Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is the last post for the Advanced Acting Class for 2006 - yipppeee!

Monday, December 18th:

Today I will work with Josef and Byron.

Alexis and Vanessa will view their scene and write a reflection on their work.

I will work with those of you who wish to present a monologue as an audition for A CHORUS LINE.

Tuesday, December 19th:

Final exam. All of those who have not presented will do so today. You will then watch the tape of your work and write a reflection. At the end of the period you will present your journals for the last scene.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

DECEMBER 11, 2006

Monday, December 11th:

Today, Kitani and Cristina will perform THE GINGERBREAD LADY. The class will critique the scene and then Cristina and Kitani will view the tape of their performances and write a self-reflection on their work.

Remember: Your journals and scrapbooks are due on the day of your performance!

Today I will rehearse with Vanessa and Alexis on “Jumpers”.

Tuesday, December 12th:

Today for the first ten minutes of class you will work on your journals.

Today I will rehearse with:

Mariela and Bryan

The second half of the period, Vanessa and Alexis will present their scene, “Jumpers”, which be taped and the class will critique. Vanessa and Alexis will then view the tape and write a reflection on their work.

Remember: Your journals and scrapbooks are due on the day of your performance!

Wednesday, December 13th:

For the first ten minutes of class please work on your journals.

Today I will rehearse with:

Mariela and Bryan

Monique and Jennifer

Thursday, December 14th:

For the first ten minutes of class please work on your journals.

During the first half hour of class I will work with Monique and Jennifer on their scene.


Mariela and Bryan will present their scene, which will be critiqued by the class and taped. Then, Mariela and Bryan will view the tape and write a reflection about their work.

Friday, December 15th:

The first ten minutes of class please work on your journals.

Today, the first half hour I will work with Blanca and Samantha on their scene.

Then, the second half of the hour, Monique and Jennifer will present their scene which will be taped and the class will critique. Monique and Jennifer will then view their scene and write a self-reflection on their work.

Remember: Your journals and scrapbooks are due on the day of your performance!

On Monday, I will work with:

Blanca and Samantha



Friday, December 01, 2006

Sam Shepard


Monday, December 4th:

Journal: Person, Place and Thing!
You must also include photo and/or pictures from magazines which illustrate your character, the people, the things and the places in her/his life. You are creating a scrapbook of your character and her/his life.

Relaxation exercises
Sense memory exercises
Vocal exercises

Today TRUE WEST, starring Jerry Clemente and Kevin Magley, is up!

Tuesday, December 5th:

Journals! Remember: when you perform your scene you will present your “scrapbook” .

The entrance game with Jerry and Kevin!

I will work a little bit with Jerry and Kevin today in preparation of their performance on Wednesday, December 6th.

I will work with Kitani and Cristina on their scene today. This is a heads-up: when I work with you, I want you to present your “waiting exercise” for your character.

Wednesday, December 6th:

Journals: “Biography”.

Kitani and Cristina will play the entrance game using their characters.

Today Kevin and Jerry will present TRUE WEST. We will videotape it and then Kevin and Jerry will view the tape and write a reflection on their work. They will also turn in their scrapbook for their characters today.

I will work with Kitani and Cristina and then move on - I hope - to Vanessa and Byron.

Kitani and Cristina will present their waiting exercise for me.

Thursday, December 7th:

Journals: “A Day in the Life of:”

Today Kitani and Cristina will present their scene today which we will videotape and then our stars will view and write a reflection on their work. They will also turn in their scrapbooks for their characters.

I will work with Vanessa and Byron who will present their waiting exercise for me using their characters.

Friday, December 8th:

Journals: Go through the script and identify your objectives and beats.

Today Vanessa and Byron will do their entrance game for the class and then I will work with them in preparation for their performance on Tuesday, December 12th.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lee Strasberg

Monday, November 27th:

Today I will work with the last two scenes of “The Hostage” and “Junior Miss” .

Everyone else must have a scene and a scene partner. Today I will pass around a paper which you will write your name, your scene partner’s name and the title of the scene you are doing.

Tuesday, November 28th:

Today Blanca and Mariela in JUNIOR MISS and Alexis and Josef in THE HOSTAGE will present their scenes.

Remember: Your grade will be lowered by one letter if you do not turn in your journals.

We will tape the scenes and then the actors will review and write a reflective journal on their work.

