Two members of  your group will do acting theories of the teacher or the theatre philosophy
Two members of your group will find two examples of acting exercises of the teacher or conventions of the theatre philosophy
One member of your group will find a representative scene
Each pair in your group will share your research with the other members of your group

Wednesday, May 14th:
At the end of the period each member of the group should have two pieces of evidence to share with the other members.
After sharing each member will turn in the evidence for a grade.

Thursday, May 15th:
At the end of the period, each member of the group should have two pieces of evidence to share with the other members.
After sharing, each member will turn in the evidence for a grade.

Friday, May 16th:
At the end of the period, each member of the group should have two pieces of evidence to share with the other members.
After sharing, each member will turn in the evidence for a grade.

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 28, 2014 - May 2, 2014 Weekly Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, April 28th:
Special schedule. No 6th period today.

Tuesday, April 29th:
Rehearse with:
Biloxi Blues
Work through of Scenes 2, 4 and 5

Wednesday, May 30th:
Special schedule. No 6th period today.

Thursday, May 1st:
Rehearse with:
The House of Bernarda Alba 
Work on problematic scenes

Friday, May 2nd:
Regular schedule
Rehearse with:
Work on problematic scenes

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 21, 2014 - April 25, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, April 21st:
Rehearse with
Biloxi Blues
Run-through of Scenes 1, 2, 3, and 4

Run-through of  The House of Bernarda Alba, and Fools with student directors in cafeteria

Tuesday, April 22nd:
Special schedule. No 6th Period today.

Wednesday, April 23rd:
Rehearse with
Biloxi Blues
Run-through of  Scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Run-through of The House of Bernarda Alba and Fools with student directors in cafeteria.

Thursday, April 24th:
Special schedule. No 6th Period today.

Friday, April 25th:
Work on Scene 2, the Barracks/Bet Scene; Scene 5, the final scene with Daisy; and Scene 6, the ending

Spot Check on: The House of Bernarda Alba and Fools

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 7, 2014 - April 11, 2014

Monday, April 7th:
Rehearse with Biloxi Blues: 4th Scene with Eddie and Carlos
Student directors work with their scenes:
Jennifer with The House of Bernarda Alba 
Summer with Fools

Tuesday, April 8th:
Rehearse with Biloxi Blues: 4th Scene with Eddie and Carlos
Student directors work with their scenes:
Jennifer work on the second act of The House of Bernarda Alba
Summer work on the second act of Fools

Wednesday, April 9th:
Ms Bridges will not be here today; pulled out for WASC English Meeting.
Everyone rehearse their scenes!

Thursday, April 10th:
Continue working on 4th scene with Eddie and Carlos on Biloxi Blues
Student directors work with their scenes:
Jennifer work on the third act of The House of Bernarda Alba
Summer work on the third act of Fools

Friday, April 11th:
Minimum Day!
Improvs and Theatre Games!
Celebrity Taxi Cab
Mary Rose
Martha A.

Monday, March 31, 2014

April 1, 2014 - April 4, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Tuesday, April 1st:
No 6th period today

Wednesday, April 2nd:
Run-through  with Ms. Bridges of:

Complete run-through with student directors of:

Thursday, April 3rd:
Run-through with Ms. Bridges of FOOLS

Complete run-through with student directors of:

Friday, April 4th:
Run-through with Ms. Bridges of BILOXI BLUES

Complete run-through with student directors of:

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 24, 2014 - March 28, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre

The playwright of The House of Bernarda Alba 
Monday, March 24th:
Continued check on lines:
Check on the second and third scenes of THE HOUSE of BERNARDA ALBA.

