Monday, May 05, 2014

May 5, 2014 - May 9, 2014 Agenda for Introduction to Theatre

Monday, May 5th:
6th Period:
Run-through of Biloxi Blues

3:30 - 5:30:
Run-through of:
The House of Bernarda Alba
Work on selected scenes for Biloxi Blues

Tuesday, May 6th:
6th Period:
Run-though of:
The House of Bernarda Alba

3:30 - 5:30:
Run-through of:
Biloxi Blues
The House of Bernarda Alba

Wednesday, May 7th:
6th Period:
Dress Rehearsal!
Run-through of plays

7th Period:
Dress Rehearsal!

3:30 - 5:30:

Thursday, May 8th:
Write a one page reflection of your performance
This will be due on Friday

Friday, May 9th:
Theatre games!
Work on scenes with understudies in preparation for Thursday Theatre performance

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