Wednesday, November 29th:

Today we will do some theatre games and then I will work with Jerry Clemente and Kevin Magley on TRUE WEST. They will perform their scene on Tuesday, December 5th.

Thursday, November 30th:

Today some relaxation exercises, vocal, sense and memory exercises.

Today I will work with Kitani and Christina on their second scene.

Friday, December 1st:

Journals: “Person, Place and Thing”.

I will work with Vanessa Gray and Samantha today on their scene.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Monday, November 20th:

I will not be with you today. I WILL be on campus but I won’t be able to be in class with you. So that means you will have a sub and I want you all to be on your very best behavior (which I’m sure you will be anyway, because you are all so smart and mature).

Everyone MUST have a scene and a scene partner today! If your scene partner is not here, then please stay inside, memorize your lines and/or work on “Person, Place, or Thing” journals.

Tuesday, November 21st:

Today we will see Jennifer and Byron’s scene, and Joseph and Monique’s scene, which we will videotape, and critique.

I will then work on Blanca and Mariela’s scene which will be presented on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 22nd:

Today we will see Blanca and Mariela’s scene! Then the actors who presented this week will view the tape and write a reflective journal on their work.

I will work with Joseph and Alex today on their scene. They will present their scene on Tuesday, November 28th.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Check out this link:
November 13th Weekly Schedule
Advanced Acting

Monday, November 13th:

Relaxation exercises
Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

The waiting game!

Today SUBURBAN MOTEL will be taped. Vanessa and Samantha will then view the scene and write their reflection on their work.

Today “The Actors” is up!

If you have already performed your scene, then you must find a second scene to do by Tuesday, November 14th.

Tuesday, November 14th:

Shortened day!

The waiting game!

Today I will work with “The Actors”.

Wednesday, November 15th:

Relaxation exercises
Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

The waiting game!

Today I will work with Jennifer and Byron.

Thursday, November 16th:

Today is the dress rehearsal for MOTHER COURAGE. You are all strongly encouraged to see and usher for the show. If you do, you will receive extra credit for the class.

I will work with Jennifer and Byron.

Friday, November 17th:

Today, “The Actors” are up. Their scene will be taped and the class will write a short critique on the performance.

Theatre games.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Check out this link: Stella Adler

The above link is for Joseph and Monique!

Monday, November 6th:

Today we will see SUBURBAN MOTEL perform. The scene will be videotaped and the class will critique and turn in their critiques for credit.

LONE STAR and AGNES OF GOD will also be videotaped but without an audience. The other actors will rehearse their scenes outside.

The actors will then watch the videotape of their performance and write a reflective journal on their work.

Tuesday, November 7th:

If you have performed your scene then you must find a new scene to do.
And yes, you have to do the journals for your new scene - you haven’t won your “Tony” or your “Oscar” yet. The journals are: “The Person, Place and Thing”, “A Day in the Life of....” and the “Biography”. When you present your scene you must present your journals and no, half a page of crumpled, scrawled writing is not going to get you anything higher than a “D”.

Today we will continue to do the “Waiting” exercise where - according to Uta Hagen - no one ever just waits. Remember the history, the given circumstances, the objectives while you “wait”.

Voice and sense and memory know the routine.

Today, THE ACTORS are up!

Wednesday, November 8th:

Same as Tuesday but maybe some theatre games thrown in!

Today I will work with THE ACTORS.

Thursday, November 9th:

THE ACTORS will perform their scene today. Their scene will be videotaped and the other actors will critique the performace and turn in the critiques for credit. After their performance, the actors will watch the videotape of their work and write a self-reflective journal on how they felt they did.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, October 30th:

Check out these great new links!

Uta Hagen
Uta Hagen biography


Monday, October 30th:

Vocal exercises
Relaxation exercises


Tuesday, October 31st:

Today AGNES OF GOD will present their scene. The class will critique the scene and then turn in the critique for a grade.

You must turn in your “Person, Place and Thing” journal, your “A Day in the Life of....” journal and your character’s “Biography” at the time of your presentation.

As soon as you perform your scene, please find another scene to start working on.

Wednesday, November 1st:

Vocal exercises
Sense memory exercises
Emotion memory exercises

Entrance game using your character.

Today I will work with SUBURBAN MOTEL.

Thursday, November 2nd:

Vocal exercises
Sense memory xercises
Emotion memory exercises


Today I will work with the group presenting THE ACTORS.

Friday, November 3rd:

Today SUBURBAN MOTEL will present.