Tuesday, March 25th:
Continued check on lines:
Check on first, second, and third scenes of BILOXI BLUES

Wednesday, March 26th:
Continued check on lines:
Check on second and third scenes of FOOLS

Thursday, March 27th:
Work on third scene of BILOXI BLUES

Friday, March 28th:
Work on fourth scene of BILOXI BLUES

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014 - March 21, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre


Monday, March 17th:

Tuesday, March 18th:
Work with FOOLS:

Wednesday, March 19th:

Thursday, March 20th:

Friday, March 21st:
Everyone must be off-book today.
Spot check on scenes today

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 10, 2014 - March 14, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, March 10th:
Work with FOOLS
Run the first scene of Fools

Tuesday, March 11th:
Work with FOOLS
Run the second scene of FOOLS

Wednesday, March 12th:
Work with FOOLS
Finish the second scene of FOOLS

Thursday, March 13th:
Establish the cuts to the third scene of FOOLS

Friday, March 14th:
Continue working on the third scene of FOOLS

Sunday, March 02, 2014

March 3, 2014 - March 7, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, March 3rd:
Quietly work on scenes

Tuesday, March 4th:
Shortened Day
No 6th Period

Wednesday, March 5th:
Shortened day
Finish Act 3

Work with FOOLS

Thursday, March 6th:
Work with FOOLS

Friday, March 7th:
Work with FOOLS

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 24, 2014 Introduction to Theatre

February 24, 2014 - February 28, 2014 


Monday, February 24th:
Break into groups
Rehearse scenes

Tuesday, February 25th:
Break into groups

Wednesday, February 26th:
Break into groups

Thursday, February 27th:
Break into groups

Friday, February 28th:
Break into groups


Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 17, 2014 - February 21, 2014 Intro to Theatre

Monday, February 17th:
No school today

Tuesday, February 18th:
Block schedule today
No 6th Period

Wednesday, February 19th:
Block schedule today

Thursday, February 20th:

Friday, February 21st:
Theatre Games

Sunday, February 09, 2014

February 10, 2014 - February 14, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Monday, February 10th:
Break into groups:
Work with FOOLS, Act 2

Tuesday, February 11th:
Break into groups:

Wednesday, February 12th:
Break into groups:
Continue working with THE HOUSE of BERNARDA ALBA

Thursday, February 13th:
Break into groups:

Friday, February 14th:
Field Trip!
Those who are not going, please stay in #503 and work on scenes and memorize lines.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

February 3, 2014 - February 7, 2014 Agenda for Intro to Theatre

Monday, February 3rd:

Break into groups
Work on editing of scripts

Tuesday, February 4th:

No class today

Wednesday, February 5th:

Begin reading and timing of scenes

Thursday, February 6th:

Begin blocking scenes

Friday, February 7th:

Continue blocking scenes

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 27, 2014 - January 31, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Monday, January 27th:

Divide class into casts
Work with FOOLS on cutting

Tuesday, January 28th:

Divide class into cast
Work with BILOXIE BLUES on cutting

Wednesday, January 29th:

Divide class into cast
Work with BILOXIE BLUES on cutting

Thursday, January 30th:

Divide class into cast

Friday, January 31st:

Divide class into cast
Work with new group: Kira, Tiaja, Jeryah, 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014 - January 24, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Tuesday, January 21st:
Work with FOOLS on cutting second section
Read and cut Scene 3

Continue rehearsing:

Wednesday, January 22nd:
Continue working with FOOLS on cutting second section

Continue rehearsing:

Thursday, January 23rd:
Rehearse and block second section of FOOLS

Continue rehearsing:

Friday, January 24th:
Rehearse and block second section of FOOLS

Continue rehearsing:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 13, 2014 - January 17, 2014

Monday, January 13th:

Welcome and Check in!

Tuesday, January 14th

No class today

Wednesday, January 15th:

Break into groups and rehearse the first act of your play 

Thursday, January 16th:

Break into groups and rehearse the first act of each play cutting 

Friday, January 17th:

Break into casts and rehearse the first act of each play cutting
Continue working on the THE HOUSE of BERNARDA ALBA 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Syllabus for Introduction to Theatre; January 13, 2014

Welcome to Introduction to Theatre, where you will be introduced to the world of theatre. I hope this class will be fun and educational and exciting for you.  In this class you will be introduced to the art and craft of acting, where you will learn about character development, script analysis, theatrical terms and conventions.  You will also learn about proper theatre protocol in terms of working with other actors and with the director, and appropriate behavior both as an actor and as an audience member.