Check out this cool link: BackstageWest

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23rd Weekly Schedule
Acting Class

Monday, October 23rd:

I will be at a meeting with Mr. Itkin and Mr. Auriemmo regarding the fall production of MOTHER COURAGE and HER CHILDREN so today you will work on your “Person, Place and Thing” journal, learn your lines and work with your scene partner.

Tuesday, October 24th:

Work on your character’s bio, “A Day in the Life of....”

Vocal exercises, sense memory exercises and emotion memory exercises.....

The entrance game using your character.

Today I will work with AGNES OF GOD.

Wednesday, October 25th:

Work on your character’s bio, “A Day in the Life of....”

Today we will watch a short video of Uta Hagen working with her students on “destination.”

I will work with SUBURBAN MOTEL.

Thursday, October 26th:

Work on the life history of your character, starting from birth.....”
I will give you some questions to get you started.

Vocal exercises, sense memory know the rest.

More entrance games using your characters.

Today I will continue working with SUBURBAN MOTEL.

Friday, October 27th:

Today we will see Kevin and Jerry performing LONE STAR. When you present your scene you must also present your journals to me for grading. The journals include all of your “Person, Place and Thing”, “A Day in the Life of ....” and your character’s life bio. On Tuesday, AGNES OF GOD will present.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

October 9th
Weekly Schedule
for Intermediate and Advanced Acting

Monday, October 9th:

Today everyone must find a scene and a scene partner.

Vocal exercises.
Sense memory exercises.

Read your scenes together.

Tuesday, October 10th:

Vocal, physical, sense, and emotion memory exercises.

Mirror exercises. Shadow exercises.

Work with a group today. Remember: volunteers get a boost in their grades!

Wednesday, October 11th:


Journal: Person, Place or Thing.

This is very important and goes into your notebook which I will read and grade.
This assignment is to go through the script and for every reference to every person, place or thing you are to write a “stream of consciousness” story about that person, place or thing.

Then I will work with another group. The rest of the class will observe the first few rehearsals.

Thursday, October 12th:


Continue working on your “Person, Place or Thing” journal. This will take you a while to complete. Please do not blow this assignment off. It is a major grade and it will help you memorize your lines!

I will work with another group while the rest of the class observes.

Friday, October 13th:

I will not be here today, nor on Monday so you will watch a video of an acting class by the great actress/teacher Uta Hagen. Please watch and take notes. She is brilliant!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Monday, October 2nd:

Relaxation and vocal exercises
Sense and emotion memory exercises

Presentation of written monologues:

Today the following actors will present:

Alex Rios
Jerry Clemente
Cristina Vargas

Tuesday, October 3rd:

Today the following actors will present:

Mariela Araiza
Monique Mejia
Kevin Magley

Wednesday, October 4th:

Today the following actors will present:

Vanessa Gray
Blanca Juarez
Irys Watson

Thursday, October 5th:

Byron Gonzalez
Jennifer Gonzalez

Friday, October 6th:

Anyone who has not gone will present today.

Theatre Games!

As soon as you have finished your presentation, then start looking for a scene and a scene partner!

Friday, September 22, 2006

September 25th, 2006 Agenda
Advanced Acting

Monday, September 25th,

Today more vocal exercises! Whoopee!
Relaxation exercises
Sense Memory and Emotion Memory exercises

As you are writing your monologue, please consider:

Look at your character’s photo.
What do “you” see when you look around in the photo?
What do “you “ hear in your environment?
What is the air like? Is it cool or warm? Is there a pleasing aroma? Or not.

Also consider:

Why are “you” there at the moment? What were the circumstances that
brought you there?
What were you doing the last ten minutes?
Who else is there in your environment?
How do you feel about the character in your environment?
What is your relationship with that person?
What is the central conflict of your life?
Tell us a story that shows this conflict. Be specific! If you are speaking of
some sort of abuse, don’t just say,”Yeah, he hurt me a lot.” Give a
specific story that illustrates the situation.

We will continue developing our monologues. This means you will get up as your character and present to us what you have developed so far. The only expectation at this point is that you have thought about this and worked on it. I do not expect perfection nor do I expect a finished product at this point. I just want to see thought and effort. The only failure that is possible with this assignment is not to do it at all, or to do it with little or no effort or thought.

Tuesday, September 26th:

Shortened day!

We need a break! THEATRE GAMES!

Wednesday, September 27th:

Vocal exercises!
Emotional and Sense Memory Exercises!

More work on developing our monologues. Remember, your grade gets a little bump if you volunteer!

Thursday, September 28th:

Today is a minimum day, which means that we will be getting out at 12:39 for “Open House”. We probably won’t meet today. I know you’re disappointed but I know you are looking forward to taking your parents to “Open House” so that I can tell them ALL ABOUT YOU! ;-)

Friday, September 29th:

We will finish up with the final developmental stage of your monologues and on Monday, we will begin presenting them. And yes, they must be memorized.

Advanced Acting

Advanced Acting

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 18th Weekly Schedule
Intermediate and Advanced Acting Class

Monday, September 18th:

Vocal Warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Presentation of your work in progress.

You will show your photo of the character you chose.
Then, you will share your:
Background of the character
Setting surrounding the character
Situation of the character

Tuesday, September 19th:

Today is a shortened day!

Vocal Warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Continue with your presentations of your works in progress.

Wednesday, September 20th:

Finish up with presentations.

Sense and memory exercises using your character.

Begin writing your scene.

Thursday, September 21st:

Vocal warm-ups
Sense and Emotion Memory Exercises

Watch Uta Hagen DVD on “Destination”

Friday, September 22nd:

Work with individual actors on their scenes.

Friday, September 08, 2006

September 11, 2006
Weekly Agendas
for Acting Class

Monday, September 11th:

Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

Observation Assignments

Tuesday, September 12th:

Today is not a shortened day!

Theatre games:

Triad Statues
Sound, Movement Triads

Wednesday, September 13th:

Vocal exercises
Sense and memory exercises

Creating a character from a picture.

Thursday, September 14th:

Sense and memory exercises

Creating the character

Friday, September 15th;

Objective assignment (Sandy Meisner)

Continuing working on “Creating a Character”

Monday, September 04, 2006

Weekly Schedule
for Acting
September 4th:

Tuesday, September 5th:

Warm-ups! Relaxation exercises; sense memory, etc.
Vocal exercises.
Theatre Games!

The exit game!

Assignment: Choose someone who you know and see on a regular basis. No names, please, and no judgments! You are going to “become” that person for one to two minutes. For one to two minutes you are going to move through the world as that person, see the world through that person’s eyes, hear the world through that person’s ears, etc. I want you to really look at the world as that person would. I don’t care who that person is - as long as it’s not me - and I want you to consider how that person became who he or she is and what it is like being in the “skin” of that person.

I want you to write down the person’s age, gender, ethnicity, probable occupation, position in society, educational level, level of comfort with herself/himself, extrovert/introvert, any physical disabilities or health issues.

For one to two minutes you will be that person, performing a task or involved in a situation.

Remember, no judgments! Just be!

Wednesday, September 6th:

Warm-ups! Relaxations; sense memory.
Vocal exercies.
Theatre Games!

We will do some exercises on developing your observational character.

Thursday, September 7th:

See above.

We will begin our observational assignments.

Friday, September 8th:

See above. Continue with assignments.

Theatre Games!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 5, 2006 Weekly Schedule for Advanced Acting

Because absenteeism has become such a problem for the Advanced Acting Class and is affecting the progress of the scenes, we are forced to institute the following policy:

You must present an excuse from your doctor, your employer and/or
your parent/guardian every time you are absent. For every unexcused
absence your grade will be dropped one letter grade.

Monday, June 5th:

Continue working on “Person, Place and Things”, “Objectives” and “A Day in the Life”.

Today Waiting for Godot is up to bat!

If a scheduled scene is unable to rehearse, then I will move on to the next available scene or scenes. Please be advised that you must bring all your scripts to class every day. Failure to do so will result in a lowered grade. Sorry, but it’s time to get hard core with this if we are going to do these scenes.

Tuesday, June 6th:

Continue working on “Person, Place and Things”, “Objectives” and “A Day in the Life”.

Today A Piece of My Heart is up!

If you are not working with me on any particular day, then you should run through your scene(s) in its entirety at least once. This means you are up, on your feet doing the scene with script and pencil in hand, working with props, using sense and emotion memory, using objectives and “person, place and things”. Rehearsing is not sitting around, reading the script once and then talking.

Wednesday, June 7th:

See above.

Today Laundry and Bourbon is up!

Continue working on your scenes. If you are unable to work with your scene partners, then you should sit quietly in #503 and memorize your lines.

Thursday, June 8th:

See above.

Today Angels in America will be up!
Friday, June 9th:

Please refer to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday if you are in doubt about what you should be doing.

Today Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf is up!

Monday, May 29, 2006


Tuesday, May 30th:

Continue working on “Person, Place and Thing” and “Objectives.”

“Person, Place and Thing” and “Objectives” will be due when you present your scenes.


Wednesday, May 31st:

Continue with “Person, Place and Thing” and “Objectives”.


Thursday, June 1st:

Write about a typical day in the life of your character:

1. Describe the house your character lives in.

2. When do you get up in the morning?

3. What are your morning rituals?

4. Describe your job. Where do you work? What is your profession? What are the people like with/for whom you work?

5. What form of transportation do you use to go to work or go home?

6. Describe your family. Are you married? Do you have children? Who are your

7. What do you do in the evenings after work?

8. What do you do on the weekends? How do you socialize?

Continue working with DEATH AND THE MAIDEN.

Friday, June 2nd:

Work with the scenes that need the most work.

Please bear in mind that if a particular scene or scenes are not available to work, then I will work with which ever scene is available.

Monday, May 22, 2006

May 22, 2006
Weekly Agenda
Advanced Acting

Monday, May 22nd:

Warm-ups, vocal exercises!
Relaxation exercises
360 Sensaround

A little improv mixed with the entrance game

Work with Waiting for Godot

Tuesday, May 23rd:

Warm-ups, vocal exercises!
Relaxation exercises

For tonight’s homework: LEARN YOUR LINES!

Work with Laundry and Bourbon

Wednesday, May 24th:

Warm-up. vocal exercises!
Theatre Games

Work with A Piece of My Heart

For tonight’s homework: CONTINUE LEARNING YOUR LINES!

Thursday, May 25th:

Work on “People, Place and Things” and work on objectives.

Objectives: Go through script and play with your objectives for each line. Have a super objective (your ultimate objective), your objective for this scene, and a
play-by-play objective you have for each line or beat in the scene.

Work with Death and the Maiden

Friday, May 26th:

You need to have the scene(s) blocked and your lines memorized. You also need to show me your prop list and your costume list for your scenes. Mind you I am not going to get you the props or the costumes but I want to know that you know you need to get these things.
I will work with Dasha on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Monday, May 15, 2006

May 15, 2006
Weekly Schedule
Advanced Acting

Monday, May 15, 2006:

Warm-ups; Vocal warm-ups.

The Entrance Game with Leah and Anna.

Work with Suburban Motel.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Warm-ups; Vocal warm-ups.

The Entrance Game with Zack and Leah.

Continue working with Suburban Motel.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No 5th Period today!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

No 5th Period today!

Friday, May 19, 2006

“Person, Place and Things”; Vocal warm-ups.

Work with Angels in America



Sunday, May 07, 2006

MAY 8, 2006

Monday, May 8th:

Vocal exercises, sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

Writing Assignment: “Person, Place and Thing”: The assignment is to go through the script and personalize every person, every place and every thing your character refers to. You are going to write down a description and some personal thing about the person, place or thing that your character refers to in the script. Personalize this so it will have meaning for you!

Today we will be “waiting for Godot.”

Tuesday, May 9th:

Vocal exercises, sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

“The Destination Game” will be introduced. I will explain how to do this fun assignment on Tuesday!

I will work with the lovely ladies of A Piece of My Heart.

Wednesday, May 10th:

Vocal, sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

We will do a few “destination games” today.

Today we will do Laundry and Bourbon - well, maybe laundry and coca-cola.

Thursday, May 11th:

Vocal, sense memory and emotion memory exercises.

A few more destination games today.

Today we will be Angels in America.

Friday, May 12th:

Today we will check into Suburban Motel.

And then we will have some fun theatre games!

Next week I promise I will work on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Sunday, April 30, 2006

May 1, 2006
Acting Class

Monday, May 1, 2006:

We are going to be meeting in #503 for the rest of the semester. Today we are going to present on stage what we have done so far on our scenes. That means that each group is going to go up on stage and read with all the cast members the cut scenes and monologues in front of the rest of the class.

We will start with WAITING FOR GODOT. If we have time today, we will then proceed to LAUNDRY AND BOURBON.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006:

More of the same. Today we will finish up with LUANDRY AND BOURBON and move on to A PIECE OF MY HEART. If we have time, we will then proceed to ANGELS IN AMERICA.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006:

Today, we will finish up with ANGELS IN AMERICA and then move on to WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF.

After today, I will work with each group once or twice a week. The days I am not working with you, you are expected to be working on your scenes.

Everyone needs to be off book by Monday, May 15, 2006.

Thursday, May 4, 2006:

No class today. it’s “Open House” tonight where I get to meet your lovely parents and tell them ALL about you.

Friday, May 5, 2006:

Vocal exercises. Sense memory and emotion memory exercises. Fun theatre games!

Work on those scenes that need the most work - to be determined on Wednesday, May 3, 2006.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

April 24th Weekly Schedule
Advanced Acting

Monday, April 24th:

Vocal exercises; sense and emotional memory exercises.

Begin working on scenes. I will look at the scenes you have selected beginning with Piece of My Heart.

Tuesday, April 25th:

Vocal exercises, sense and emotional memory exercises.

Continue working on scenes. I will continue working with Raquel, De’Jong, Starkimber, Lauren, Taryn and Elizabeth on their scene.

Wednesday, April 26th:

Focusing and bonding exercises.

Work with Waiting for Godot: Fatima, Leo, Germa and Lauren.

Thursday, April 27th:

Theatre Games!

Continue working with Waiting for Godot: Fatima, Leo, Germa and Lauren.

Friday, April 28th:

Theatre Games!

Work with Angels in America: Dylan, Durrell, Sydnee and Leo.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Monday, April 10th:

Relaxation exercises; focusing exercises; vocal warm-ups; sense memory exercises.

Continue performing our final drafts of our monologues.

Tuesday, April 11th:

Shortened Day!

Finish up our final drafts today.

Wednesday, April 12th:

Begin working on short scenes.

Theatre games.

Thursday, April 13th:

Relaxation exercises; focusing exercises; vocal warm-ups; sense memory exercises.

Continue working on short scenes.

Friday, April 14th:

Journal: Describe the physical environment that your scene takes place.

Work on the scenes.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

April 3rd Weekly Schedule
Advanced Acting

Monday, April 3rd:

Vocal warm-ups; relaxation; focusing, sense memory exercises

Finish up rough drafts of characters.

Finish up the entrance game.

Tuesday, April 4th:

Shortened day!

Quick vocal warm-ups; movement studies; sense memory exercises; visualization.

Begin the works-in-progress today.

When you are finished presenting your work-in-progress, please select a scene you would like to do.

Wednesday, April 5th:

Quick vocal warm-ups; movement studies; sense memory exercises; visualization.

Finish up the works-in-progress.

Thursday, April 6th:

Theatre games.

Choose scenes to work on.

Friday, April 7th:

Begin work on scenes.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Monday, March 27th:

Vocal exercises
Sense memory exercises

Continue sharing rough drafts of monologues.

Exercise: Imagine you are the character and walk around in “his/her” shoes. Create and inhabit the physical world of the character.

For homework: Looking at the photo of your character, imagine the daily life of the character. What does the character do during the day for a job? How does she/he feel about it? Describe the typical day in the life of the character.

If you have presented your rough draft, then begin working on the final draft.

Tuesday, March 28th:

Vocal exercises
Sense memory exercises

Continue sharing rough drafts of monologues.

Exercise: The entrance game. Your character is coming in through the door (coming into life on stage) from outside. Where has the character been, what has the character been doing and how has it affected her/him?

For homework: Again, looking at the photo of the character, imagine the character’s home life. Is s/he married or single? if married, describe the spouse and the relationship the character has with his/her spouse. If single, does the character have a significant other? Describe the character’s social life.

If you have presented your rough draft, then begin working on the final draft.

Wednesday, March 29th:

Vocal exercises
Sense memory exercises

Finish sharing rough drafts of monologues.

Exercise: The exit game. Your character is leaving the room (going back into her/his life away from the eyes of the audience). Where is the character going? Describe the character's physical, emotional and mental states as s/he is leaving.

For homework: Describe the relationship the character has with the other characters in the photo - if there are any. What are the major desires and concerns of the character. Describe the physical environment the character is in and how does it affect the character.

If you have presented your rough draft, then begin working on the final draft.

Thursday, March 30th:

Vocal exercises

Theatre games.

Work on polishing your final draft of the monologue. We will begin presenting tomorrow.

Friday, March 31st:

Vocal exercises

Begin presenting your monologues.