In the beginning of the semester, we will continue working on the shows we were rehearsing during the fall semester: THE HOUSE of BERNARDA ALBA, BILOXI BLUES and FOOLS. We will perform these half hour cuttings on Thursday, March 6th at 3:30 and Friday, March 7th at 3:30 and 7:00 in the auditorium.  There may be a few after school rehearsals during the week of the performances, but they will be kept to a minimum. This is a major part of your grade and it is imperative that you perform in these scenes.

After the performances on March 6 and 7,  we will then move on to working on three to five character scenes to learn about creating characters:some of the things we will learn will be about the character's background, the character's history; her/his relationships with the other characters; the character's objectives or motivations. We will use acting exercises such as the "Inciting Event", where you will create a scene which occurs before the play which sets up your character's situation.  Other acting exercises will be the "Entrance Exercise" which is where you enter the room as the character, bringing in with you the character's experiences from the past day.  The "Exit Exercise" is where you exit the room as the character, going into another space, going towards another objective, or destination.  We will also borrow from the great acting masters, such as Sanford Meisner, Stella Adler, Uta Hagen, and of course, Constantin Stanislavski.

The class will start with some vocal, relaxation and/or acting exercises and some theatre games.  Then I will work with one or two groups per class session on blocking, script analysis and character development.  For each scene you do, you will create the "inciting event", the "entrance exercise" and the "exit exercise". After two or three rehearsals with me, you will then perform the scene (WHICH MUST BE MEMORIZED!)  before the class, which will be taped.  You will watch the tape and write a reflection on your work, following a format which will be provided for you.

During the final performance of the scene, you must have the scene memorized exactly the way it is written, you must perform the blocking and the direction as we rehearsed, and you must use props.

You are expected to keep a three-pronged light weight folder in which you are expected to keep all handouts, including this, and your scripts.  You will be given a copy of your script and you are expected to BRING IT EVERY DAY! If you do not, you will receive an "F" for that day; you will be loaned a copy of your script in exchange for some collateral property (cell phone, shoe, backpack). When you return the borrowed script, your property will be returned to you. If you lose your script, then you will have to copy the script out by hand.  Copies are at a premium and there is a very small quota per month to make copies.

There is NO EATING NOR DRINKING FROM CANS in class. We have had in the past a major infestation of rats and cockroaches from food left behind and sticky residue from spilled soft drinks. The custodial staff has been drastically cut and Room 503 is never swept, mopped nor cleaned, except when your teacher does it.  And it's a big room.

You will be graded on your participation.  You are expected to participate in all the acting and vocal exercises and theatre games at the beginning of the class, and in all of the assignments and rehearsals of the scenes.  When you are not rehearsing with me, then you must be in your assigned areas rehearsing with your fellow actors.  When you perform your scenes you must have your lines and blocking memorized and perform the scene to the best of your ability.  Failure to do so will result in a much lower grade and perhaps failing the class.

The class will only be as good as we all make it. Please be aware that you are working with other people and that your behavior and effort will affect them, their work and their grade.  Furthermore, it is imperative that we create an atmosphere of respect - respect for our fellow students, respect for the director, and respect for ourselves.  Please show respect by refraining from rude comments or actions, or talking or texting during class.  Please do not text during other students' scenes.  Please remember that it is ILLEGAL and against district policy to record another student during school. Students can only do their best work when they feel safe and valued, so please give positive support during students' performances.

The grading scale is as follows:

90% - 100% = A
80% -   89% = B
70% -   79% = C
60% -   69% = D
Below 60%  = Fail

Participation: 30%
Scene Work: 40%
Group Work: 30%

I look forward to working with you and helping you grow as a young adult, a student and as an artist.


I have read and I understand the requirements of the class:

Parent or Guardian:
I have read and I understand the requirements of the class: